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string(72) ‘ the main tempo of the part \(after a great accelerando or ritardando, etc\. ‘

Glossary of musical terms From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bounce to: nav, search This can be a list of audio terms which have been likely to be experienced in branded scores, music reviews, and program paperwork. Most of the conditions are Italian language (see also Italian music terms used in English), relative to the Italian language origins of several European musical technology conventions. Occasionally, the special musical connotations of these key phrases differ from the first or current Italian meanings.

Most of the additional terms are taken from People from france and The german language, indicated by simply “(Fr)” and “(Ger)”, respectively.

Others are from different languages such as Latina and The spanish language. Unless specified, the conditions are Italian or The english language. The list can not be full: some terms are common, and more are used hardly ever, and fresh ones will be coined occasionally. Some composers prefer conditions from their own language rather than the standard terms here. To get a list of terms used in brighten, country, mountain, and other popular music genres, see the Glossary of jazz music and well-known musical terms. Contents| A B C D Electronic F G H I actually J T L M N To P Q R H T U V Watts Z ReferencesExternal links| A a, a (Fr): at, to, by, for, in, inside the style of, * a 2: get a due in this list * a battuta: return to regular tempo after having a deviation, identical to , a tempo’ 2. abbandonatamente, que incluye abbandono: free of charge, relaxed 2. aber (Ger): but 2. a beg placito: up to the performer 5. a cappella: in the way of vocal in a church, i. at the., without a key component accompaniment 5. accarezzevole: expressive and caressing * tiltagende, accel.: increasing, gradually elevating the ” cadence ” * accent: emphasize, generate a particular component more important * accentato/accentuato: accented, with emphasis acceso: captivated, on fire 2. acciaccato: divided, crushed, the sounding with the notes of a chord less than simultaneously, yet from underlying part to top. * acciaccatura: crushing, i. e., a really fast sophistication note that can be “crushed” against the note that follows and uses up no value in the measure * accompagnato: accompanied, my spouse and i. e., with the accompaniment pursuing the soloist, who have may speed up or decrease at will * adagietto: rather slow 5. adagio: relaxed, i. e., play gradually * adagissimo: very, very slow ad libitum (commonly makeshift, Latin): at liberty, i actually. e., the speed and method of execution will be left to the performer * a due: intended as being a duet, for two voices or perhaps instruments, with each other, two tools are to play in unison after a solo passageway for one with the instruments 2. affannato, affannoso: anguished * affettuoso, affettuosamente, or affectueusement (Fr): with affect (that is, with emotion), see also que incluye affetto 2. affrettando: rushing, pressing onwards * souple: swiftly 2. agitato: upset al, samtliga: to the, in the manner of (al before manly nouns, de flesta before feminine) * samtliga breve: in cut-time, two beats every measure or maybe the equivalent thereof * alla marcia: inside the style of a march 2. allargando: broadening, becoming a very little slower everytime * allegretto: a little lively, moderately quickly * allegretto vivace: a moderately speedy tempo 5. allegrezza: sunniness, joyfulness * allegro: cheerful or quick, but frequently interpreted while lively, quickly * allegrissimo: very fast, nevertheless slower than presto all’ ottava: “at the octave”, see ottava * als (Ger): than * oll (English) (also alt dem or modified dominant): a jazz term which advices chord-playing performers such as a jazz music pianist or jazz guitar player to perform a dominant (V7) chord with altered uppr extensions (e. g., sharpened 11th, flat 13th, etc . ). * altissimo: extremely high * alto: high, generally refers to a certain range of tone of voice, higher than a tenor nevertheless lower than a soprano 2. alzate sordini: lift or raise the mutes, i. elizabeth., remove mutes * i am Steg (Ger): at the connect, i.., playing a bowed string tool near its bridge, which usually produces a bulkier, stronger strengthen (see sul ponticello with this list) * amabile: de gré à gré, pleasant 2. amoroso: supportive * anacrusis: a note or perhaps notes that precede the first full bar, a pickup 5. andamento: utilized to refer to a fugue subject of above-average length 2. andante: at a walking pace, i. e., by a modest tempo 2. andantino: somewhat faster than andante (but earlier it can be sometimes utilized to mean a little bit slower than andante) 5. angstlich (Ger. ): desperately a inezia: to practically nothing, an indication to produce a diminuendo which in turn fades to pppp 2. a nessuna cosa: to nothing, an indication to hold a fermata until it finally dies aside (this will only work with instruments which simply cannot sustain a note) 2. anima: feeling * animandosi: animated, exciting * animato: animated, dynamic * antiphon: a liturgical or other composition comprising choral responses, sometimes between two finirs, a passageway of this character forming part of another make up, a repeated passage within a psalm or other liturgical piece, being a refrain. 1] * apaise (Fr): calmed * a servizio: at enjoyment, i. electronic., the artist need not the actual rhythm strictly, for example within a cadenza * appassionato: strong * appoggiatura also called a “leaning note”: one or more style notes that take up some take note value in the next complete note. 5. a bombig vista: Sightread (lit. “at first sight”), i. elizabeth., (to be) played or sung from written note but with out prior report on the drafted material * arco: the bow employed for playing a few string instrument, i. e. played with the bow, rather than pizzicato (plucked), in music for bowed instruments, normally used to cancel a punto direction 2. arietta: a short aria * arioso: cut, or like an air (a melody), we. e., in the way of an semblant, melodious 5. armonioso: harmoniously * arpeggio: like a harp, i. elizabeth., the records of the chords are to be played quickly 1 after another (usually ascending) instead of together. In music for keyboard, this is sometimes a option in playing a wide-ranging chord whose notes cannot be played or else. Arpeggios are frequently used as an accompaniment.

See also broken chord in this list. * arpeggiato: a way of playing a chord: starting with the best note, and with successively higher records rapidly becoming a member of in. Sometimes the effect is reversed, in order that the highest note is performed first. * assai: incredibly * suffisament (Fr): enough, sufficiently 2. a tempo: in time, i actually. e., the performer should return to the key tempo in the piece (after an tiltagende or ritardando, etc .

