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Pilot tiredness analysis since pilots term paper

Aviation, Fire Safety, Travel, Journalism

Research from Term Paper:

, 1999, s. 315). This time is also of Doyle (2002), who studies that, “In fact, aircarrier companies have pilot exhaustion very significantly because they likewise have to contend with jet-lagged pilots” (p. 128).

Indeed, the development of these advanced aircraft, replete with a range of displays and controls, can in associated with itself lead to increased pilot fatigue. In accordance to Mouloua and Parasuraman (1996), “Increasing task requirements, such as raising the number of shows that the initial must monitor, also raises workload, specifically during strenuous flight sectors. Pilot tiredness also raises workload since it can reduce the capacity in the pilot to reply to activity demands within a timely or appropriate manner” (p. 120). The authors provide a valuable schematic to aid illustrate how these processes play out in real-world settings by introducing the elements of pilot skill, feedback and system reliability and exactly how these factors can affect the amount of pilot exhaustion experienced in a given scenario, as shown in Figure 1 beneath.

Figure 1 . Factors that influence initial workload.

Resource: Mouloua and Parasuraman, 1996, p. 119.

In addition , Mouloua and Parsuraman point out that ergonomic design and style factors in how the habitacle is arranged can lessen or help the level of pilot fatigue: “Other relationships among these individual factors issues and workload-shaping factors can happen. For example , allocation of function decisions can have an effect on system reliability; handles with poor stimulus-response abiliyy can increase pilot fatigue levels” (1996, p. 134). Cockpit design and style issues are described by Backs and Boucsein (2000) as being potential sources of preliminary fatigue, and note that pilots may encounter increased muscle tension (especially in the neck of the guitar muscles) by highly computerized cockpit configurations and even the kinds of lights used in the screen and through the cockpit can both contribute to the level of initial fatigue. On the final take note, some other factors that may play a role in adding to the incidence of pilot fatigue consist of flight scheduling, responsibility and decision making, the type and balance of marital relationships, pilots’ lack of support, and their inability to relax while at home (Deitz Thoms, 1991).


The study showed that pilot exhaustion represents an actual threat towards the safety of the flying community, and the triggers are numerous. Further, it would seem that whenever technological innovations are introduced to solve one type of pilot fatigue trouble, they tend to introduce still others which may be unexpected and certainly unintended. Because pilots are just people, they are controlled by the same types of mental and physical ills that everyone else is too, but their standard of responsibility pertaining to the lives of others makes these issues more severe and the requirement for better oversight is abundantly clear. Unfortunately, the research likewise showed that in an more and more competitive market, pilots will likely continue to be afflicted by the same types of conditions that have been shown time and again to produce pilot exhaustion, including longer flight several hours and less time between flights by which to rest. In the final analysis, until the day comes when aeroplanes are entirely autonomous and don’t require man control, the issue of pilot exhaustion will remain relevant and crucial to the traveling public, pilots and policymakers alike.


Backs, Ur. W., Boucsein, W. (2000). Engineering psychophysiology: Issues and applications. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Affiliates.

Deitz, H. R., Thoms, W. E. (1991). Pilots, personality, and gratification: Human tendencies and pressure in the skies. New York: Émancipation Books.

Doyle, C. E. (2002). Job and organisational psychology: An intro with attitude. London: Psychology Press.

Fusco, C. (2000, January 30). Pilot exhaustion another perspective in Flight 1420 crash probe. Daily Herald, 1 .

Garland, D. J., Hopkin, Sixth is v. D., Smart, J. A. (1999). Guide of flying human factors. Mahwah, NJ-NEW JERSEY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Mouloua, M., Parasuraman, R. (1996). Automation and human efficiency: Theory and applications.

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Category: Organization,

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Published: 03.12.20

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