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| Taguig town univesity|  |  |  | | Bachelor in science in computer system science|  |  |  |  | Checklist|  |  |  | Name: |  | Student number | |  |  |  |  | Subject code| Subject description| Units| Grade| Instructor|  | Semester 1|  |  |  | Eng 111| Effective reading, publishing and being attentive skills/study and thinking skills| 3|  |  | Fil 111| Sining ng pakikipagtalastasan| 3|  |  | Mathematics 111| Basic math algebra| 3|  |  | Com 111| Simple computer (i. t)| 3|  |  | Soc.

Sc 111| Standard psychology| 3|  |  | Cs 111 s1| Common sense formulation and introduction to programming| 3|  |  | Cs 111 s1| Fundamental of typing and word processing| 1|  |  | S. 111| Introduction to physical activities| 2|  |  | Nstp 111| National service training course i| 3|  |  |  | Session 2|  |  |  | Eng 122| Effective conversation | 3|  |  | Fil 122| Pagbasa in pag sulat sa ibat bang disiplina| 3|  |  | Mathematics 122| Used math trigonometry| 3|  |  | Soc sc. 112| General sociology| 3|  |  | Cs 123 s1| File control and database system| 3|  |  | Cs 124 s1| Computer programming i| 3|  |  | Phys 121 l1| College physics i| 4|  |  | L. e 122| Dance with music| 2|  |  | Nstp 122| National support training program ii| 3|  |  |  | Semester 3|  |  |  |

Eng 213| Analysis and technological writing| 3|  |  | Nat south carolina 211| Natural science| 3|  |  | Soc south carolina 213| Filipino history, metabolism and government| 3|  |  | Phys 212 l1| Collage physics 2| 4|  |  | Math 213| Analytical angles | 3|  |  | Cs 215| Probability and statistics| 3|  |  | Cs 216 s2| Computer programming ii| 3|  |  | Cs 217 s3| Computer programming iii| 3|  |  | P. e 213| Dual/individual/aquatic/combative sports| 2|  |  |  | Term 4|  |  |  | Lit 221| Panitikang pilipino| 3|  |  | Nat sc 222| Physical scientific research (geology)| 3|  |  | Soc. South carolina 224| Entrepreneurship| 3|  |  |

Acg 221| Critical of accounting| 3|  |  | Mathematics 224| Differential calculus| 3|  |  | Cs 228 s1| Repository design management| 3|  |  | Cs 229| Electronics for cs switching theory| 3|  |  | Cs 2210 s1| Data framework and record organization| 3|  |  | P. electronic 224| Group sports| 2|  |  | | Semester 5|  |  |  | Lit 312| Asian and world literature| 3|  |  | Soc sc 315| Rizal’s lifestyle works and writing| 3|  |  | Math 315| Integral calculus| 3|  |  | Cs 3111| Under the radar mathematics i| 3|  |  | Cs 3112| Working system| 3|  |  | Cs 3113| Presentation abilities in we. t| 3|  |  |

