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Ancient structures evaluating egyptian and mayan


The study of historical history was made possible by the remains of great cultures that are right now long gone. Archaeology, anthropologists, and also other disciplines operate hand in hand to understand the past, being aware of very well that it can be the key to understanding the present. Thus, the discovery of paintings, artifacts, ruins and also other objects that can help decipher longevity is highly highly valued. If a shard of art can reveal so much with regards to a particular civilization, how much more details can be removed from huge and well preserved framework for archaeologists and historians?

This is the case with Egyptian and Mayan pyramids that miraculously made it the ravages of time, pretty intact, and offering so much clues for an ancient lifestyle.

The pyramids are current day tourist attractions however in their peak were considered as object worth veneration and respect, almost the same way while the gods and deified persons that used all of them. This daily news will look into two superb civilizations of Egypt and that of the Mayan people.

The opportunity of this analyze is limited with their use of historical buildings that are now commonly known as pyramids.


The official site in the National Geographic pointed out that there exists a classical view of pyramids. It is the shape commonly associated with the pyramids seen in Egypt; a huge structure having a square basic and four triangular sides and having a common vertex. The four-sided framework with a directed top is definitely an image that was delivered to the Western world by historians from Ancient greek language, and Roman Empire. When Christianity started to be the dominating religion in the West the idea that the sons of Israel were the ones utilized to build these types of colossal set ups became component to Christian lore.

Recent historic works nevertheless reveal that pyramids come in different shapes and forms. Even in Egypt the first pyramids built viewed more like ziggurats or stage pyramids. The “classical design and style came afterwards when the Pharaoh’s perfected the technique of building a several triangular attributes on top of a square foundation. The Cheop’s pyramid regarded as the greatest pyramid structure in the world is an example of classic design. Indeed, it took time before old builders mastered the art of producing high surge structures that began with crude mounds of the planet to towering buildings in shape for the gods. Although once they got learned the key of building one particular, the Egyptians went on to make a massive composition fit for the deity like the Pharaoah Kufu (a. e. a. Cheops).

The Cheops’ pyramid was the largest pyramid ever built. The contractors used 2 . 3 mil stone hindrances, weighing typically 2 . 5 to 15 tons each (see National Geographic. com). The colossal composition serves generally as the burial holding chamber of their god-king Khufu and has three burial compartments one thought to be for Khufu’s wife as well as the other one for Khufu’s sacred figurine. The great pyramid was the focus in an intricate complex that included several small pyramids and a mortuary brow.

The same idea of a complex created around a major pyramid show up in the Mayan pyramid-temples of ancient Unites states. The pyramids found in the Mayan world are similar to those that can be found in the center East. Exactly like those in Egypt, Mayan pyramids had been designed and constructed applying sophisticated familiarity with astronomy and mathematics. This summary is based on the very fact that the pyramids are created in a way that it will align together with the stars ” in the case of Cheops it was aligned in such a way that it would be pointing to the North Rod. Such correct calculations prior to the invention of high-powered telescopes and personal computers are very outstanding.

On the other hand of the world, another ancient world was building their own version of empire and pyramids. They do not have an Alexander the Great or a Julius Caesar of talking of their lifestyle and wonders but still similar they developed a great country in the American continent well before the time of Columbus.

Egyptian Pyramids

As mentioned earlier, there is certainly that “classical design manufactured popular by the movies and historians who more bonus to investigate Egypt history as opposed to that of the ancient ruins of the Mayan civilization. But that design evolved from a more simpler earthen mound customarily used for burying the dead. Thus, to narrow the opportunity of this examine, a comparison will probably be made among two key pyramids. The Cheops’ pyramid found in Egypt and the Templo Mayor seen in the American continent. The Cheops’ pyramid is a installing representative of the splendor that was Egypt. It was considered as the greatest pyramid in the world.

Mayan Pyramids

At this point all similarities between the Egyptian and Mayan pyramids ends. The Silk pyramids, regardless of how large and imposing are nothing more than very expensive mausoleums. While Mayan pyramids however are a mixture of temple, ceremony, and observatory for astronomy all folded into one. This sentiment is definitely taken from an in depth reading of Carrasco’s operate where one can locate the following assertions, “The Silk pyramids were basically tombs for the pharaohs and the families. While they are impressive to look at and are also monumental in the extreme, we were holding ritually crucial as interior structure and not quite simply stages for ongoing community rituals (1998, p. 21).

Carrasco provides that intended for the Mayan race the emphasis was on the public display of rituals, calendrical cycles, imperial display that goes on and about as long as the sun rises and sets their particular way of life involves this structure. John Armstrong Crow describes how the Mayan people utilized the pyramids to increase religious fervor and he published, “¦the brow capped the sub-structure and was the culmination of the harmonious number of ascending airplanes, calculated to improve the illusion of height by putting an emphasis on the effects of mechanical perspective. Every time a great faith based procession ascended the stairs of the temple the result must have been stupendous, pertaining to the vistors below had been conscious just of the massive ascent evaporating into space (1992, l. 58).

