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Roles duties of police term paper

Broken Home windows, Community Policing, Police Office, Crime Reduction

Excerpt by Term Daily news:

Simply by devoting solutions towards the elimination of criminal offenses, Anacortes regulators therefore assistance to ensure that the city remains fairly free from crimes in the first place.

Criminal offense fighter

Regrettably, despite these kinds of best efforts, no community is totally clear of crime. Huge urban areas particularly have shown an increase in violent and drug-related criminal offenses. When these kinds of crimes happen, police officers are tasked with ensuring that the perpetrators are apprehended, in order that they are prevented from doing more criminal activity, so that rights could be meted out.

This kind of role is observed in the amount of assets that the Los Angeles Police Department devotes towards responding to gang-related criminal activities.

Last month, the Harbor Gateway area of Oregon reeled in the killing of 14-year-old Cheryl Green, an African-American resident who wandered into the Latino territory of the area. Two members in the 204th Street Gang were quickly caught and charged with Green’s murder (McGreevey and Winton 2007).

The job of fighting crime, nevertheless , does not end with these arrests. Oregon Police Commissioner William Bratton also announced a Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca recently announced programs for the “strategic dismantling” of the area street bande, whose rivalries resulted in Green’s death. This requires active inspections into the actions of the 204th Street Group and its African-American counterpart, the Eastside Torrance gang. These include undercover and intelligence operate to check the identities of bunch members. Law enforcement officials then intend to use injunctions and other legal measures, to either exempt gang people from early-release programs also to prevent all their massing about street corners (McGreevey and Winton 2007).

Social servants

It takes much more than an active law enforcement department, nevertheless , to keep a community safe from criminal offense.

A strong partnership with sociable institutions, community groups, and individuals is also the key. One important role of police officers should be to act as interpersonal servants, because partners together with the community for the common objective of general public safety.

This often consists of an active assisting aspect and will best be seen in areas such as patrolling and community policing. The Foot and Bike Patrol section of the San Antonio Police Section, for example , is definitely one such case in point. In addition to being a visible deterrent to potential bad guys, these patrol offices also serve as approachable sources of assistance for the civilians. San Antonio, in fact, is the location of the Alamo, an attraction that draws a lot of tourists and visitors to the downtown and Riverwalk place. The bicycle and foot patrol officials are able to mix more conveniently with the packed areas, mediate between disputes, direct traffic, and even answer questions and provide directions. They also often get to know community residents and business owners thoroughly, and are consequently more in a position to perceive dangers and hazard (San Antonio Police Established Website).

To summarize, media portrayals often completely focus only in police officers while crime competitors. However , the roles of social stalwart, crime preventers and maintainers of cultural order happen to be equally as crucial to maintaining the protection of a community.

Works Cited

Kimberley Jackson. (2006). “On the beat. ” Anacortes American January 18: 6.

McGreevey, Patrick and Richard Winton. (2007). “FBI joins L. A. policing effort in war on gang crime. ” Los Angeles Instances January 19: 1 .

Radin, Charles a. (2007). “Police boost makes to stop disobedient fans. inch The Boston Globe. January 20: A1.

San Antonio Police Department. (2006). Down-town foot and bike patrol. Retrieved January 20, 3 years ago, from Official Website in the

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Category: Federal government,

Words: 667

Published: 03.24.20

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