Coe 311 lt| Logic design| 4|  |  | Cs elec 311| Html / web site design| 3|  |  | | Semester 6|  |  |  | Soc south carolina 326| Principles ad job ethics| 3|  |  | Soc south carolina 327| Principles of economics with taxation and rustic reform| 3|  |  | Cs 3214| Discrete math ii| 3|  |  | Cs 3215 l1| Exploration in computer system science| 3|  |  | Cs 3216| Automata and language theory| 3|  |  | Cs 3217| Program analysis and design i| 3|  |  | Cs 3218 s1| Computer and organization with assembly vocabulary programming| 3|  |  | Cs 3219| Data interaction and networking| 3|  |  | Cs elec 322| Microprocessor| 3|  |  | Semester 7|  |  |  | Cs 4120 s1| System research and design ii (implementation)| 3|  |  | Cs 4121| Management and info system and current developments and issues in we. t| 3|  |  | Cs 4122| I. t professional ethics and values| 3|  |  | Cs 4123 l2| Industrial business and management| 3|  |  | Cs 4124| E-commerce| 3|  |  | Cs elec 413| Software engineering| 3|  |  | Cs elec 414| Project management| 3|  |  | Cs elec 415|  |  |  |  | | Term 8|  |  |  | Ojt 412| On the job training| 6|  |  | Relieve by________________________ | Taguig Town Univesity|  |  |  | Bachelor in Science In Travel Management|  |  |  |  | CHECKLIST|  |  |  | Name: |  | Scholar No . | |  |  |  |  | Subject Code| Subject matter Description| Units| Grade| Instructor|  | Session 1|  |  |  | Comm artistry 1| efecive reading, publishing and being attentive skills/study and thinking skills| 3|  |  | fil 1| sining ng pakikipagtalastasan| 3|  |  | nat sci 1| Pinciples of safety, care and sanitation| 3|  |  | Tc 1| priciples of tourism| 3|  |  | lighted 1| survey o globe and filipino literature| 3|  |  | math 1| business math| 3|  |  | nat sci 2| environmental science| 3|  |  | l. 1| introduction to physical activities| 2|  |  | Nstp 1| nationwide service training program I| 3|  |  | | | | | | | Semester 2|  |  |  | comm arts 2| Advanced english language proficiency in crucial thinking and problem solving| 3|  |  | fil 122| pagbasa at pag sulat social fear ibat bang disiplina| 3|  |  | logic| formal and informal theories| 3|  |  | tc 2| principles of tourism 2| 3|  |  | tc 3| cooking arts and sciences| 3|  |  | comp 1| business computer| 3|  |  | sound 1| admiration of various forms of arts| 3|  |  | pe 2| dance with music| 2|  |  | nstp 2| national services training proram II| 3|  |  |  | Session 3|  |  |  | c 4| total top quality management| 3|  |  | trm 1| world travel geography and culture| 3|  |  | trm 2| philippine travel and leisure geography and culture| 3|  |  | math 2| basic statistics| 3|  |  | bc 1| rules of management| 3|  |  | tc 5| travel planning and development| 3|  |  | bc 2| human behavior in organization| 3|  |  | g. e 3| dual/individual/aquatic/combative sports| 2|  |  |  | Semester 4|  |  |  | soc. Sci. 1| cultural anthropology with IP| 3|  |  | tc 6| entrepreneurship and business planning| 3|  |  | bc 3| principles of marketing| 3|  |  | c 4| basic finance| 3|  |  | trm 3| intercontinental and household tour organizing, packaging and pricing| 3|  |  | bc 5| business communication| 3|  |  | s. e 4| team sports| 2|  |  | | Semester 5|  |  |  | trm 4| air flow, sea and land travelling sales and management , part I| 3|  |  | soc sci 2| general psychology| 3|  |  | bc 6| administration information system| 3|  |  | bc 7| basic accounting| 3|  |  | trm premature ejaculation rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, 1| tour guiding and escorting| 3|  |  | trm rapid climax premature climax, 2| travel and leisure documentation| 3|  |  | flp| foreign language profiiency| 3|  |  | | Semester 6|  |  |  | oc sci 3| philippine history, gvernment and constitution| 3|  |  | trm 5| E- commerce the internet and the global distribution system| 3|  |  | trm 6| travel and leisure management| 3|  |  | soc sci 4| basic economics| 3|  |  | trm , pe 3| travel accounting| 3|  |  | trm , premature ejaculation rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, 4| travel laws, legal responsibilities and taxation| 3|  |  | flp 2| foreign language profiiency II| 3|  |  | | Term 7|  |  |  | trm , pe 5| air, ocean and area travel sales and administration , part II| 3|  |  | trm , pe 6| cooperate travel around management| 3|  |  | tc 7| events management| 4|  |  | ms 1| lifestyle and work of rizal| 3|  |  |

