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Systems theory according to two term daily news

Operating Systems, Operating System, Prison System, Learning System

Research from Term Paper:

Devices Theory makes several assumptions that are useful for understanding the 14-year-old’s behavior:

The state of hawaii or condition of a system, at any one time, is a function of the conversation between that and the environment in which that operates. inches (Longres, 1999, p. 19)

Change and conflict are evident within a system. People both impact their conditions and are influenced by them. Processes of mutual influence generate alter and expansion. ” (Longres, 1990, g. 19)

Every person in a is part of the entire system. The entire is higher than the sum of it is parts. inch (Longres, 1990, p. 266)

These assumptions make all of us understand that the obligation for the acts in the 14-year-old others not with the kid himself, good results . the human relationships and communications in his friends and family. More than anything else, the real issue is known as a family boundary problem in which the hierarchical subsystem had not a new chance to show the young man appropriate replies to a new environment. However, the hierarchical system was unavailable to monitor the behavior of the son the night the boy murdered the sister.

Status identifies the position and implies list in a interpersonal hierarchy, “role refers to the more dynamic facets of the position, it really is more regarding what the persons in various positions do or are expected to perform… In the relatives, individuals just exist in the context in the roles and statuses that they occupy. ” (Longres, 1990, p. 322) The 14-year-old boy was still being a child and, as such, should be expected to do only what his hierarchical subsystem had taught him to perform. His sisters had lived with their mom while he had lived with his grandmother. With all the sisters having just been brought to the house, he had short amount of time to learn to interact with them. Further, the boy hails from a world filled with objects and symbols of sexuality and he is in a stage of life where adolescents are usually confused about libido. Living with grandpa and grandma might have limited his use of education with regards to sexuality more so than in the event he’d recently been with his genuine parents. This article suggests that the daddy was not inside the boy’s lifestyle at all to provide any form of counseling. Combine a son’s lack of understanding on how to handle a youthful female sibling with misunderstandings on how he’s expected to behave sexually and you have a formula for catastrophe. And, that’s exactly what took place during the complete absence of adult supervision; a 14-year-old boy sexually assaulted and murdered his 5-year-old sister.

Works Cited

Buddy Arrested in Slaying of Girl, 5. ” Washington Post 20. Sept., 2004: B-1

Longres, John N. Human Patterns in the Sociable Environment. Itasca, IL F. E. Peacock Publishers

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Category: Technology,

Words: 516

Published: 04.06.20

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