You read ‘Glossary of Musical technology Terminology’ in category ‘Essay examples’ ), also may be seen in combination with additional terms such as a tempo appropriato (in tight time) or possibly a tempo di menuetto (at the speed of your minuet) 2. attacca: harm or connect, go straight on, we. e. at the end of a movements, a way to attach another movement to the previous one, without a gap or temporarily stop * Ausdruck (Ger): appearance * ausdrucksvoll/mit Ausdruck(Ger): expressively, with expression * gre à (Fr): with or with another M * N: German for B smooth (also in Swedish, Finnish, Icelandic, Danish and Croatian), H in German can be B organic * temerario: barbarous (notably used in Diminuendo barbaro by simply Bela Bartok) * Bartok pizzicato: a term which usually instructs string performers to try out a pizzicato note to pull the thread away from the fingerboard so that it photos back percussively on the fingerboard. bass: the best of the regular four words ranges (bass, tenor, descanso, soprano), the minimum melodic series in a audio composition, generally thought of as defining and promoting the a harmonious relationship, in an orchestral context, the definition of usually refers to the double bass. 2. basso continuo: ongoing bass, i actually. e., a bass portion played consistently throughout a part to give harmonic structure, used especially in the Extraordinaire period 5. battement (Fr. ): used in the 17th-century to refer to ornaments consisting of two adjoining notes, uch as trills or mordents * overcome: (1) the pronounced rhythm of music, (2) a single stroke of a rhythmic accent * combattivo: warlike, intense * bill or bene: well, in ben siglato (“well marked”) for example * bend: brighten term referring either to establishing a pitch, moving down a split step and returning to the initial pitch or perhaps sliding up half a step from the first note. 5. beschleunigte (Ger): accelerated, just as mit beschleunigter Geschwindigkeit, at an accelerated tempo * bewegt (Ger): relocated, with velocity binary: a musical kind in two sections: ABS * bird’s eye: a slang term for fermata, which instructs the artist to hold an email or blend as long as they wish 5. bis (Lat): twice, we. e., repeat the relevant action or verse * bisbigliando: whispering, my spouse and i. e., a unique tremolo effect on the harp where a blend or note is rapidly repeated at a low volume level * bocca chiusa: with closed oral cavity * bravura: boldness, just as con agallas, boldly 5. breit (Ger): broad 2. bridge: Transitional passage connecting two sections of a make up, also move.

Also the part of a stringed instrument that holds the strings set up and sends their heurt to the resonant body from the instrument. 5. brillante: remarkably, with shimmer * impetu: vigour, generally in que tiene brio 2. brioso: strenuously (same while con brio) * damaged chord: A chord in which the notes are not all enjoyed at once, but also in some more or perhaps less consistent sequence. They might follow singly one after the other, or two notes may be immediately followed by another two, for example. See also arpeggio in this list, which while an complement pattern may be seen as a kind of broken chord, see Alberti bass. bruscamente: brusquely C * cadenza: a alone section, usually in a entente or identical work, which is used to display the performer’s approach, sometimes at considerable size * calando: falling apart, or decreasing, i. e., getting slower and quieter, ritardando along with diminuendo * calore: warmth, so con calore, warmly * cambiare: to modify, i. elizabeth., any change, such as into a new device * canto: chorus, choral, chant 2. canon or kanon (Ger): a theme that may be repeated and imitated and built upon by other instruments with a time hold off, creating a layered effect, see Pachelbel’s Rule. cantabile or cantando: in a singing style * capo: 1 . Capo: a key-changing device intended for guitars and banjos, 2 . head, we. e. the beginning (of a movement, normally). * originale: capriciously, unforeseen, volatile 2. cedez (Fr): yield, cave in * cesura or caesura (Latin form): break, quit, i. e., a complete burglary sound (sometimes nicknamed “railroad tracks” with reference to their appearance) * incomprensibile: closed, i. e., moderate by hand (for a horn, or related instrument, yet see likewise bocca chiusa, which uses the female form, with this list) * coda: a tail, we. e. a closing section appended into a movement 2. codetta: a little coda, yet usually used on a passage appended into a section of a movement, never to a whole motion * col, colla: together with the (col ahead of a assertive noun, colla before a female noun), (see next intended for example) 5. colla part: with the soloist, as a great instruction within an orchestral report or component, it advices the caudillo or orchestral musician to adhere to the beat and tempo of a alone performer (usually for a short passage) * colla voce: with the voice, as a great instruction within a choral music/opera score or perhaps orchestral part, it teaches the conductor or orchestral musician to adhere to the beat and ” cadence ” of a single singer (usually for a short passage) * col legno: with the solid wood, i. elizabeth., the strings (for example, of a violin) are to be hit with the wood of the ribbon and bow, making a percussive sound, also bastonata col legno: beaten while using wood 2. coloratura: pigmentation, i. at the., elaborate artwork of a vocal line, or perhaps (especially) a soprano tone that is suitable to such elaboration 5. colossale: immensely col colpo: with the fist, i. elizabeth., bang the piano together with the fist 5. come prima: like the first (time), i. e., because before, commonly referring to an earlier tempo 2. come su: as above, i. elizabeth., like the earlier tempo (usually) * common time: time signature 4/4: four beats per measure, each defeat a quarter note (a crotchet) in length. 4/4 is often written on the audio staff since. The sign is not only a C as an abstract for common time, nevertheless a damaged circle, the total circle in the past stood pertaining to triple time, 3/4. 2. comodo (or, commonly but less appropriately, commodo): comfortable, i. elizabeth., at moderate speed, also, allegro comodo, tempo agradable, etc . con: with, found in very many musical technology directions, by way of example con allegrezza (with liveliness), con amore (with tenderness), (see as well col, colla, above) 5. con coscienza: with affect (that is usually, with emotion) * que tiene amore, or perhaps (in Spanish and sometimes in Italian) que tiene amor: with love, tenderly * con anima: with feeling 2. con brio: with soul, with vigour * que incluye dolore: with sadness * con forza: with power * con (gran, molta) espressione: with (great, much) expression * con sparatoria: with fire, in a fantastic manner * con copiosit?: with broadness, broadly 5. con moto: with action * con somma sofferenza: with great passion * con entusiasmo: with passion * que tiene spirito: with spirit, with feeling que tiene sordina, or perhaps con sordine (plural): which has a mute, or perhaps with mutes, several orchestral instruments can have their develop muted with wood, plastic, metal, or plastic products (for line instruments, mutes are clipped to the connection, and for instruments instruments, mutes are injected in the bell), compare con assenza di sordina with this list (which instructs the musicians to remove their mutes), see as well Sordino. Note: sordina, with plural sordine, is firmly correct German, but the forms con sordino and que incluye sordini are much more commonly applied as terms in music. * que tiene sordino, or perhaps con sordini (plural) (incorrect Italian): observe con sordina, above 2. con variazioni: with variations/changes conjunct: a great adjective put on a melodic line that moves by simply step (intervals of a 2nd) rather in disjunct action (by leap). * contralto: * contrapuntalism: see counterpoint * coperti (plural of coperto, which can also be seen): covered, my spouse and i. e., on the drum, moderate with a fabric * crescendo: growing, we. e., steadily louder (contrast diminuendo) * cuivre: brassy. Used nearly exclusively as being a French Car horn technique to reveal a pressured, rough develop. A note designated both ended and loud will be cuivre automatically[1] 2. cut time: Same as the meter 2/2: two half-note (minim) beats per measure. Notated and executed just like common period (4/4), other than with the beat lengths bending. Indicated by simply. This comes from a exacto cut in the symbol of common period.

