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Emergency relative study of two term paper

Occurrence Command System, Warning Program, Emergency Managing, Masters Business Administration

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The physical exercises and teaching divisions use similar sections in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, a Continuity of Operations division designed to assist the national Department of Homeland Security, and your office of Domestic Preparedness and Law Enforcement Liaison work with neighborhood and national authorities to coordinate complete disaster organizing efforts. (Maryland Emergency Supervision Homepage, 06\, Official Website)

Different companies that are included, how the agencies interact with and/or apart with the EOC/What may be the responsibilities of every single person to the EOC

The federal government, which include FEMA (Federal Emergency Administration Authority), the Department of Homeland Secureness, and the state Emergency Managing offices of Delaware, Virginia, and Pa are all involved, as is the National Guard. These agencies do not have especially delineated legal responsibilities towards the state of Maryland’s EOC, other than to serve the citizens from the U. S. In the case of the us government. (Maryland Crisis Management Homepage, 2006, Official Website)

Whom activates the EOC in the time an emergency?

Ruben Droneburg 3, the company director activities and runs the efforts of the over agencies throughout a time of emergency. (Droneburg, 2006) The california’s governor has special powers during an emergency.

How the EOC responds to the emergency/disaster and coordinates the efforts of most responsible parties/Is there another warning program to notify the companies of an impending emergency/disaster?

The coordination initiatives and inspiration depend on whether or not the disaster is definitely local, express or government in nature.

What laws and regulations if virtually any, enable the EOC to behave?

MEMA’s authority derives coming from Article 13 of the Annotated Code of Maryland. This content creates MEMA and authorizes the politics subdivisions from the state to produce emergency management offices that belongs to them. Currently, there are 26 neighborhood emergency managing offices in Maryland – all twenty three counties, along with Annapolis, Baltimore and Ocean City. Article 16 also shows the Governor emergency powers – such as temporarily waiving express laws that may interfere with unexpected emergency response operations. ” (Maryland Emergency Administration Homepage, 06\, Official Website)

Does the general public or public agencies have got a system to inform the EOC of an emergency/disastrous situation, and any other details you feel is very important and that pertains to the operation of the EOC?

Like California, the state provides a hotline for all those citizens.



Florida’s great strength seems to rest in its insistence that all citizens take responsibility for having your own disaster prepare. Maryland’s great strength lies in its capability to plan their preparations with cooperative nearby states, and the neighboring authorities.


When compared to Florida, Florida’s EOC is far more isolated in the administration of neighboring point out authorities. Maryland’s reliance after other organizations that do not have a specific responsibility to the people in the state might be said to be its weakness while an EOC.


Both states stress the need for readiness for weather-related disasters that particularly cut these water-bound costal states.

Opinion on what State provides the most effective EOC

In light with the increased requirement for coordinated initiatives for urgent preparation for non-related unfortunate occurances, Maryland’s framework seems more comprehensive in its nature plus more applicable into a variety of disasters that are not weather-related, such as its coordinated actions with the near by Department of Homeland Secureness.

Opinion on what you loved or disliked about how the EOC’s work

Florida’s availability of information about the state’s evolving weather-related info, while beneficial, seems to place an excess of responsibility upon the citizens concerning disaster readiness, while Maryland’s recognition in the need for interdependent related attempts shows higher willingness to work with available federal and border state solutions.

What advice as to tips on how to improve the current EOC’s or perhaps for foreseeable future programs?

California could are more involved with national efforts to contain unfortunate occurances, and could cover other fardo states in the warning initiatives.


Droneburg, John. (2006) “Letter from the Director: John Droneburg III. ” Baltimore

Emergency Management. Retrieved a few Nov 06\ at http://www.mema.state.md.us/MEMA/content_page.jsp?TOPICID=domprepare#

Florida Express Warning Stage. ” (2006). Florida Trademark Emergency Management. Retrieved several Nov 2006 at http://www.floridadisaster.org/bpr/Response/Operations/swp.htm

Maryland Unexpected emergency Management Website. (2006) Recognized Website. Retrieved 3 November 2006 for http://www.mema.state.md.us/MEMA/index.jsp

Corporation. ” (2006). Florida Division of Emergency Administration. Retrieved a few Nov 2006 at http://floridadisaster.org/about_the_division.htm

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Category: Wellness,

Words: 873

Published: 01.22.20

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