The Galen Student Portal is the gateway to student’s educationally related information. It is a database filled with the financial, academic, personal aspects of studying in an institution. This webpage was created to make your time at a college a breeze. In order to take advantage of this mega useful source, you must log in. Just go to the portal’s home page and type in your username and password.
On the portal you can find the following information:
- Attendance records
- Class schedule
- Grades
- Recent college news
- Faculty directory
- Financial aid details
- Housing
- Your calendar
- Payments
- Award letter
- And many others
Do you want to calculate your GPA? Or transfer credits from other institutions? Want to get ab unofficial estimate of financial aid? Looking for on-campus housing? Searching for a way to manage all of the educational expenses? Wondering which documents are due? Well, this powerful student webpage has all that covered.
Not only it contains educational details, but also it can help you to find a job. The website gives you the ability to search for relevant jobs with your own job search criteria. When a suitable job position is found, the portal will send you an email notification. Besides, you can create your resume and upload it into the portal. You can send that resume to potential employers.

Contacts of the Galen Student Portal

The following contact information is provided by the portal:
- The name of the educational institution – Galen College of Nursing
- Address: 1031 Zorn Ave, Louisville, KY 40207
- Contact Number: (877) 223-7040
- College website:
- Portal website:…
- Facebook:…
- Twitter:…
- LinkedIn:…
- YouTube:

About Galen Student Portal
The portal is very easy to navigate and has marvelous design. The navigation system consists of headers, tiles and a navigation bar on the left. From the headers, you can get redirected to the home page, holds, appointments, and alerts. Under the headers, you will spot the website tiles. There are such tiles – My Calendar, News Center, Nursing Jobs, Document Center, Message Center, Advisors, and others. The tiles can be changed and rearranged.
The bar on the left-hand side of the website is very useful because from it you can jump to any relevant information that you are looking for. It contains the following website sections:
- Campus Info
- Academics
- My Profile
- My Finances
- My Financial Aid
- My Career
- My Documents
- Student Services
- Calendar
- Canvas
If you are not sure under which one the needed information is located, click on it and a list will pop out. For example, under the Academics tab, you’ll find Online Registration, View Attendance, Grades & Transcript, Your Class Schedule, GPA Calculator, View Grades, Library, My Course Absences, Readmission Request. So, as you see, the portal’s creator has done everything for your convenience.
Besides, the portal has a mobile-friendly version. This means that when you log in to the portal from your phone, you will be able to access the same information and use the portal to its fullest capacity. Also, this powerful tool is constantly being upgraded and renewed to meet all your needs.
If it happened that you have difficulties using the portal, click on the Help tab and read detailed instructions on how to use it and fast and without any difficulties find the information that you need.
Program Description of Galen College of Nursing
GCN is an educational institution that offers a 3-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing, an Associate Degree in Nursing, LPN/LVN to ADN Bridge, an online RN to BSN, Practical/Vocation Nursing, online MSN, Nurse Educator Track.
You can choose to get prepared for a lifelong career in nursing. It doesn’t matter whether you are new to college-level education, or already have earned a degree or went through some courses. There is a possibility to get prepared for working as a nurse for 36, 24, or even fewer months.
About Galen College of Nursing
Galen College of Nursing has been providing exceptional education since 1989. More than 20 000 students have begun their nursing careers in the walls of this educational establishment. It is one of the best nursing private colleges, that is constantly being changed and striving to become better. It was established to offer excellence in nursing education.
This educational institution is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The main campus is situated in Kentucky and all others in Florida, Ohio, Texas. Each campus has its own programmatic accreditation.
Nurses are the main workforce in the healthcare industry. Nowadays, the number of them is constantly growing. If you are wondering whether a nursing degree is a right path for you, check out the college website, and familiarize yourself with all the perks of being a nurse.
The college does everything for their students to succeed by providing the needed resources. It offers such student services – academic advising, personal counseling, student success coordinators, library and student resource center, special accommodations and career services. Personal counseling is of utmost importance. It helps students with many difficulties, both regarding their study process and life. Also, it is a plus that the college offers career services. It hosts different employer visits for their learners to advance their nursing careers. The college even helps with job interviews and resume writing.
Reviews for Galen College of Nursing
A huge amount of students that graduated or still are studying at the Galen College of Nursing say that this is the college of their dreams and that they definitely recommend it. In order to give a proper evaluation of the college as a whole, we chose to give you a review of the Tampa Bay campus, as it is impossible to fit in here all the reviews of all the campuses.
The Tampa Bay campus is a new building with modern technology, which makes the resources for students endless. The college has everything that it needs to make sure that each of them passes the NCLEX from the first try.
This educational establishment has the best professors. They are caring and always willing to help. Moreover, they are experienced and qualifies in their fields. All staff is very upfront. Everyone in the school does everything for their students to succeed. Also, students that are doing both, studying and working, say that the college supports that and that the online classes make it easier for them to earn the desired degree.
Students claim that the atmosphere is inspiring them and that the college has a great learning environment. They say that the school is very difficult, but it is worth it. The food is very tasty and diverse, but the cafeteria is open only until 2, which makes it inconvenient for the students that have classes later in the day.
The learners think that some areas of the campus need improvement and that it would have been better for them if there were more study rooms. Also, some labs were bad. Students say that if you do not have the desire to work hard to earn the proper education, it’s best for you not to go to this school.

Pros and cons of Galen College of Nursing
It is impossible to say whether an institution is completely good or bad. So to let you choose your side, here is a list of the pros and cons.
- Qualified professors
- Amazing environment
- New campus
- Tasty food
- Easy to combine work and study
- Provides with everything that you need to succeed
- Some say that clinicals are bad
- Cannot confirm test scores
- Expensive
- The nursing programs are not very cohesive
Does Galen College of Nursing have a campus?
Yes, and a couple of them. The college has the following campuses – Cincinnati Campus, Louisville Campus, Tampa Bay Campus, Hazard Campus, San Antonio Campus, and an online one. So there is a lot to choose from. To make the right choice, go to the college website, and read all the details about the campus that you are interested in. The website has plenty of great information out there.
Tuition and Fees in Galen College of Nursing
This institution consists of several campuses. Each of them has its own tuition and fees listed. If you decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in nursing, the tuition will be $380 per quarter credit hour for general education courses and $410 for nursing education courses. But, as was mentioned previously, the prices depend on the location of the campus and type of the program. Decide which one interests you the most, go to the portal, college website or contact the college directly to get all the details about tuition and fees.
The Galen student portal is a very useful and powerful source of student information which can be accessed only after you register and log in. It is the main gateway to all personal, financial and educational details as it relates to college. It is advisable for learners to get registered and use this database. If for some reason you don’t want to use this website, you’ll be missing out on a lot. Just think, isn’t it great that you have an opportunity to read necessary information without going anywhere or reaching out to no one?
Right through your laptop, while sitting at your dorm room, you can view your grades, check your schedule, search for a job, apply for financial aid, make a payment, view your calendar, submit any document that is due, check out the recent college news, and do many other things. If you are not a tech person, or just have difficulties using the portal, don’t give up and check out those great portal tutorial videos or contact the Help desk.
Take your time, look through the portal and get familiarized with it, and enjoy this powerful tool filled with your academic, personal and financial information.