Gsr| gorup analyze research (thesis feasibility analyze with common defense)| 3|  |  |  | Semester 8|  |  |  | OJT 412| on the job traning in taravel management| 6|  |  | Release by________________________ | Taguig City Univesity|  |  |  | | Bachelor in Science In Criminology|  |  |  | | CHECKLIST|  |  |  | Identity: |  | Student Number | |  |  |  |  | Subject Code| Subject Description| Units| Grade| Instructor|  | Semester 1|  |  |  | eng 1| efecive reading, producing and being attentive skills/study and thinking skills| 3|  |  | ruse 122| sining ng pakikipagtalastasan| 3|  |  | ath 1| Collection algebra| 3|  |  | soc sci 1| political science with philippine constitution| 3|  |  | compensation 1| computer system application| 3|  |  | soc sci 2| basic psychology| 3|  |  | crim 1| introduction to criminology and mindset of crimes| 3|  |  | l. e 1| fundamentals of martial arts| 2|  |  | Nstp 1| nationwide service training program I| 3|  |  | | Session 2|  |  |  | eng 2| speech and oral communication| 3|  |  | fil 2| pagbasa at pag sulat sa ibat beat disiplina| 3|  |  | math 2| plane trigonometry| 3|  |  | ea 1| police organization and administration with polica and planning| 3|  |  | crim 2| philippine felony justice system| 3|  |  | crim 3| values and values| 3|  |  | lea 2| commercial security management| 3|  |  | soc sci 3| society and culture with pop ed| 2|  |  | p. e 2| disarming techninques| 3|  |  | nstp 2| nationwide sevice taining progam II|  |  |  |  | Semester 3|  |  |  | eng 3| technical report publishing I| 3|  |  | clj 1| Criminal law (book 1)| 3|  |  | nat sci 1| general hormone balance | 3|  |  | lea 3| police patrol operation with police conversation system| 3|  |  | lea 4| plolice intelligence| 3|  |  | riminalistics 1| personal identification| 4|  |  | phil hist| philippine history| 3|  |  | l. e 3| first aid and water survival| 2|  |  | | Semester 4|  |  |  | eng 4| technological report composing II| 3|  |  | ciminology 4| juvenile delinquncy and offense documentary| 3|  |  | cdi 1| fundamentals of ciminal investigation| 3|  |  | ciminalistics 2| authorities photography| 4|  |  | clj 2| Criminal law (book 2)| 3|  |  | nat sci 2| forensic hormone balance and toxology| 5|  |  | philo 1| logic| 3|  |  | s. e 4| Marksmanship and combat shooting| 2|  |  | | Semester 5|  |  |  | it 1| filipino literature as well as panitikan ng filipinas| 3|  |  | soc sci 4| simple economics with tax| 3|  |  | lea 5| Police employees and record management| 3|  |  | cdi 2| Traffic supervision and crash investigation| 3|  |  | ciminalistics 3| Forensic ballistic| 3|  |  | ciminalistics 4| Questioned documents examination| 4|  |  | california 1| institutional correction| 4|  |  | |  | 3|  |  | | Semester 6|  |  |  | rizal course| Lifestyle and performs of rizal| 3|  |  | criminalistics 5| Photography (lie detector)| 4|  |  | california 2| Non- institutional correction| 3|  |  | cdi 3| Unique crime investigation| 3|  |  | riminology 5| Man behavior and crisis management| 3|  |  | cdi 4| coordinate crime investigation|  |  |  | clj 3| Felony procedures| 3|  |  | | Session 7|  |  |  | lea 6| Combative authorities system| 3|  |  | cdi 5| Drug education and vice control| 3|  |  | cdi 6| Fire technology and arson investigation| 3|  |  | criminalistics 6| Legal medicine| 3|  |  | criminology 6| Criminological research and statistics| 3|  |  | clj 4| Criminal data |  |  |  | clj 5| Court testimony|  |  |  | | Semester 8|  |  |  | practicum 1 and 2| at work traning and community immersion| 6|  |  |

ENROLLMENT SYSTEM Taguig City University Enrolment Product is a system that is used to help the enrolment organizer to make the enrolment transaction become more fast and simply. It will shop all the finish details of the students easily. SUBSCRIPTION The Subscription form is a form which the learners must fill out during enrollment. It contains the standard requirements to get the enrollment process. Student records details system (SRIS) is an automatic system that could arrange and computerize student’s information such as: ID quantity, name, treat, contact number e-mail, and also other registration contact form information. OUTDATED PROCESS OF REGISTRATION TCU 1 ) Inquire/Scheduling of Examination 2 . Examination several. Result of evaluation 4. In the event passed, requirements 5. Interview 6. Enrolment Steps: * Passing of requirements, authenticate original requirements * Selecting Course * Validation (signing) * Choose Schedule 5. Seal (Enrolled) * Sectioning * ID picture * Medical VARIOUS OTHER SCHOOL PROCEDURE * Protect a Student Entrance Form from your Registrar’s Office. * Fill out the Student Entrance Form and submit this together with the required documents towards the Registrar’s Workplace for validation. Take the test or interview if necessary by the Archivar. * Seek advice from the Registrar about the courses to sign up in as well as the registration timetable. * Decide on a class timetable, fill out the Registration Type and fill in it towards the Registrar’s Office for examination. * Pay the corresponding charges to the cashier. * Get yourself a copy from the form together with the official stamp by offering the official receipt to the Registrar’s Office. 2. Present your copy of the Registration Kind on the 1st day of classes pertaining to identification. FLOWCHART

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Published: 03.04.20

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