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In our lessons we interested about The planet, environment and many environmental concerns ( global warming, ozone houl, waste creation, etc . ). Nevertheless several of big environmental problems we are omited.

I would like describe this kind of phenomenons with this work. Initially problem is deforestation of Amazon rainforest and second is definitely poluting of seas and oceans. By the end of this operate I would like create somethink regarding The Czech Republic and problems what we should have right here. AMAZON FOREST This forest is very importatnt for the future of the world. This area consists of one third on the planet? s trees.

However , the trees happen to be disappearing. This is causing changes in the climate , In Peru there is less snow In Bolivia there is less rainfall and more blowing wind. Why are the Amazon jungles being slice? People need the land, individuals have money from your trees, people built roads and Brazil owes money to mundial organization and so they cut woods and they repay debt. What will happen if more of the Amazon forest cut down? You will have serious results on the world? s weather. The air we breathe will suffer some of it? s fresh air. It means that in the air is often more carbon dioxide.

It is going to become difficult- perhaps even difficult , to breathe! With additional carbon dioxide in the air -the heat will climb, the ice -capsat the North and Southern Poles will melt, the ocean level can rise, and hundreds of seaside cities is going to flood. OCEAN Seas and oceans are very important for human being life. Right now there live numerous animals for example whales dolphins, sharks, fishes etc… Marine? s fish are very significant because they are important part of man food. One of the most fish consume China, Russian federation and Japanesse. Very important can be water in the sea.

This water includes mineralsand one example is our can be from this drinking water. In the bottom under the area there is crude oil and gus. But individuals are very inconsiderate and they trigger that our oceans are polutted in this time saes and oceands are our big trash dump. We ought to ask if we will continue what we will perform in the future? CZECH REPUBLIC As well Czech Republic has its own problems. Probably the worst problem is polluting of. People burn up brown coal which is the dirtiest kind. Factories fill up the air with smelly and dangerous smoke. In winter air is upsetting In parts of country particularly in Northern Bohemia, Prague and around Ostrava people have many health problems. One more big problem is definitely the destruction of nature. Sector and ever-increasing population doing damage to many jungles. This problem is known as deforestation. People always need more space, industries, paper, wooden. In the past 20 years people dosroyed many beautiful old jungles in Moravia and Bohemia. But persons establish CHKO , Scenery protected place here live many decreasing in numbers species and you could find right here many interesting plants. In LPA people can’t help to make a noise, faire, drop a cover go out coming from signated paths…

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Category: Essay examples,

Words: 538

Published: 01.14.20

Views: 618