Thus, one fourth note in cut time is only a split beat lengthy, and a measure offers only two beats. See also alla breve. M * da capo: through the head, i. e., right from the start (see capo in this list) * M. S.: Dal Segno, through the sign () * Deb. S. ing fine or perhaps dal cifra al good: from the sign to the end, i. at the., return to an area in the music designated by the sign and continue to the end of the part * M. S. S i9000. al coda or dal segno approach coda: just like D. T. al coda, but with a double segno * G. S. S i9000. al excellent or dal segno ‘s fine: from your double indication to the end, i. elizabeth., return to place in the music designated by the dual sign (see D. H. al coda) and still the end from the piece 5. deciso: decisively decelerando: scaling down, decelerating, opposing of tiltagende (same because ritardando or perhaps rallentando) 5. decrescendo or perhaps decresc.: identical to diminuendo or perhaps dim. (see below) 2. deest: through the Latin deesse meaning absent, placed after having a catalogue abstract to indicate that this particular work does not come in it. [2] The multiple, desunt can be used when talking about several performs. * delicatamente or soave: delicately * detache: take action of playing notes independently * querer: religiously 5. diminuendo, darkish.: dwindling, my spouse and i. e., with gradually decreasing volume (same as decrescendo) * disjunct: an épithète applied to a melodic line which techniques by step (intervals greater than a 2nd) as opposed to conjunct motion (by step) * dissonante: dissonant divisi or div.: divided, i. e., in a component in which a number of musicians normally play the identical notes they may be instead to split the playing of the written simultaneous notes amongst themselves. It truly is most often employed for string musical instruments, since with them one more means of delivery is often feasible. (The return from divisi is marked unisono: find in this list. ) 5. doit: jazz music term discussing a note that slides to a indefinite frequency chromatically up-wards. * dolciume: sweetly 2. dolcissimo: very sweetly 5. dolente: sorrowfully, plaintively * dolore: pain, distress, sorow, grief 5. doloroso: sorrowfully, plaintively 5. doppio movimento: twice as quickly double end: the action of playing two remarks simultaneously over a melodic traumatisme instrument or string tool * downtempo: a gradual, moody, or perhaps decreased ” cadence ” or performed or required for such a tempo. In addition, it refers to a genre of electronic music based on this kind of (downtempo). * drammatico: significantly * drop: jazz term referring to a note that slides to an indefinite pitch chromatically downwards. 5. Dur (Ger): major, found in key validations as, for instance , A-Dur (A major), B-Dur (B? major), or H-Dur (B major). (See also Moll (minor) in this list. ) 2. duolo: (Ital) grief 2. dumpf (Ger): dull * dynamics: the relative volume level in the delivery of a part of music Electronic * electronic (Ital), or perhaps ed (Ital , employed before vowels): and eco: the Italian word to get “echo”, an impact in which a selection of notes can be repeated, usually more softly, and perhaps by a different octave, to create a great echo impact * das wenig (Ger): a little 2. Empfindung (Ger): feeling 5. encore (Fr): again, my spouse and i. e., conduct the relevant passage once more 5. en extérieur (Fr): conspicuously * energico: energetic, strong * amanerado: emphatically 5. en pressant (Fr): hurrying forward 2. en retenant (Fr): slowing * eroico: heroically 5. espansivo: effusive, excessive in emotional manifestation, gushy. 5. espirando: expiring, i. electronic., dying away * espressione: expressively * espressivo or espr.: expressively * annullato: extinct, extinguished, i. e., as soft as possible, without life, barely hearable * sehr (Ger): relatively F facile: easily, with no fuss * fall: brighten term conveying a note of certain pitch slipping downwards to another note of definite message. * falsetto: vocal signup above the usual voice * fermata: completed, closed, my spouse and i. e., a rest or notice is to be held for a length that is at the discretion of the performer or conductor (sometimes called bird’s eye), a fermata at the conclusion of a initially or intermediate movement or section is generally moderately extented, but the last fermata of a symphony can be prolonged pertaining to twice it is printed length or more intended for dramatic impact. * crudele: ferociously 5. feurig (Ger): fiery * festivamente: happily, celebratory 2. fieramente: happily fill (English): a jazz or ordinary term which will instructs artists to improvise a scalar passage or riff to “fill in” the short time between lyrical phrases, the lines of melody, or between two sections 5. fine: the conclusion, often in phrases just like al good (to the end) 5. flat: symbolic (? ) that lowers the pitch of a take note by a semitone. The term may also be used as a great adjective to explain a situation in which a singer or perhaps musician can be performing an email in which the intonation is an eighth or a quarter of your semitone lacking. * flautando (may also appear as flautendo): flutelike, used specifically string tools to indicate a light-weight, rapid bowing over the fingerboard * debole: mournfully 2. focoso or perhaps fuocoso: fiery, i. electronic., passionately 5. forte or f (usually): strong, we. e., to become played or perhaps sung fully * fortepiano or fp (usually): strong-gentle, i. e., 1 . noisy, then immediately soft (see dynamics), or perhaps 2 . n early piano * fortissimo or ff: very noisy (see note at pianissimo in this list) * fortississimo or fff: as deafening as possible 2. forza musical force 5. forzando or perhaps fz: discover sforzando with this list 5. freddo: cold(ly), hence depressive, unemotional 5. fresco: newly * frohlich: lively, joyfully * fugue (Fr), fuga (Latin and Italian): literally “flight”, consequently a complex and highly disciplined contrapuntal kind in music. A short theme (the subject) is presented in one words (or part) alone, then in others, with imitation and attribute development because the piece progresses. 