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THE SAMSUNG COMPANY VS APPLE-BATTLE OF THE TITANS Samsung and Apple would be the two biggest smartphone businesses with a put together market share of more than half a global smartphone industry. Every year the two companies reel in new enhancements in their mobile phones, which significantly increases their very own smartphone revenue. But in this market where there is cut throat competition it really is given that every company will try to outdo the different in every feasible manner.

Hence I want to discuss the fierce struggle raging among these touch screen phone giants-Samsung and Apple. Apple created a rate of growth in the mobile phone market by launching the iPhone, which in turn had more features and was the sophisticated smartphone at that time. The company manufactured a huge profit and Apple became children favorite. Good results . the surge of competition and the growth of Asian giant “Samsung, Apple’s success has not been to last forever.

Samsung developed the The samsung company Galaxy H smartphone with identical features as that of the iPhone and slowly and gradually but progressively the sales of Samsung korea smartphones rose. Over the years there were many new versions of the Iphone and the Korean Galaxy mobile phone series also to surpass each other both these companies have been doing imitating the technologies used in their smartphones and have as well filed intended for various law suits against one another.

Samsung has become accused by simply Apple of violating us patents and: , 1) Replicating their icon arrangement display pattern. 2) Accused of imitating the enduring iPhone’s condition which in established terms is named as “tradedress(e. g. cell phones resemble the iPhone 3g and iPhone 3gs in shape). [One such example of tradedress is the fact Apple in conducting a survey with “BestBuy discovered that there have been many people who returned the Samsung telephones because they thought these people were iPhones.

This Apple accuses was Samsung’s strategy for elevating their mobile phone sales resistant to the iPhone and to tempt potential buyers into shopping for Samsung cell phones which seem identical to iPhone] 3) Imitating features like “double tap to zoom lens, “pinch and squeeze inch to move and the “rubber-band effect. Alternatively Samsung features accused Apple of: , 1) Applying Samsung’s 3-G technology inside their smartphones without a legal grant from Korean. (Apple uses this technology on an incredible number of phones) 2) Use of Email-based in a camera equipped telephone. ) Multi tasking in the cellular device. Consequently by analyzing the promises of the two companies, i believe, Samsung tried to ape the actual look and feel of iPhone to increase its revenue. However , this is simply not the only cause that converts directly to dropped sales on apple’s part-from price to carriers. In conclusion, the software obvious claims manufactured by both the firms seem very baseless to me and I firmly feel there needs to be some sort of protection pertaining to genuine creativity. References: , www. businessweek. com www. ibtimes. com www. forbes. com

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Words: 507

Published: 04.13.20

Views: 409