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Ethical and moral concerns presented in henrik

Ethical Things to consider, Moral Ideals, Morality, Honest Decision Making

Research from Term Paper:

ethical and moral problems presented in Henrik Ibsen’s “Enemy from the People, inches from the moral considerations adjacent the use of capacity to alter the real truth to the meaningful considerations about the treatment of children due to criminal offenses or identified injustices committed by their father and mother. Perhaps, however , the most important concern is that of the disregard pertaining to human well being in an effort to turn a profit, or to protect wealth.

In “Enemy from the People, inches the townsfolk are prepared to do all they will to act in a ethical fashion simply by alerting the public to the side effects presented by the corruption with the groundwater, which offers the water towards the Bath program, designed to showcase health for the invalid and ill (Ibsen, 2000). At first, when ever Dr . Stockman alerts Aslaksen, Hovstad and Billing from the problems with the supply, each has their very own reasons for helping Dr . Stockman’s alert to the individuals. For Aslaksen, this cause involves his own standing. For Billing, the reason is an innovation of the community against the government. For Hovstad, we find later, Petra appears to be the thinking behind his decision.

However , once Philip Stockman notifications those individuals to the potential cost of the repair work Dr . Stockman is convinced is necessary, those self same individuals switch, and begin to agree with Peter that the value is too wonderful (Ibsen, 2000). These individuals will be more willing to sacrifice human your life and wellness than they are to lose expenditure potential, or lose earnings from a potentially deadly bath. In this manner, these individuals are comparing a persons cost of your life to the financial cost of vehicle repairs, and deeming the economical cost a increased one.

Morally, this concept is definitely reprehensible. In moral conditions, there can be zero monetary value placed on any single human lifestyle, or for the health with the human population (Frey, 1987). The importance of a a lot more not worked out in currency, but in an intangible way that incorporates the value program, belief system, mind, and soul of the life. By morality criteria, a human lifestyle should be highly valued above all other items (Frey, 1987). Yet from this story whilst in the real life, greater bodies of people, acting being a collective conscious, are able to hide immoral activities from themselves (Durkheim, 1947). They are able to generate decisions that profit their particular pocketbooks because of the autonomy offered in the mass majority. Instead of having to solution to their own mindful, they are able to adhere to their colleagues, while continue to believing

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Category: Personal issues,

Words: 466

Published: 01.10.20

Views: 585