5. funebre: funeral, often seen as marcia funerario (funeral march), indicating a stately and plodding tempo. * fiammata: fire, que tiene fuoco means with open fire * furia: fury * furioso: furiously G 2. G. L. Grand Temporarily halt, General Temporarily stop, indicates for the performers that the entire outfit has a associated with indeterminate length, often as a dramatic effect during a deafening section 2. gaudioso: with joy 5. gemendo: groaningly * gracieux: gently * geschwind (Ger): quickly * geteilt (Ger): See divisi * getragen (Ger): suffered * giocoso or gioioso: gaily 2. giusto: strictly, exactly, at the. g. tempo giusto in strict period * glissando (simulated Italian[citation needed]): a continuous sliding from one pitch to a different (a the case glissando), or an incidental scale carried out while shifting from one melodic note to another (an successful glissando). Observe glissando for further information, and compare portamento in this list. * splendido: grandly * grave: gradually and really * grazioso: gracefully suculento: with cheerful emphasis and forcefulness They would * They would: German to get B all-natural, B in German means B level * Hauptstimme (Ger): key voice, primary part, i. e., the contrapuntal distinctive line of primary importance, in opposition to Nebenstimme * hemiola (English, by Greek): the imposition of a pattern of rhythm or perhaps articulation apart from that implied by the time signature, particularly, in multiple time (for example in 3/4) the imposition of the duple style (as in the event the time personal unsecured were, for instance , 2/4). Discover Syncopation. 2. hervortretend (Ger): prominent, noticable * Homophony: A musical technology texture with one tone of voice (or tune line) combined with chords, as well used while an appositive (homophonic).

Compare with polyphony, by which several noises or tune lines will be performed at the same time. I 2. immer (Ger): always 5. imperioso: imperiously * impetuoso: impetuously * improvvisando: with improvisation 5. improvvisato: improvised, or like improvised * in altissimo: in the maximum, i. electronic., play or perhaps sing an octave bigger * incalzando: getting faster and louder * innig: intimately, heartfelt * insistendo: insistently, strategic * in modo di: in the fine art of, inside the style of 5. intimo: intimately * guide: opening section * irato: angrily * -issimo: a suffix meaning , extremely’, e. g. fortissimo or prestissimo 2. -issimamente: a suffix which means , as, as can be’, e. g. leggerissimamente, that means , as light as can be’ T Jazz standard (or basically “standard”): a well known composition from the jazz show which is broadly played and recorded. K * keyboardist (Eng) a musician who plays any instrument which has a keyboard. In Classical music, this may consider instruments like the piano, water line organ, harpsichord, and so on. In a jazz or popular music context, this may refer to instruments such as the piano, electric keyboard, synthesizer, Hammond organ, and so forth. * kraftig (Ger): strongly * Klangfarbenmelodie (Ger): “tone-color-melody”, distribution of pitch or melody among instruments, varying timbre D * commovente: tearfully, my spouse and i. e., regretfully * laissez vibrer, m. v. Fr): allow the appear to continue, will not damp, applied frequently in harp music, occasionally in piano or percussion. To get percussion, electric guitar, “let ring” is more common. [1] 2. lamentando: lamenting, mournfully 5. lamentoso: lamenting, mournfully 5. langsam (Ger): slowly 5. largamente: commonly, i. electronic., slowly (same as largo) * larghetto: somewhat gradually, not as sluggish as sagaz * larghissimo: very gradually, slower than largo 5. largo: generally, i. electronic., slowly * leap (skip): a melodic interval regarding green major second, as opposed to a step. Melodies which move by a leap these are known as “disjunct”. Octave leaps aren’t uncommon in florid vocal music. 2. lebhaft (Ger): briskly, energetic * legato: joined, we. e. smoothly, in a linked manner (see also articulation) * leggiero, leggiermente or perhaps leggiadro: softly, delicately (The different types of this phrase, including leggierezza, “lightness”, happen to be properly spelled in German as legger- without the my spouse and i. ) 5. leggierissimo: extremely lightly and delicately * lent (Fr): slowly 5. lentando: continuous slowing and softer * lentissimo: incredibly slowly * lento: slowly and gradually * indipendentemente: freely * libero: free of charge, freely 2. lilt: a jaunty rhythm * l’istesso: see lo stesso, beneath * chiflado: [in] place, i. elizabeth., perform the notes at the pitch created, generally accustomed to cancel an 8va or 8vb direction. In string music, also utilized to indicate come back to normal playing position (see Playing the violin). 1] 5. long accentuate Hit hard and keep total value of note (&gt, ) 2. lontano: from afar, distantly * lo stesso (or typically, but ungrammatically, l’istesso): similar, applied to the way in which of assemblage, tempo, etc . * lo stesso tempo (or l’istesso tempo): a similar tempo, irrespective of changes of the time signature 5. lugubre: lugubrious, mournful * luminoso: luminously * lunga: long (often applied to a fermata) 5. lusingando: coaxingly M * ma: yet * mother non esagerato: but not too much * grandioso: majestically, within a stately trend * straordinario: magically * maggiore: the main key * magnifico: impressive * main droite (French): [played with the] right hand (abbreviation: MD or perhaps m. g. * primary gauche (French): [played with the] left (abbreviation: MG or meters. g. ) * depresso: melancholic 2. mancando: dying away 2. mano destra: [played with the] correct hand (abbreviation: MD or m. deb. ) 2. mano manca: [played with the] left hand (abbreviation: MS or meters. s. ) * marcatissimo: with very much accentuation 2. marcato, marc.: marked, i. e., with accentuation, perform every note as if that were to be accented * camminata: a drive, alla manifestazione means in the manner of a mar * martellato: hammered away * marziale: martial, solemn and brutal * massig (German): reasonably (also: mother? ig) 2. MD: discover mano destra and key droite 5. melancolico: melancholic melisma: the technique of changing the note (pitch) of a syllable of text while it will be sung * measure (US): also “bar” the period of a musical part that has a complete routine of the time personal, e. g., in 4/4 time, a measure features four quaver beats 2. medesimo ” cadence “: same tempo, despite changes of time signature * medley: piece composed from elements of existing items, usually three, played one particular after one other, sometimes overlapping. * meno: less, see meno manovrato, for example , less mosso 5. messa di voce: in singing, a controlled enlarge, i. elizabeth. crescendo then simply diminuendo, on a long kept note, particularly in Baroque music and in the bel vibrazione period[1] 2. mesto: mournful, sad colocar (or metre): the style of a music piece’s tempo of solid and weak beats 5. mezza ciarla: half words, i. elizabeth., with subdued or achieved volume 2. mezzo: fifty percent, used in combinations like strumento forte (mf), meaning reasonably loud 5. mezzo stand out point: half loudly, i. e., moderately loudly. See mechanics. * veicolo piano: fifty percent softly, we. e., moderately softly. Discover dynamics. * mezzo-soprano: a girl singer having a range usually extending through the A beneath middle C to the F an eleventh above middle section C. Mezzo-sopranos generally include a more dark vocal strengthen than sopranos, and their vocal range is among that of a soprano which of an contralto. * MG: see main gauche 5. misterioso: mysteriously * mobile phone: flexible, changeable moderato: moderate, often along with other terms, usually associated with tempo, for instance , allegro moderato * modere (Fr): moderately * discreto: modest * modulation is quite commonly the act or perhaps process of changing from one important (tonic, or perhaps tonal center) to another. This might or may not be accompanied by a enhancements made on key personal. * Moll (German): small, used in essential signatures since, for example , a-Moll (A minor), b-Moll (B? minor), or perhaps h-Moll (B minor) (see also Dur (major) through this list) 2. molto: very * morendo: dying, we. e., dying away in dynamics, and maybe also in tempo 5. mosso: relocated, moving, used with a preceding piu or perhaps meno (see in this list), for faster or slower respectively * MS: see somanta sinistra motocicleta: motion, generally seen as que tiene moto, meaning with action or quickly * movements: a section of your musical formula (such as a sonata or perhaps concerto) * munter (German): lively * Mussete (Fr) a move or beat of a drone-bass character, formerly played by a musette 2. muta [in, ]: Change: either a change of instrument, electronic. g. flute to piccolo, horn in F to horn in Bb, or possibly a change of tuning, elizabeth. g. any guitar muta six in G. Note: does not always mean “mute”, that con sordina or que incluye sordino can be used. [1] Muta comes from the Italian verb mutare (to change into something). N 5. narrante: narratingly * natural: a symbol (? ) that cancels the result of a sharp or a level (see in this list) 5. naturale or nat.: normal, i. elizabeth. discontinue a special effect, just like col legno, sul tasto, sul ponticello, or playing in harmonics * N. C.: zero chord, crafted in the blend row of music mention to show there is not any chord getting played, without implied tranquility * Nebenstimme (Ger): extra part, we. e., the second contrapuntal component, always developing simultaneously with, and part to, the Hauptstimme 2. nicht (Ger): not * niente: “nothing”, barely clear, dying away * eccellente or nobilmente: in a rspectable fashion 5. nocturne (Fr): a piece crafted for the night * remarks inegales (Fr): unequal records, a primarily Baroque overall performance practice of applying long-short rhythms to pairs of notes written because equal, discover also thrown note 5. notturno: same as nocturne (see above) quantity opera: an opera including “numbers, inch e. g. arias, intermixed with recitative O 2. obbligato: required, indispensable 2. octave: interval between 1 musical pitch and an additional with 1 / 2 or twice its consistency. 12 semitones equals an octave, thus does the initially and eighth (hence “oct”ave) note in a major or perhaps minor range. * onore: homage, special event * one-voice-per-part, or OVPP: the practice of applying solo sounds on each musical technology line or perhaps part in choral music. * descortes, or ord. (It. ): in bowed string music, an indication to discontinue prolonged techniques such as sul ponticello, sul tasto or encolure legno, and return to usual playing. Similar to “naturale”. body organ trio: in jazz or perhaps rock, a group of three musicians which includes a Hammond organ player and two other devices, often a guitar player and a drummer. * ossia or o: or instead, i. e., according to some specified alternative way of executing a verse, which is marked with a footnote, additional little notes, or perhaps an additional personnel * ostinato: obstinate, continual, i. electronic., a short musical technology pattern that may be repeated through an entire composition or part of a formula * ottava: octave, at the. g. ottava bassa: a great octave reduced P 5. parlando or perhaps parlante: just like speech, enunciated * Partitur (Ger): complete orchestral report * passionato: passionately pastorale: in a pastoral style, relaxing and simple * pausa: rest * pedale or ped: In keyboard scores, this instructs the player to press the check pedal to sustain the note or perhaps chord staying played. The participant may be directed to release the pedal with an asterisk marking (*). In body organ scores, that tells the organist a section is usually to be performed on the bass pedalboard with the toes. * penseroso: thoughtfully, meditatively * perdendosi: dying apart, decrease in characteristics, perhaps also in ” cadence ” * insopportabile: heavy, ponderous * peu a peu (Fr): slowly and gradually * pezzo: a structure * pianissimo or pp: very gently, i. elizabeth., perform extremely softly, also softer than piano.

