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More women are affected by arthritis essay

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Cardiovascular Disease, Genetic Disease

Excerpt from Essay:

Ladies and Arthritis

The issue picked for this job is joint disease. The population which in turn arthritis affects is females (CDC, 2011). There are more women affected by rheumatoid arthritis than there are males affected by this condition. As such, rheumatoid arthritis is a sociable problem for this population because it is not uncommon for ladies – particularly older girls – to have symptoms pertaining to this condition. We have a substantial sum of the human population of women that is certainly inflicted with arthritis. In fact , this health issue is a issue for this sort of women because the symptoms mostly relate to emotions of soreness experienced in joints. It is possible for those with arthritis to feel these kinds of symptoms of discomfort in their backs, hands, knees, and other areas of the body in which their joints happen to be. Additionally , joint disease is a particular social issue for women because there are a number of different kinds of this condition. Types of arthritis incorporate osteoarthritis, autoimmune arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, infectious arthritis and psoriatic rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis types are generally stratified into the inflammatory vs . The noninflammatory variety. One of the truly pressing explanations why arthritis is known as such a problem for this population is because the causes happen to be largely unidentified. Scientists and health care experts know what the sources of pain are, but they are markedly less clear upon why the body initiates these kinds of symptoms of pain. Moreover, there are many of different strategies to cope with the pain of arthritis, although at present there is not any lasting treatment or cure all.

There are several indicators that are intrinsically related to joint disease and which are contributing elements to health disparities in the observed human population of women. In terms of prevalence, roughly 23% of adults in the usa have joint disease; it is significant, yet , that 26% of women are influenced by this condition although less than twenty percent of guys are affected by this (CDC, 2014). There were around 150, 500 deaths caused by arthritis between 1979 and 1998; these kinds of deaths included disproportionately large rates of women and African-Americans (CDC, 2014). In 2004, there were almost four . 5 million indvidiuals who were hospitalized due to arthritis as whether primary or possibly a secondary trigger; the vast majority of these types of (3. five million) outlined arthritis being a secondary trigger (American Senior high, 2008, l. 13). The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis was “41 every 1, 000 people) coming from 1995-2007 (CDC

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Category: Health,

Words: 433

Published: 02.28.20

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