Certainly, the Mayan pyramids are at the center of spiritual life inside the ancient lands of the Mayan people. But it really is not simply a place to provide prayers, incense or even dog sacrifice; their purpose is perfect for a more nasty task in fact it is to shed the blood of humans in order to offer this to their gods. This might be the reason why the Spaniards who also later came to conquer this part of the Unites states will not give them so much as being a leeway inside the transition off their old religious beliefs to that of their conquerors. The brutality from the human sacrifice will be explained much further more in the subsequent pages. In accordance to Eileen Smith, the fundamental idea of Aztec religion was that the gods sacrificed themselves so that mankind can live a better lifestyle and this individual adds:

In one myth the gods threw themselves to a huge fire to kennel the sunlight; in another they spilled their particular blood to create people. These types of myths proven a borrower relationship among humankind as well as the gods ” a financial debt that could be refunded only through offerings of human blood and existence. Human sacrifice and bloodletting, also known as auto-sacrifice, were main forms of ritual¦ (2003, l. 192).

With this opinion deeply inbedded in their psyche the need to meet their gods is a very highly effective force that dictates how they should live their lives. It is hard to assume priests plunging crude flint knives in the chest of unwilling victims. And then following the lethal whack the priest practiced in the art of human sacrifice expertly plunge his hands into the chest cavity and pulls your heart. Following offering that to their gods the still beating muscles is discarded just as mindlessly as the now decapitated body with the sacrifice.


In the research of ancient history, the discovery of the pyramids, in particular those that can be found in the Mayan regarding antiquity is a tremendous supply of information. These superstructures obviously offer more information than a a huge selection of broken shards of pottery. These buildings, which are well preserved is very helpful in providing a window to the past as compared with mere damages of ancient civilizations. The discovery of pyramids in the ancient American continent is extremely crucial in understanding how old people believe and act. It is now clear that historical men and women might not have inferior intellect. In fact , the present day mind cannot find easy answers for the question of how they were capable to build these massive buildings without the usage of heavy equipment and other advanced machines.

Furthermore, they are not only professional builders and still have more than enough knowledge of advanced architectural principles also, they are well-educated inside the science of astronomy. This kind of people achieved it possible for current day inhabitants of the planet to take pleasure from the use of lighting and calendars. It is now much easier to read the periods, lunar/solar equinoxes etc . due to their pioneering work. This causes the next conclusion that pyramids are not only centers of religious actions but likewise served since ancient observatories that allowed the priests to study constellations and the motion of the earth.

This obviously leads to an additional conclusion that the priests are not only religious guys versed in the spiritual dialect of their day time but they are likewise expert mathematicians and gifted astronomers. In order to fully love their talent one has to get a great in-depth evaluation of the design and lay-out of the pyramid complex which will according to many resemble the ordered design of the solar system.

But most importantly the pyramids are the main conduit between your physical genuine and the religious. In the old world, high-rise structures start the creativity of their poets, builders, ay men, and national leaders. A high-rise structure is not only a display of great architectural techniques and admirable building skills, it also an expression of piety towards their gods who reside in the heavens. Thus, to be able to approach all of them or in order to be closer to them pyramids should be built to provide the human heart and body to the unlimited being living above the earth.

There are areas in the planet that boasts of amazing pyramid buildings. In the two places anybody can observe well preserved complexes from antiquity rising greater than a hundred ft from the ground. These kinds of structures play an important role in equally Egyptian and Mayan civilizations. But both equally nations change in their use of pyramids. The above-mentioned dialogue was able to demonstrate that the pyramids in the outdated Mayan World had far more uses for their particular pyramids as compared

It is through their usage of the pyramid that can help people in the modern world determine what these ancients value many. With regards to the Egyptians use of a pricey structure to bury a dead ruler speaks volumes of what they believe may happen to the Pharaoh in the following life. The Egyptian rulers are convinced that they are going to rule once again on the other side while Osiris Full of the Lifeless.

On the other side of the world, the Aztecs utilize their particular pyramid in another way. The pyramids found in the Americas bring human sacrifices. And again this practice is seated in their spiritual belief that they can owe their particular lives to their gods. Nevertheless instead of living a rigid moral code to please their gods, they rather sacrificed others ” preferably their adversaries or members of border tribes ” to show their very own piety to their warrior-god. This kind of study made it clear the fact that Egyptians do not have a monopoly to the executive techniques necessary to build high-rise structures. Also, it is made clear the design of the pyramids and its use relied much within the religious beliefs of the ancients.

It is just unfortunate that despite all the scholarly work and energy poured into the analysis of both Egyptian and Mayan civilizations there may be still not any easy answer to the question how exactly do the ancients constructed an intricate structure with very limited methods. In the case of the Mayan pyramids the unknown is not only inside the construction with their magnificent pyramid-temples and their knowledge of astronomy also, it is the question about why they suddenly vanished, leaving a majestic town in ruins. It truly is good to learn that the remains to be of these two civilizations are here to stay and the next generation of archaeologists and scientists are welcome to probe the secrets of the pyramids once more.


Carrasco, D. (1998). Everyday life of the Aztecs: People of the Sun and Globe. Westport, CT:

Greenwood Press.

Crow, T. A. (1992). The Epic of Latin America. FLORIDA: University of California Press.

Dupre, J. (2002). From Pyramids to Skycrapers: Building in the Americas. New york city:

Benchmark Education Organization.

Nationwide Geographic. Introduction to Pyramids. Available from:

Retrieved 12 December


Smith, M. (2003). The Aztecs. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Zuravicky, Um. (2004). Exploring Pyramids Around the globe. New York: The Rosen Creating

Group, Inc.


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Published: 12.05.19

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