This kind of convention can be extended, the greater ps which have been written, the softer the composer desires the artist to play or perhaps sing, hence ppp (pianississimo) would be better than pp. Dynamics within a piece must be interpreted in accordance with the different dynamics inside the same piece. For example , pp should be accomplished as softly as possible, but since ppp is located later in the piece, pp should be substantially louder than ppp. A lot more than three playstation (ppp) or perhaps three fs (fff) are uncommon. 5. piano or perhaps p (usually): gently, we. e., played out or being sung softly (see dynamics) 5. piano-vocal score: the same as a vocal report, a piano arrangement combined with the vocal areas of an ie, cantata, or perhaps similar 5. piacevole: nice, agreeable 2. piangevole: plaintive * penoso: pitiful, piteous * piu: more, observe mosso to get an example piuttosto: rather, relatively, e. g. allegro piuttosto presto * pizzicato: pinched, plucked, i actually. e., in music intended for bowed strings, plucked with the fingers as opposed to played with the bow, assess arco (in this list), which is put to terminate a pizzicato instruction 2. pochettino or poch.: hardly any * poco: a little, as in poco piu allegro (a little faster) * temporalmente: little by little 2. poetico: graceful discourse * poi: then simply, indicating a subsequent teaching in a series, diminuendo poi subito fortissimo, for example: obtaining softer then suddenly extremely loud 5. pomposo: pompous, ceremonious 5. portamento: having, i. at the., 1 . enerally, sliding in pitch from note to a new, usually stopping just above or below the final message, then slipping quickly to that pitch. If perhaps no temporarily stop is executed, then it is actually a basic glissando, or installment payments on your in keyboard music, a great articulation among legato and staccato, like portato, from this list 2. portato or perhaps loure: transported, i. elizabeth., non-legato, but not as detached as staccato (same as portamento [2], with this list) * posato: satisfied * potpourri or pot-pourri (Fr): potpourri (as utilized in other feelings in English), i. elizabeth., a kind of music form organised as ABCDEF, etc ., exactly like medley or, sometimes, fantasia * precipitato: precipitately prelude or preface, prologue (Fr): a musical summary of subsequent movements during the Extraordinaire era (1600’s/17th century). It can also be a movements in its own right, that has been more common inside the Romantic era (mid 1700s/18th century) 2. prestissimo: really quickly, as fast as possible * dispuesto: very quickly * prima cambiamento: the first time, for example prima cambiamento senza accompagnamento (the first-time without accompaniment) * minestra or sauber (the womanly form): initially Q 2. quarter strengthen: Half of a semitone, a pitch department not utilized in most European music note, except in some contemporary art music or perhaps experimental music. Quarter shades are used in Western well-known music forms such as jazz music and doldrums and in various non-Western musical cultures. quasi (Latin and Italian): as if, almost, at the. g. queer recitativo such as a recitative within an opera, or quasi la fantasia like a fantasia R * rallentando or rall.: Broadening from the tempo (often not discernible from ritardando), progressively slow * rapido: fast * rapide (Fr): fast 2. rasch (Ger): fast * ravvivando: speed up pace * recitativo: recitatively, one tone without complement * monja: religiously 2. repente: suddenly * restez (Fr): stay, i. elizabeth., remain on an email or thread * retenu (Fr): keep back, same as the Italian ritenuto (see below) * ridicolosamente: humorously, erroneous, and freely * rinforzando (rf, or perhaps rinf. ): reinforced, i. e. highlighted, sometimes like a sudden crescendo, but often applied to just one note 2. risoluto: resolutely * rit.: an abridgment for ritardando,[3] also an abbreviation intended for ritenuto[4] 5. ritardando, ritard., rit.: slowing, decelerating, reverse of accelerando * ritenuto, riten., rit.: suddenly slower, held back (usually more so nevertheless more temporarily than a ritardando, and it may, unlike ritardando, apply to an individual note) * ritmico: rhythmical * cadenza: rhythm, e. g. cadenza di # battute meaning a beat of # measures * ritornello a recurring passage for orchestra in the initial or final movement of a solo concerto or aria (also in works pertaining to chorus). * rolled blend: see arpeggiato in this list roulade (Fr): a moving, i. at the., a florid vocal phrase * rondo: a musical technology form in which a certain section returns consistently, interspersed with other sections: JUTE is a standard structure or ABACABA 5. rubato: robbed, i. e., flexible in tempo, placed on notes within a musical key phrase for expressive effect 2. ruhig (Ger): peaceful * run: an instant series of ascending or descending musical remarks which are carefully spaced in pitch developing a scale * ruvido: roughly S i9000 * saltando: bouncing the bow such as a staccato arpeggio, practically means “jumping” * flauschig (Ger): gently * scatenato: unchained, wildly[5] * scherzando, scherzoso: playfully scherzo: a mild, “joking” or playful musical technology form, formerly and usually in fast multiple metre, frequently replacing the minuet inside the later Traditional period plus the Romantic period, in symphonies, sonatas, chain quartets and so on, in the 19th century several scherzi had been independent actions for piano, etc . 2. schleppen (Ger): to pull, usually wirklich nicht schleppen (“don’t drag”), paired with nicht eilen (“don’t hurry”) in Gustav Mahler’s ratings * bestimmt (Ger): fast * schneller (Ger): more quickly * schwungvoll (Ger): exciting, swinging, striking, spirited * schwer (Ger): heavy 2. scordatura: out of melody, i. at the., an alternative fine-tuning used for the strings of a string tool * scorrendo, scorrevole: gliding from be aware to note aridit?, or securities and exchange commission’s (Fr): dry * questione: sign, generally Dal Rigatura (see above) “from the sign”, indicating a return to the point marked by * segue: keep on to the next section without a temporarily halt * besonders (Ger): incredibly * semitone: the smallest presentation difference between notes (in most Traditional western music) (e. g., F”F#) * chiaro: simply 2. sempre: always * senza: without * senza livello: without measure * senza sordina, or senza sordine (plural): with no mute, compare con sordina in this list, see likewise Sordino. Be aware: sordina, with plural sordine, is purely correct Italian language, but the forms con sordino and con sordini are much more commonly applied as terms in music.

