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Substance abuse habits of ncaa article review

Substance Abuse, Sporting activities Medicine, Sportsmen, Athlete

Research from Document Critique:

The subjects in the study are students, although there was no attempt to randomize the testing. Instead, the authors find the schools and the athletic courses within the colleges. The students self-selected for contribution, which also may have affected the participation rates. For the reason that schools and athletic applications were engaged, the subjects might have been wary of the promise of confidentiality, causing the leads to have some opinion. Singer, von Thurn and Miller (1995) note that if the data is sensitive, privacy assurances can improve the quality of reactions. However , the confidentiality promise needs to range from researcher in order to be completely dependable. Thus, the methodology presented some tendency into the study with the design of its privacy mechanism, as well as the researchers introduced bias whenever they failed to randomize school and program collection.

The independent variable is a prevalence of drug use. The centered variables had been the NCAA division, they, the male or female and the race/ethnicity of the respondents. The replies were by means of categorical parameters (yes or perhaps no). The responses were subject to Chi-squared analysis to “determine in the event sport section or ethnic category could differentiate drug-use patterns among collegiate student-athletes” (p. 52). This test does offer information about the statistical big difference between the groupings (p. 52) but the authors choose not to interpret the data further. The authors talk about the record, but not practical significance of their findings. This approach is appropriate, since the role from the study is to inform plan, not set policy.

The issue with the conventional paper lies not together with the methods of statistical analysis but instead with the ways of collection. The study design’s main flaw is definitely the lack of randomization and the insufficient true confidentiality. Given that the sensitivity in the information the fact that students had been asked to provide, better promises of privacy, gained by direct connection with the experts, would have been more ethically sound and also would have sent more accurate response. Further, deficiency of randomization could lead to researcher bias interfering together with the reliability from the data. This bias risk is not really addressed in the paper; this really is an oversight on the part of the researchers. However, the reliability of the effects suffers from these deficiencies, as well as the study needs to be read with an understanding in the methodological flaws in mind.

Works Cited:

Green, G., Uryasz, F., Petr, T. Bray, C. (2001). NCAA analyze of element use and abuse behaviors of college student athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Remedies. Vol. 14 (2001) 51-56.

Hart, C. (1999). Carrying out a literature review: Releasing the social scientific research research creativity. SAGE Journals, Inc.

Vocalist, E., vonseiten Thurn, M. Miller, Elizabeth. (1995). Privacy assurances and response a quantitative review of

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Published: 03.30.20

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