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Overpopulation research paper essay

Overpopulation: Research Daily news


A. Noticing the situations of several persons in lower income, otherwise these devastated simply by natural problems, pollution, crimes, etc, we certainly have come in conclusion that the cause of this struggling is essentially the rapid regarding population, and therefore, with this mindset, all of us decided to uproot the cause additional so as to be able to contrast this.

B. The objectives of the research are: 1 . To generate people aware of the catastrophe of overpopulation 2 . To reduce the number of people each year by making them aware of the effects

C. Definitions of terms: 1 . overpopulation ” condition of using a larger populace than normal 2 . human resources- people with ability and skill while the wealth of a region 3. accommodate- to provide or supply pertaining to

4. contraceptives- drug, treatments, chemical agent or unit that prevent impregnation five. natural catastrophes ” events in nature that damage poverty and lives 6th. pollution ” “dirtying or perhaps “killing character 7. [global] economic crisis- a depression; a state of unemployment and little or no transact and expense over a very long period of time [in the world] 8.

poverty- a situation of being poor, with no cash or goods to support one self 9. succumb- to give up; to give in to a thing far more outstanding 10. decline- a steady decrease in power and electrical power [of a nation]; deterioration 14. chaos- a state of disorder, confusion corruption of anything; one in disarray 12. prosperity- a state of success or thriving; thriving financially and socially

M. Data-gathering procedures 1 . Interviews

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Presentation of Gathered Info

A. Interviews

1 . Annabelle Tee

“For me, overpopulation is usually not good¦ because there could be more pollution and this will lead to more all-natural disasters forming around the world. From this article you can see right now, there have been many solid and fatal typhoons such as Ondoy entering the Korea. Overpopulation, nevertheless , can cause some good points, such as our personal country is going to progress¦

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“Overpopulation is once there are even more people than there should be. We must lessen the population of the Philippines (and the world) because we need to as well put a stop to climatic change. Since many persons aren’t also aware of this kind of yet, it truly is becoming more deadly. You see, there are many all-natural disasters lately. I really feel that overpopulation is bad¦ Even our family is overpopulated¦ *laughs*¦

3. Izen Lao

“For me personally, overpopulation is likely to make our country bad because there are a lot of pollution. Porém grabe pennsylvania nga social fear U. S i9000. eh¦ *laughs* So thus¦ overpopulation is bad. 

some. Jan Adrian Chan

“Overpopulation, i think, has two sides: the good and the negative. On the good side, which has a greater inhabitants, we have more people to assist in progression. More people equates to more manpower, and personnel means a great deal to a country. Even if there aren’t many job opportunities within the Thailand, workers, or OFWs, they could go abroad to function and reestablish some money to complement our economic climate. On the other hand yet , too many people could cause several things including traffic congestions, crime, poverty, pollution, and so forth 

a few. Ninyo Vasquez

“Overpopulation can be best for the economy and at the same time bad because there are positive and negative effects. I do think that’s that.

N. Internet Methods

“In a corner with the Northern cemetery, Venanjo Sison is located on top of your coffin and taking a bath. Just like many other of Manila’s citizens, he is forced to live anywhere he can. His home is constructed of wooden planks and discard

components of plastic. 

The capital with the Philippines is an extremely overpopulated place. An average of forty one, 282 people live in 1 square kilometer; in slum areas the rates climb to possibly 88, 1000 people in 1 sq . kilometer.

Pertaining to Manila, persons simply run out of space. A few live in locally made shacks in cemeteries, train tracks or perhaps under links. Some even have residence in toxic garbage dumps just to get whatever meals they can. A big percentage in the 11 mil residents of Manila don’t even have clean water to imbibe, proper careers and medicine or education. With this sort of a large human population, our solutions cannot accommodate everyone any longer.

“Charito Esponilla’s dream is to give her children a college degree. That is what her neighbor with just two children has done. But the Esponilla family can’t afford to send their children to varsity. As it is, they have a hard time paying their bills and when the family works out of money, they are forced to live on the charity of neighbours.

“‘Our neighbours are extremely sweet, ‘ explains Charito Esponilla, when she washes children’s clothing in 3 large and therefore of laundry. ‘Sometimes they provide us slightly rice, but a lot of the period they are brief on meals just like all of us. Then we now have no other choice but for go starving to bed. On those nights, it is rather hard to fall asleep. The children cry and wake me up every night. But We don’t have everything to give them. What can I do? ‘

“Even though Charito Esponilla loves her eight children, she doesn’t want any more. Like most other Filipinos she will not use preventive medicines, and never features. She has considered the birth-control tablet, but she doesn’t find out much information and is afraid of what they may well do with her body. 

Lack of details is one of the key causes of Philippine overpopulation. Doctor Emily Bernardo, the leader of a family-planning unit at the general public Jose Fabella Hospital in Manila, says, “The weakest social teams are incredibly ignorant. They no longer even recognize how a woman turns into pregnant. Some of them believe they can be infertile although they are still breast-feeding theirnew-borns and others have never even heard of prevention or contraceptives. Other folks are still afraid of unidentified side effects. That’s why women retain having even more children, even though they none want to nor have economic ways to provide for all of them. 

The Catholic Church, however , is against Dr . Emily Bernardo and the centre for family preparing. They are against abortion, sterilization and all other styles of contraceptive, and even lovemaking education. Women are motivated instead to guess their egg routine to prevent pregnancy. Being a very religious country, the Korea and its authorities policies remain influenced heavily by the Chapel. A lot of governmental promotioning on reduction of motherhood and sex education hardly ever pushed through due to this influence.

Interpretation of Data

Based on the conducted interviews and the process of searching the Internet intended for the data we all gathered in this research, we have come to view many points of view regarding the national “or rather worldwide” issue that continues to be an increasing problem in world. Overpopulation, as we now notice it, has inconsistant good and bad effects to the community. On the one hand, having a lot of persons means even more human resources, which usually would be very beneficial for further growth of national prosperity. But on the other hand, any risk of strain on economy and natural resources will probably be too much intended for the Philippines”and eventually the complete Earth”to deal with, and the globe may be still left in low income and damage, and individuals will be kept to the mercy of what our yet again peaceful community would turn into.

We do not only observe this, though. We can also see that both sides are merely possibilities, meaning they may potentially not happen at all. It all is determined by what we, while the people, perform about our situation. Whether or not we have staff members to support the nation, the country may still fall into depression if perhaps this staff members is not really used effectively. If most Filipinos in their working age, if not all, do not have jobs and take a seat idly in the streets, definitely the economy would fall. In the event wetake total advantage of the fact that we have a lot of human resources, we may simply prosper. Regardless if we suffer from a global economic crisis, we could either succumb to the continual decline, or we could try to combat the problem. After our endeavors, only time can tell what would happen following. How we handle our challenges could mean all the difference between prosperity and chaos.

Information Based on Accumulated Data

Big Ideas:

ï‚· Everything, no matter how advantages or disadvantages they may seem to be, have both positive and negative factors to these people. ï‚· Is actually not so much as what complications we face as the way you face these people.


Selection interviews:

Annabelle Tee and Richmond First tee: parents

Izen Lao: close friend

Jan Adrian Chan: classmate and useful peer

Ninyo Vasquez: friend coming from Mindanao


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Words: 1571

Published: 02.28.20

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