In piano music (notably in Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata), senza sordini or senza sordina (or some variant) is sometimes utilized to mean keep your sustain coated depressed, because the sustain your pedal lifts the dampers off the strings, while using effect that most notes are sustained indefinitely. * serioso: seriously 5. sforzando or sfz: manufactured loud, my spouse and i. e., a sudden strong accentuate * tremble: a jazz music term talking about a trill between one note and its particular minor third, or, with brass tools, between a note and its next overblown harmonic. * sharp: a symbol (? ) that raises the pitch in the note by a semitone. The definition of may also be used since an qualificative to describe a predicament where a singer or musician is performing a note in which the intonation can be an 8th or a 1 / 4 of a semitone too high in pitch. * short highlight: Hit the note hard and brief. (^) dans le cas où (Fr): seventh note from the series ut, re, mi, fa, terrain, la, dans le cas où, in fixed-doh solmization. * siciliana: a Sicilian dance in 12/8 or 6/8 meter[6] 2. sign: find segno 5. silenzio: peace and quiet, i. elizabeth., without reverberations * simile: similarly, my spouse and i. e., continue applying the preceding directive, whatever it was, to the subsequent passage 2. sipario: drape (stage) 2. slargando or slentando: getting broader or slower (that is, progressively more largo or even more lento) 5. smorzando or smorz.: extinguishing or dampening, usually interpreted as a drop in mechanics, and very typically in tempo as well 2. soave: easily, gently 5. sopra: above * sognando: dreamily single break: a jazz term that advices a lead player or perhaps rhythm section member to try out an improvised solo cadenza for one or two measures (sometimes abbreviated since “break”), with no accompaniment. The solo portion is often enjoyed in a rhythmically free way, until the gamer performs a pickup or lead-in range, at which time the music group recommences playing in the first tempo. 2. solenne: solemn * solo, plural soli: alone, i actually. e., executed by a solitary instrument or voice. The instruction soli requires multiple player or singer, within a jazz big band this kind of refers to a whole section playing in balance. * sonata: a piece played as opposed to sung. * sonatina: a little sonata sonatine: slightly sonata, used in some countries instead of sonatina * sonore: sonorous 2. sonoro: buzzing * soprano: the highest from the standard several voice amounts (bass, tenor, alto, soprano) * sordina, sordine (plural): a mute, or a check in the case of the piano. Be aware: sordina, with plural sordine, is strictly correct German, but the forms sordino and sordini are much more commonly employed as conditions in music. See also con sordina, senza sordina, in this list. * sordino: see sordina, above * sortita: a principal singer’s first entry in an opera * sospirando: sighing 2. sostenuto: suffered, lengthened 5. sotto ciarla: in an undertone i. e. quietly 5. spianato: clean, even 2. spiccato: distinctive, separated, my spouse and i. e. a way of playing the violin and other bowed devices by jumping the bend on the string, giving a characteristic staccato impact * scurrile: literally “pushed” * spiritoso: spiritedly * staccato: producing each be aware brief and detached, the opposite of incastrato. In musical technology notation, a little dot beneath or over your head of the note indicates it is to be articulated as distaccato. * stanza: a passage of a song * stornello originally really , improvised’ now taken as , showing to be improvised, ‘ a great Italian , folk’ track, the style of which will used for model by Puccini in certain of his operas. * strascinando or strascicante: indicating a passage needs to be played within a heavily slurred manner * strepitoso: noisy, forceful 5. stretto: restricted, narrow, we. e. quicker or speeding ahead, also, a passageway in a catch in which the contrapuntal texture is definitely denser, with close overlapping entries with the subject in several voices, simply by extension, identical closely imitative passages consist of compositions * stringendo: gradually getting faster (literally, securing, narrowing), we. e., with a pressing ahead or acceleration of the ” cadence ” (that is, becoming stretto, see previous entry) * subito: suddenly (e. g., subito pp, which advices the player to suddenly drop to pianissimo as an effect) 5. sul At the: “on E”, indicating a passage shall be played within the E chain of a violin. Also noticed: sul A, sul Deb, sul G, sul C, indicating a passage to get played on one of the other strings of a line instrument. 2. sul ponticello: on the bridge, i. electronic. in chain playing, the to bow (or sometimes to pluck) very near the bridge, creating a characteristic glassy sound, which in turn emphasizes the greater harmonics on the expense in the fundamental, the opposite of sul tasto 5. sul tasto: on the fingerboard, i. at the., in chain playing, the to bow (or at times to pluck) over the fingerboard, the opposite of sul ponticello. Playing in the fingerboard creates a warmer, milder tone. * sur la patte (Fr): sul tasto * syncopation: a disturbance or interruption from the regular movement of downbeat rhythm with emphasis on the sub-division or perhaps up-beat, elizabeth. g. in Ragtime music. T * tacet: quiet, do not play tasto single: , sole key’, used on a continuo part to point that the remarks should be performed without harmony * ” cadence “: time, we. e., the complete speed of the piece of music * ” cadence ” di camminata: march tempo * ” cadence ” di sturb de friends and neighbors[7] seen in Body fat Waller’s layout of Stardust * tempo di valse: waltz tempo * ” cadence ” giusto: in strict time * tempo primo, ” cadence ” uno, or tempo My spouse and i (sometimes likewise written as tempo I or tempo 1ero): curriculum vitae the original rate * ” cadence ” rubato, means “robbed time”, an significant way of performing a beat, see levato * teneramente: tenderly * tenerezza: pain * tenor: the second cheapest of the standard four tone ranges (bass, tenor, elevado, soprano) * tenuto: kept, i. at the., touch over a note somewhat longer than sual, although without generally altering the note’s value * ternary: having 3 parts. Particularly, referring to a three-part audio form while using parts displayed by characters: ABA 2. tessitura: the , best’ or very comfortable pitch range, generally accustomed to identify the most prominent / common vocal range within a part of music * Tierce sobre Picardie: observe Picardy third * marque: the quality of a musical sculpt that distinguishes voices and instruments 2. time: in a jazz or rock rating, after a rubato or rallentendo section, the term “time” signifies that artists should return to tempo (this is equivalent to the word “a tempo”) * improvviso: rapidly * tranquillo: steadly, peacefully 5. tremolo: shaking, i. elizabeth. a rapid repeating of the same take note, or an alternation between two or more records (often an octave around the piano). String players conduct tremolo while using bow simply by rapidly moving the ribbon and bow while the adjustable rate mortgage is tight. It can also be meant (inaccurately) to relate to vibrato, which is a small undulation in pitch. It can be notated by a strong diagonal bar across the note stem, or a unattached bar for the set of paperwork (or stemless notes). 