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Mass relationships in chemical reactions


The goal of this experiment is to present that a response doesn’t have always 100% yield by responding NaHCO3 and HCl and determining the amount of the products to calculate actual yield.


A reaction will be quantitative if one of the reactants is very consumed. In this experiment salt bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid solution start a effect. The mixture of this effect is under.

NaHCO3 + HCl “>NaCl + H2O + LASER


Through this experiment, salt bicarbonate can be put in a great evaporating dish and some amount of HCl is added in the dish and the response started.

Pockets are formed and LASER gas is produced and the reaction started to make sound. There was likewise water water vapor formed. Light NaHCO3 started to turn into a clear liquid following adding HCl. As the response takes place drinking water is did start to form. NaCl was mixed in drinking water, so saline water is heated to get NaCl. As the liquid is heated up it changed into a yellowish color for a few seconds.

Then it began bubbling and water vapor is formed.

Uncooked Data:

Trial #

Mass of Dish+NaHCO3+Lid

+- 0. 1 (g)

Mass of NaCl+Water+Dish+Lid

+- 0. you (g)

Mass of NaCl+Dish+Lid

+- zero. 1 (g)


sixty four. 14 g.

72. of sixteen g.

63. 28 g.


sixty five. 14 g.

72. 96 g.

63. 91g.

Mass of Evaporating Dish & Lid: 62. 14 +-0. 1 g

Processed Info:

Trial #1

64. 14 ” sixty two. 14 sama dengan 2 g NaHCO3

72. 16 ” 62. 14 = twelve. 02 g NaCl + H2O

63. 28 ” 62. 13 = 1 . 14 g NaCl

Trial # a couple of

65. 13 ” 62. 14 sama dengan 3 g NaHCO3

seventy two. 95 ” 62. 16 = 15. 81 g NaCl + H2O

63. 91 ” 62. 18 = 2 . 07 g NaCl

Trial #

Mass of NaHCO3 (g)

Mass of NaCl + INGESTING WATER (g)

Mass of NaCl (g)

one particular

2 g

10. 02 g

1 . 14 g


several g

12. 81 g

1 . 77g


Na: 14. 01 g/mol, They would: 1 . 01 g/mol, Craigslist: 35. 45 g/mol, O: 16 g/mol, C: doze. 01 g/mol

NaCl= forty-nine. 46 g/mol

H2O= 18. 02 g/mol

NaHCO3: 75. 03 g/mol

Mole number of NaHCO3 sama dengan mole quantity of NaCl

Trial #1

two / 73. 03 = 0. 0274 mol NaHCO3

1 . 14 / forty-nine. 46 = 0. 0230 mol NaCl

Theoretical Produce: 0. 0274 mol NaCl

Percent Deliver: 0. 0230 / 0. 0274 = 0. 8394 x 75 = 83. 94%

Trial #2

3 / 73. 03 = 0. 0411 mol NaHCO3

1 . 77 / forty-nine. 46 = 0. 0358 mol NaCl

Theoretical Deliver: 0. 0411 mol NaCl

Percent Yield: 0. 0358 / zero. 0411 = 0. 8710 x 100 = 87. 10%

Bottom line

The the desired info is 83. 94% for trial #1 and 87. 10% for trial #2. Trial #2 is far more accurate. The accepted benefit is 100%. The percentage mistakes are 18. 06% to get trial #1 and doze. 90% to get trial #2. The questions are too up-and-coming small to calculate for the results. Random errors provided in this research. All the mistakes were made by human beings. Right now there weren’t any errors because of a downside of a machine or the treatment.


When ever salty drinking water is warmed on the initial trial, the substance started to spill about, because the material is heated up with excessive amount of heat and quicker than it ought to be. As a result, some of the NaCl which stuck for the lid and spilled around was shed, so the consequence of the 1st experiment is usually not appropriate. Other reasons that changed the results can be all NaHCO3 may not be blended. Too much HCl may be added on the dish. There may be even now water substances left around the salt after heating. To get additional accurate outcomes, the test should be done slower than this experiment. Especially the heating process should be done gradually, so the evaporation can be noticed more cautiously.


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