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Technology investigatory project essay

I. Advantages

A. ) Background from the study

Why would you execute the study?

The study was conducted due to upcoming growing plants inside the facility of the university particularly on the vacant space near the fresh buildings. The research aims to help in the improvisation of the university garden. Also, it is conducted to ease the work in the farmers or perhaps small gardeners.

B. ) Statement from the Problem

What topic/problem do you want to study?

Our research deals regarding the irrigation system of a garden.

As well due to the increasing the use of the dynamo which power the device within a garden, it is also used to produce electricity pertaining to charging.

What specific problem did the study solution?

Just how can plants/crops always be watered without having big expenditures? How can all of us help people whom works in garden or farm to provide their electricity needs since in these area that there are insufficient amount of energy?

C. ) Value of the Analyze

That will benefit from the study?

When we use an improvise dynamo, we can support others. exclusively the maqui berry farmers and gardeners. It gives less expenses with their garden that uses sprinkler which includes ferltilizer with respect to Faster growth of vegetation and can as well produce an electricity to help these groups for their needs.

How can they benefit?

The invention will give benefits to the people, especially to those who also are beneath agricultural community, in the way that they don’t have to take their fertilizer machines simply to operate the inventions that makes it less inconvenience on their component. They avoid also have to walk under the sunlight. It only means that with these materials there will be less work but more convenience. Since the invention is a sprinkler, they also do not have to shower water on their plant life. The only thing that they will have to do is always to harvest. The sprinkler will probably be powered by a dynamo. This is usually a big help, especially to the crops men whom used to stay in area high is not enough supply of strength. This is a dual purpose advent. As the sprinkler maintains the water supply for the plants/crops, the dynamo generates electrical energy. G. ) Opportunity and Restrictions of the Analyze

What aspects of the topic had been covered by your study?

The study all of us conducted concentrated not overall irrigation system of a back garden /farm. Its scope can be relating to the challenge how we can offer the nutriment of the garden soil. How long do you execute the study?

There were only three (3) days and nights to perform the researcher our study. This included the time all of us spent conversing with teachers or perhaps older people who know something special in the likely outcome towards the solution all of us chose from the problem we cite.

What limitations of the study ought to other studies know?

The limitations should be the duration of time a dynamo can power the sprinkler. Also the amount of water can a sprinkler develop the amount of current the dynamo can make.

II. Report on literature and Conceptual Structure


What information about your topic are available in reference materials?

one particular

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Words: 587

Published: 04.09.20

Views: 733