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How peer groups influences teenagers

Peer Group

Unlike parents, siblings, professors, and house of worship and standard leaders that have power in the teenagers they can be trying the interact socially, peers tend not to posses this kind of power. Actually they are similar in social status and do not have the power to punish or sanction tendencies. Unlike a family group which one is born into or possibly a school that a person has to go to, peer teams are non-reflex association, teens can leave and become a member of peer teams at any time. Nevertheless , loosing friends is a serious problem, because teens evaluate themselves based on the amount of friends they have. During the teenage years, colleagues play a crucial role in socialization particularly in the American world, where many parents are so busy with their 9 to 5 careers that they dont get the possibility to spend enough time with their kids.

Peers teach several important attributes that different agents of socialization cant. For example , they teach freedom from expert, but at the same time conformity towards the peer group. This is noticeable, when we see a teenager begging his/her parent or guardian to go to the movies with her/his friends by itself without mature supervision. The teenager wants to feel 3rd party. However at the same time, he/she must try to adapt the ideals and beliefs of the peer group in order to fit in and hang out with them. A good way to gain freedom from power is to type a youth subculture, which in turn sometimes partcipates in conflicts with parents, professors, and cathedral official because of the difference of attitude which they present. For example , adults will vary values and beliefs toward drinking alcohol. A part of a expert group could possibly think that so long as one is aware of who they are drinking with and over beverage, and does not set herself in the position to get damaged, then, ingesting is fine and harmless. The adult could disagree saying by drinking not does one injure themselves bodily, but when they can be drunk they just do not have control of what they do. The would probably say that drinking contributes to serious medical problems too.

I believe that peer groups are really important in the American world because is not greatly valued by the culture. Inside the Japanese, Armenian, Mexican, and Persian cultures family is highly valued greatly. Families spend enough time with one another and rely on one another for support. The elderly in the family count on the various other members intended for support. However , in the American society, members of the family are so occupied with their jobs and existence outside of the house that they might not have much time to dedicate to their children, who have come to invest much of their time with their friends and rely on their friends intended for advice and support.

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