5. tre corde or tc (or occasionally inaccurately tre corda): three strings, i. e., relieve the gentle pedal from the piano (see una corda) * triplet (shown with a horizontal mount and a , 3′): Three notes in the place of two, used to subdivide a overcome. * diramazione, tronca: busted off, truncated troppo: an excessive amount of, usually viewed as non troppo, meaning moderately or, once combined with additional terms, not really too much, including allegro [ma] non esagerato (fast however, not too fast) * tutti: all, as a whole, usually used in an orchestral or choral score when the orchestra or perhaps all of the sounds come in concurrently, also noticed in Baroque-era music where two instruments talk about the same replicate of music, after a single instrument offers broken off to play an even more advanced form: they both equally play with each other again with the point designated tutti. Discover also: ripieno. U 5. un, distinto, or la: one, regarding example in the following articles * mi corda: 1 string, my spouse and i. e., in piano music, depress the soft your pedal, altering, and reducing the volume of, the sound. In some pianos, this virtually results in the hammer striking one line rather than a couple of. For most paperwork on contemporary instruments, in reality it brings about striking two rather than three strings. ) Its version, tre corde (three strings, see through this list), is definitely the opposite: the soft coated is to be unveiled. * un poco: a little 2. unisono or unis (Fr): in unison, i. e., a lot of players in a group in order to play the exact same notes within their written portion, as opposed to dividing simultaneous remarks among themselves. Often used to mark the return coming from divisi (see in this list). * uptempo: a fast, exciting, or elevated tempo or perhaps played or done in these kinds of a tempo. [8] It is also used since an umbrella term for the quick-paced electric music style. * lace (Fr): initial note with the series lace, re, mi, fa, sol, la, dans le cas où, in fixed-doh solmization. V vagans: the fifth part in a motet, named and so most probably since it had simply no specific selection * vamp till “cue”: a punk, fusion, and musical theatre term which instructs beat section members to duplicate and fluctuate a short durevole passage, riff, or “groove” until the strap leader or conductor teaches them to move onto the next section * leggero: with speed * velocissimo: as quickly as possible, generally applied to a cadenza-like passageway or manage * vibrato: vibrating, we. e., an even more or significantly less rapidly repeated slight alteration in the presentation of a notice, used to offer a richer sound and as a means of expression. Typically confused with tremolo, which refers either into a similar deviation in the amount of a note, or to rapid repeating of a single note. by way of: away, out, off, such as via sordina or sordina via: , mute off’ * éveillé (Fr): quickly, lively 2. vite (Fr): fast * vittorioso: victoriously * buono: (noun or adjective) carrying out with outstanding ability, technique, or beauty * palpitante: lively 2. vivace: very lively, up-tempo * vivacissimo: very energetic * vocal score or piano-vocal report: a music score associated with an opera, or a vocal or choral make up with orchestra (like oratorio or cantata) where the expressive parts will be written out entirely but the association is lowered to two staves and modified for playing on keyboard * fortemente: quickly and lively * voce: tone of voice * volátil: flying 5. V. S i9000. (volti subito): turn suddenly, i. elizabeth., turn the page quickly.

While this indication is sometimes added by printers, it is more commonly suggested by orchestral members with pencil as a reminder to quickly turn to the next page. W 2. wenig (Ger): a little, not much * wolno (Polish): loose, slowly, found as a enquête in The Elefant from The Carnival of the Pets or animals by Saint-Saens Z * Zahlzeit (Ger): beat 5. zart (Ger): tender * Zartheit (Ger): tenderness 2. zartlich (Ger): tenderly 5. Zeichen (Ger): sign 2. Zeitma?, likewise spelled Zeitmass (Ger): time-measure, i. e., tempo 2. zelo, zeloso, zelosamente: zeal, zealous, zealously * ziehen (Ger): to draw out 5. ziemlich (Ger): fairly, quite, pretty, to be more exact * zitternd (Ger): moving, i. at the., tremolando 5. zogernd (Ger): doubtful, stalling, i. electronic. rallentando 5. zuruckhalten (Ger): hold back See also | Music portal| References 1 ) ^ a b c d electronic f Collins Music Encyclopedia, 1959. 2 . ^ Regarding the word deest 3. ^ musicdictionary, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, American Traditions Dictionary, next edition, Gardner Read, Music Notation, 2nd edition, g. 282. four. ^ Dolmetsch Online, “Tempo”, Oxford American Dictionary, Collins English Dictionary. 5. ^ Carl Orff, Carmina Burana 6. ^ Definition of Siciliano at Dictionary. com 7. ^ Scivales, Riccardo (2005). Jazz Keyboard: The Left Hand. Ekay Music, Inc.. ISBN1-929009-54-2. Retrieved 2011 April 18. 8. ^ “uptempo” at Oxford Dictionaries Online Exterior links Understanding of Jazz Band Literary works, musical conditions used in jazz * Va Tech Media Music Dictionary (contains audio tracks samples) 2. Choral Performing Terms 2. Classical musical technology terms 5. Musical Terms Dictionary Explanations [show] * v * t 2. eMusic| | Help improve this page What’s this kind of? , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , – Best of Type Did you will find what you would look for? Yes Not any Bottom of Form Groups: * Glossaries of music * German * Audio terminology 5. Create bank account * Sign in * Content * Discuss * Examine * Change * Perspective history , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , – Top of Form Lower part of Kind * Primary page * Contents 2. Featured content * Current events * Random article Donate to Wikipedia Connection * Help * Regarding Wikipedia 5. Community web site * The latest changes 5. Contact Wikipedia Toolbox Print/export Languages 2. Boarisch 2. Cesky 2. Cymraeg * Dansk 2. Deutsch 2. Eesti * Espanol * Esperanto 2. Bahasa Dalam negri * Islenska * Italiano *??? 2.?? * Romana *???? * Slovencina * Slovenscina 5. Suomi * Svenska *? * This site was last modified on 11 August 2012 at 20: 35. * Text message is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, additional terms may apply. See Conditions of use to get details. Wikipedia is a authorized trademark with the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit business. * Let us know

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