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State automobile certificate renewal case essay

1 dozen size order: In this situation, the bottleneck is “setting the oven and baking”, which will takes 10 minutes to finish this procedure. So , the Cycle Time (CT) is definitely 10 minutes. The Kristen’s cookie company may finish the first number of after twenty six minutes, then Kristen and her roomie can total each purchase per 5 minutes. 4 hours=240 minutes. (240-26)/10=21. 4, and 21. 4+1=22. 4. According to the equations over, the company may fill 22 orders every evening.

Two dozen size buy: In this situation, the CT becomes 20 minutes. The organization finished the first order after thirty-six minutes, they could total each buy in every 5 minutes.

4 hours=240 minutes. (240-36)/20=10. 2, and 10. 2+1=11. 2 . Based on the equations over a company can fulfill eleven orders every evening.

Three number of size buy: In this condition, the CT becomes thirty minutes. The company finished the initial order following 46 moments, then they can complete each buy in every half an hour. (240-46)/30=6. your five, and 6. 5+1=7. five According to the equations above the company could accomplish 7 orders every night. Because they have 14 or so minutes left following finishing almost all 7 orders of 3 dozen size, they might make a dozen cookie for a 1 dozen size order.




Kristen’s Roommate

One dozen size order

8 minutes

4 minutes

Two dozen size purchase

5 minutes

almost eight minutes

Three number of size purchase

doze minutes

12 moments

Table several. 1 the Summary of Time That Kristen and Her Roommate Will Take One dozens of size order: Kristen does the process of “washing & mixing” (6 minutes) and 1 “dishing up” (2 minutes). The totally value time of Kristen is usually 8 mins. Kristen’s bunkmate does the technique of “setting up” (1 minute), “packing” (2 minutes) and “accept Payment” (1 minute). So her total time involved is definitely 4 mins

Two dozen size order: Because the “washing & mixing” step usually takes same time regardless of how a large number of cookies will be being made in the batch. The significance time of Kristen consists of “washing & mixing” (6 minutes) and two “dishing up” (2 minutes). Therefore , the entire value time of Kristen is usually 10 minutes. The overall value time of Kristen’s roommate consists of two “setting up” (1minutes), two “packing” (2 minutes) and two “accept Payment” (1 minute). And so her total value time involved is usually 8 a few minutes.

Three number of size buy: The “washing & mixing” remains precisely the same, which takes 6 minutes. And so Kristen’s worth time contains “washing & mixing” (6 minutes) and three “dishing up” (2 minutes). Consequently , the total benefit time of Kristen is doze minutes. The whole value moments of Kristen’s bunkmate consists of 3 “setting up” (1minutes), 3 “packing” (2 minutes) and three “accept Payment” (1 minute). So her total value time involved can be 12 a few minutes. Q4

Presumptions of this issue:

1 ) The value of Kristen and her roommate’s period is $20/hour per person. 2 . The margin of Kristen’s cookie organization is 27. 7%.

3. The discount that Kristen gives comes from 50 percent of the saving.

If Kristen and her roommate just make one dozen cookies, the overall cost would be the sum of ingredients expense, package cost and worth time cost. Then it will be: 0. 6 + zero. 1 + 20*0. a couple of = some. 7

(ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) Because the perimeter of one number of cookies is 27. seven percent, then the price should be four. 7*27. 7%≈6 dollars.

Therefore , normal value of a two dozen size order should be 12 dollars and normal price of a three dozens of size purchase should be 18 dollars.

If Kristen and her bunkmate make a two dozens of size order, the total cost will be: 1 ) 2 + 0. a couple of + 20*0. 3 = 7. four (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value period cost) The saving cost of a two dozen size order is definitely 4. 7*2-7. 4=2

Then a discount of the two dozens of size buy could be 2*50%=1 dollar.

If Kristen and her roomie make a three dozen size order, the total cost will probably be: 1 . almost eight + zero. 3 + 20*0. some = 12. 1 (ingredient cost) (package cost) (value time cost) The conserving cost of a three dozen size order is definitely 4. 7*3-10. 1=4

Then your discount of a three dozen size order could be 4*50%=2 dollars.

It will take longer to fill a two-dozen biscuit order compared to a one-dozen cookie size purchase. Obviously, via perspective of Rush Over Time, they will consider 26 minutes to load a one number of size purchase, but they will take 26 a few minutes to load a two dozen size order. By perspective of Cycle Time, they will have 10 minutes to fill a one dozen size order; nevertheless , they will consider 20 moments to fill a two dozen size order. Q5

No matter 1, two or three dozens of of size, Kristen’s cookies company merely have one meals processor and two the baking trays. Even as can see from the Gantt graph:

Chart your five. 1 Three Orders of just one Dozen Size

Chart your five. 2 Three Orders of Two Dozens of Size

Data 5. three or more Two Requests of Three Dozen Size

At the sixteenth minute, while the tray with the oven, Kristen can’t do the dish up without one other tray. As a way the 26th 36th ….. But the previous step from the process which will needs the tray is not going to influence the method that after another one. After that we can get the final outcome that they need two racks only. And when it comes to the food processor, we are able to find out the time for the “washing and mixing” can be shorter compared to the time for cooking, and the processor can only provide in the stage of the “washing and mixing”. So we could get the realization that Kristen only need one processor.


There is some ways to make even more cookies in less time.  If there exists only one range, the bottleneck would be “setting up and baking”. Therefore , the easiest way to boost operation could be adding an additional oven. The influences of adding another oven could be seen as under: One number of size buy

Chart 6th. 1 Three Orders of One Dozen Size with Two Ovens

Even as we can see from your Gantt graph and or chart, the Rush Purchase time will stay the same. Nevertheless the Cycle period shortens coming from 10 minutes to 6 minutes, which means the logjam is “washing & mixing”. In this condition, Kristen’s biscuit company may complete twelve orders each hour after this system has been secure, which is 4 orders more than before. Offered the same assumptions in the Q4, the net earnings of these 4 orders is definitely (6-4. 7)*4=5. 2 dollars. In conclusions, Kristen and her roomie would offering no more than a few. 2 us dollars per hour pertaining to the additional the oven.

Two number of size purchase

Chart six. 1 3 Orders of Two Dozens of Size with Two Stoves

Under this kind of circumstance, Rush order period shortens via 36 moments to 28 moments. Meanwhile, the Cycle Time becomes a couple of minutes, which is 5 minutes less than prior to. The logjam is still “setting up and baking”. In this situation, Kristen’s cookie company can total 6 purchases per hour after that system continues to be stable, which can be 3 much more than before. Offered the presumptions in the query 4, the net profit of such 3 requests is (12-7. 4)*3=13. eight dollars. It indicates that Kristen and her roommate will willing to pay no more than 13. almost 8 dollars hourly to lease an additional range.

Three dozens of size buy

Chart 6. 1 4 Orders of Three Dozens of Size with Two Stoves

As we is able to see from the Gantt chart six. 1, the Rush Order period will become thirty-six minutes. Nevertheless the Cycle period shortens via 30 minutes to (13+17)/2=15 mins, which means the bottleneck continues to be “setting up and baking”. In this condition, Kristen’s cookie company can easily complete 4 orders per hour after this system has been steady, which is two orders a lot more than before. Presented the same presumptions in the Q4, the net income of these 4 orders is definitely (18-10. 1)*2=15. 8 dollars. In conclusion, Kristen and her roommate could

willing to pay no more than 15. 8 dollars per hour to get the additional oven.


Data 7. 1 Three Requests of Two Dozen Size with Two Ovens


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Category: Food and drink,

Words: 1415

Published: 03.27.20

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