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Frederick herzbergs two element theory of

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Organisational behavior and management literature gives several hypotheses that can be used to boost employee inspiration. One such theory is the two-factor theory developed by Frederick Herzberg. This paper describes the idea and its software in the improvement of worker safety, health, and/or wellbeing.

Also known as the hygiene theory, Herzbergs unit asserts that at the place of work, there are elements that lead to task satisfaction and more that cause dissatisfaction (Miner, 2005). This kind of assertion is founded on the premise that job dissatisfaction is not the opposite of job satisfaction. Factors that result in task satisfaction are often factors associated with the nature of the work a person does, and can fulfil all their need for status, self-realisation, accomplishment, personal really worth, recognition, and growth; therefore leading to happiness and fulfillment. These factors are referred to as motivators, and the absence might not exactly necessarily trigger dissatisfaction (Miner, 2005).

Alternatively, dissatisfaction generally comes from factors to do with the organisational environment itself just like supervision, compensation, benefits, functioning conditions, human relationships with co-workers and/or administrators, and business policies (Singh, 2011). These types of factors are referred to as care factors, and the absence can result in dissatisfaction. As job unhappiness is not automatically the opposite of work satisfaction, handling hygiene factors may not necessarily lead to pleasure. For instance, if perhaps working conditions are increased but little or no attention is given to motivators such as recognition, employees might not exactly have a feeling of job pleasure.

Herzbergs unit has huge relevance in the improvement of employee safety, health, and wellbeing. This is certainly particularly the case for the notion of health factors. A work environment that does not provide healthy and safe doing work conditions for workers can lead to dissatisfaction. Conditions just like lack of defensive equipment, contact with hazardous and toxic elements, uncomfortable furniture, excess light, poor venting, poor sanitation, noise, manual handling, and slippery floors can adversely affect the basic safety, health, and wellbeing of employees. Cases of falls, accidents, back discomfort, vision and hearing difficulties, as well as health problems acquired in the workplace are certainly not rare. Poor working circumstances can even cause permanent disability and death in the worst case situation, not to mention the economic and psychological burden that may be enforced on the sufferer and their relatives. Conditions that endanger the health and life of employees can cause a great deal of job unhappiness. In most cases

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Category: Essay,

Words: 426

Published: 02.03.20

Views: 589