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Search engine cardiovascular disease lovenox

Cardiovascular disease, Pico, Heart problems, Diseases

Research from Exploration Paper:

One of the problems in using a materials review format is that simply by grouping studies together, it is hard to come to a clear conclusion regarding the superiority of 1 treatment over another, given that all of the studies have external or extra factors that do not necessarily connect with the primary clinical issue. A number of the studies reviewed by Ramanath and Eagle included diabetes patients, which present unique clinical challenges to get the medical specialist in recommending effective and safe drug treatments. Some of the other studies also involved the use of statin medications in combination with aspirin and Lovenox (heparin) as a method of protective care, however the degree to which this affected the benefits was as well unremarked-upon. Finally, the question of nondrug treatment and tips for study members to improve their very own health with diet and exercise was not noted in a of the research: whether life-style alterations had been controlled in the data can be unclear, plus the degree to which one selection of patients may have improved their life styles through diet and exercise in conjunction with harmful drugs was not observed. In terms of the comparison between aspirin and heparin: “among the antiplatelet therapies, acetylsalicylsäure, clopidogrel, and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors show significant efficiency in minimizing morbidity and mortality. Among the list of anticoagulants, unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparin, particularly enoxaparin sodium, continue to be the hallmarks of remedy against which will newer anticoagulants are often as opposed. Bivalirudin has recently showed significant efficacy in decreasing cardiovascular events and mortality, but with potentially much less risk of bleeding than heparin. ” As a result aspirin, beta-blockers, blood pressure reducing medications, and cholesterol reducing medications in combination were regarded to be the most vital elements of dealing with heart disease, though heparin would show a few benefits too and was not contraindicated.


Ramanath, Versus. S. E. A. Bald eagle. (2007). Evidence-based medical remedy of sufferers with acute coronary marque. American Log of Aerobic Drugs, 7(2): 95-116.

Appendix: Search record

(“aspirin”[MeSH Terms] or “aspirin”[All Fields]) and (“enoxaparin”[MeSH Terms] or “enoxaparin”[All Fields] or perhaps “lovenox”[All Fields]) and (“coronary disease”[MeSH Terms] or (“coronary”[All Fields] and “disease”[All Fields]) or “coronary disease”[All Fields])

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Published: 03.24.20

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