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Queer theory and lesbian porn feminism essay

Rational Choice Theory, Feminism, Gay Lesbian Studies, Homophobia

Research from Composition:

This is certainly to the magnitude whereby the theorists include begun to think about lesbianism being a provisional id in that it takes into account the racial, course and ethnical differences and these are the particular queer theory has failed for this far Epstein, 1994: 197()

Some college students have argued that the advancement the andersrum (umgangssprachlich) theory implies that lesbianism will never disappear whenever in the recent future. The queer theory also poises to balance the advances that were made by feminism by declining to recognize the effect of the lesbian-feminism theory in shaping the contemporary knowledge of sexuality and gender Hollinger, 1999: 28()

It has already been argued that the word singular only refers to a white male person that is gay and lesbian. This makes it more difficult to comprehend and advocate for the unorthodox theory. On the other hand, lesbian-feminism seeks to completely take apart the idea of heterosexuality and this is done by promoting lesbianism while an active decision for all ladies Eagleton, mil novecentos e noventa e seis: 7()

Another difference between the lesbian-feminism and queer theory is that the andersrum (umgangssprachlich) theory have not theorized oppression on additional bases such as race, sexuality, ability and class. It includes only sufficiently theorized the oppression on the base of sexuality. As well, the andersrum (umgangssprachlich) theory has a tendency to privilege homophobia as the central bottom of oppression. The lesbian-feminism theory, however , has been more expansive about its examination of the multiple oppressions and has incorporated them successfully Card, 1998: 208()

The lesbian-feminism theory focuses on the natural and unnatural patterns of homosexuals while the unorthodox theory extends its target to deal with any kind of form of sexual acts or any sexual identity which in turn falls underneath the categories of deviant or ordre behavior. The queer theory states there is an span which exists between the period when the subject does a particular activity plus the period when the subject is usually. The theory as a result does make an attempt to destabilize the identity categories which were deigned to identify the clients the queer theory also provides an impressive raging controversy on perhaps the sexual positioning of the person is natural or vital or when it is a sociable construction that may be bound to modify along the usual path of life Calhoun, 1994: 561()


The queer theory came in the 1990s even though the lesbian-feminist theory has been present since the 1972s. The lesbian-feminism theory attempts to describe feminism as a rational choice intended for the women and that they are free to choose as they would like. This theory succeeded in dismissing the claim that lesbianism was a disease of some women. The queer theory came up as a theory to fill the difference brought by the limitations of the lesbian-feminist theory along with be more beneficial politically to get the lesbians. However , it includes failed awfully in this objective. Though it includes had several positive effects such as changing just how people go through the HIV / AIDS problems among lesbians, it still has a lot of limitations which make it not to end up being completely appropriate as a theory of lesbianism. There are enormous differences which exist between the two theories that make them certainly not blend with each other. The lesbian-feminists and the singular theorists include failed to find a middle ground to play by and thus all of them try to showcase their ideas as the very best one to make clear lesbianism. Nevertheless , none of them from the theories offers managed to entirely explain this.


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