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Romeo and Juliet: Tragic Main character

William shakespeare is a popular author whom wrote in the 1500s. Most of his takes on are grouped as tragedies. According to the Oxford dictionary of current British, a misfortune is described as a serious catastrophe or a miserable event. In Shakespeare performs, tragedy can be identified as a story that ends unhappily because of the fall with the protagonist, which is the tragic hero. For a play to become a tragedy, there has to be a tragic hero. Inside the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is definitely the tragic hero. The concept of the tragedy performs a great function in the play Romeo and Juliet. Simply by analyzing Romeos tragic catch, his rspectable birth, his series of poor decisions, the suffering of Romeo that extends over and above himself, it truly is evident that Romeo and Juliet is classified as a tragedy.

A person must have got certain qualities that classify one as being a tragic main character. One of these attributes is the commendable birth of a personality. In the enjoy Romeo and Juliet Romeo being the tragic main character, possesses that quality. Romeo is a Montague, and in the city of Verona the Montagues are a well-known and respected family. It is a known fact that the Montagues will be of rspectable birth if it is said simply by Benvolio in Act one particular, Scene one particular, Line 141: My rspectable uncle. Benvolio is discussing Lord Montague, who is the father of Romeo. The Montagues are also a rich family, and that is one of the reasons for the respect to get Romeo. Verona brags of him a bears him like a partially gentleman. This was said by Lord Capulet in Work 1, Field 5, Lines 65-66. This kind of quote demonstrates that actually Romeos opponents know well of him and understand that he is highly regarded and discussed by the citizens of Verona. Usually when a character can be introduced as being noble, the audience is aware that in the end with the play, the smoothness will have a tragic fall season.

Another necessary quality possessed with a tragic main character is the heros tragic downside, which in Romeos case is falling in love too quickly and deeply. To seek a tragic downside in possibly Romeo or Juliet is actually a foolish and futile. feedback Harold Goddard, a essenti from the book: Modern critical views, William Shakespeare the Tragedies. Goddard facilitates the idea that using a tragic drawback is a a part of being a tragic hero. One more critic declares that in the event that Romeos figure does have a tragic flaw, it is youthful impetuosity, an older or more planned man may possibly somehow possess managed to enough time quarrel and would not rush to destroy himself as soon as he presumed that Juliet was deceased. ( Phillis Rackin, publisher of Shakespeare Tragedies. )In the enjoy Romeo and Juliet romeos tragic fall season being he falls in appreciate too quickly and too deeply, brings him to an dreadful end. At first of the enjoy one is brought to Romeo being deeply and hopelessly fond of Rosaline. On the other hand Rosaline does not feel the same manner about Romeo. This is when Romeo is unsatisfied and says to Benvolio: Not having that which makes having short. ( Act you, Scene one particular, Line 162). This well illustrates how deeply Romeo was in love with Rosaline. In the next landscape the audience recognize that Romeo ha fallen another, which is Juliet. For My spouse and i neer found true splendor till this night. -Said by Romeo in Work 1, Landscape 5, Collection 52. The group can quickly identify Romeos catch of dropping in like too quickly and deeply when he forgets about his thoughts for Rosaline and concentrates on Juliet. Juliet too knows that Romeos love on her behalf was too quickly when the girl said: It can be too allergy, too undvisd, too immediate. ( Take action 2, Landscape 2, Lines 117-118). Having a tragic flaw could be foreshadowing of the land of the tragic hero.

Rome staying the plays tragic leading man makes a series of poor decisions. The initially decision of countless was going to the Capulets party. Direct my personal sail! Wow lusty men. Says Romeo in Action 1, Landscape 4, Series 113. In the event that Romeo would not go to the party he would not have met Juliet. It was pointless for Romeo to try to stop the battle between Tybalt and Mercutio. If Romeo did not make an effort to stop the fight, Mercutio would not have already been killed, as well as the fight between Romeo and Tybalt probably would not have been around. Romeo says in Act 3, Landscape 1, Series 94: Courage, man, the hurt cannot be much., if he tries to stop the fight between Tybalt and Mercutio. Romeo makes the wrong decision when he determines to deal with Tybalt for the fatality of Mercutio. Either thou, or I actually, or equally, must go along with him. ( Act three or more, Scene one particular, Line 1290. This offer refers to Romeos challenge to get Tybalt. In the event Romeo did not fight Tybalt he would not need been banished from Verona. Another one of Romeos poor decisions was the decision to commit committing suicide, which was also his last decision. U true apothecary, thy medicines are speedy, thus having a kiss I die. Stated Romeo in Act 5, Scene several, Line a hundred and twenty, right before he died. Only when Romeo decided not to drink the poison he’d have been apprised of see Juliet wake. These decisions brought on Romeo, the tragic main character, to end his life disastrously.

The suffering in the tragic hero also runs beyond him self. Due to the activities of Romeo, Mercutio and Tybalt passed away. When he attempts to make serenity between them and Mercutio is fatally wounded, Romeo feedback pathetically I thought out for the very best. – Remarks Phillis Rackin author of Shakespeare Tragedies. Mercutios heart is yet a little way above the heads, comments Romeo following Mercutios loss of life, caused by Romeo. Tybalts loss of life also comes from Romeos poor actions. After Romeos death Lady Montague dies of your heart attack. Head of the family Montague says to the Prince in Act 5, Field 3, Collection 209: Sadly my leige, my wife is usually dead tonite. Because of Romeo, Juliet chooses upon her own fatality. She states with her father, refreshments the concoction, and later stabs herself, all for the love for Romeo. Veronas peacefulness is disrupted by each of the commotion with the fights involving the Capulets and the Montagues, caused mainly simply by Romeo. There exists still simply no peace inside the streets of Verona. The families of the two Romeo and Juliet go through over the decrease of their children, and everybody is unhappy. Since Romeo brought battling upon people rather than him self, he is genuinely the tragic hero and makes the play Romeo and Juliet a tragedy.

It is obvious that inside the play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is the tragic hero. This is evident when the market see Romeos noble beginning, his tragic flaw, group of poor decisions he made as well as the fact that through his activities he brought suffering upon other people. Most plays, tales or books have a moral. The moral of Romeo and Juliet is not to rush into items like love, hate and crucial decisions. Everybody should think twice about every decision they are making. From each of the evidence set by this section along with the paragraphs above it is said that Romeo and Juliet is labeled as a tragedy.


Full bloom, Nasold. Modern critical landscapes. William shakespeare the Tragedies. 1985

Rackin, Phillis. Shakespeares Tragedies. 1978

Brodley, A. C. Shakespearian Misfortune. 1986

Oxford school Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet. 1982

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