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Relational database ideas and applications


To be able to successfully transition from our current paper and email centered equipment request method to a completely paperless on the web system, we have to build and implement a relational repository. A relational database enables us to store, filter, produce changes to, and promote of the data that is needed in our new online products ordering program.

Relational Repository Overview

“Databases are a indicate for holding information in such a way that information could be retrieved via it. In simplest terms, a relational database is usually one that presents information in tables with rows and columns.

 “A table is known as a regards in the sense that it is a collection of things of the same type (rows).  “Data within a table could be related relating to prevalent keys or concepts, as well as the ability to obtain related data from a table is a basis pertaining to the term relational database.  “A Database software management System (DBMS) handles just how data can be stored, preserved, and retrieved.

 “In the case of the relational database, a Relational Database Management Program (RDBMS) works these responsibilities. Oracle, 2014)

Why We Should Implement a Relational Databases

“Establishing a relational database software system is a great way to increase info integrity, efficiency, ask questions, type and filter data, provide stronger security, and share data in one to the point design which can be very easy to use if developed correctly. Relational databases allow the ability to cross-reference data placed by the business and as a result give a higher level of sincerity.  “The key to success is thefoundation from the database’s style.  “Relationships of data should be accurately examined and once this connection is established, the rest falls into place rather effortlessly. (Goessl, 2009)

Companies Employing Relational Data Solution

Barrodale Computing Solutions Ltd, a contractor of the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, can be an example of a firm having accomplishment using relational data solutions. The company has a great deal of achievement with relational databases to include Object Relational Database Management Devices (ORDBMSs). ” The company’s encounter in using ORDBMS technology to provide solutions to six applications involving the management of complicated data, which range from integers and text strings to satellite television imagery, 4D weather plants, and online video.  “Some of the types of data that might be stored in a meteorological/oceanographic your data has a solid geospatial element, with each feature getting localized in space and, optionally, over time. (Barrodale Processing Services Ltd., 2011)

Relational databases happen to be everywhere coming from computer end user accounts any kind of time company employing Microsoft’s Active directory in order to control get control, to community based libraries who may have to made to electronic checkouts. “This is mainly due to the capacity to remove duplicated data, this likewise increases the level of data ethics which assists management or employees make correct decisions based on the data they can remove.  “There are no problems about the same customer or employee record staying duplicated because this is taken away in the underlying design of the database.  “Updates are manufactured quickly and everyone with entry to the system may view these changes quickly.  “Decision makers find the aspect of data ethics to be one of the primary business benefits of the relational database. (Goessl, 2009)


In conclusion, a relational databases will enable our company to transition from our current newspaper and email based tools request approach to a completely paperless online system. The relational database allows us to maintain, filter, produce changes to, and share of the data that is required in our fresh online gear ordering program.


Barrodale Processing Services Limited. (2011). Applications of Object Relational Database Management Systems at BCS. Retrieved from Barrodale Computing Services Ltd. (BCS): http://www.barrodale.com/docs/ORDBMS%20Applications%20at%20BCS.pdf Goessl, M. (2009, November 23). Business Advantages of a Relational Repository. Retrieved from the inside Business fish hunter 360: http://www.insidebusiness360.com/index.php/business-advantages-of-a-relational-database-15806/ Oracle. (2014). A Relational Database Overview. Retrieved from Java Tutorial: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jdbc/overview/database.html


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Words: 704

Published: 03.23.20

Views: 767