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Women and kid labor why term conventional paper

Labor Laws, Industrial Revolution, Child Welfare, Girls

Excerpt coming from Term Paper:

So , the market forces of supply and demand continued to drive labor practices irrespective of attempts for government change. Some specialists, however , perform believe there is some decrease in the number of small working children and decreased labor hours.

What labor reforms came out of these research?

Following the research, a series of Manufacturer Acts had been passed to reform labor practices over many years. The first three were the Factory Act of 1833, our factory Act of 1844 as well as the Factory Work of 1847. The Factory Action of 1833 limed several hours of work for women and children in textile work together with the following procedures:

Young people (ages 13-18) must not work more than 10 hours a day.

Kids (ages 9-13) must not operate more than being unfaithful hours (48 hours per week).

Children (ages 9-13) must have two hours of education daily.

Later, our factory Act of 1844, likewise applicable to the textile industry, further reduced hours of work for children and extended a large number of provisions in the Factory Act of 1833 to women. It also added addressed detrimental and unsafe working conditions. Key conditions included:

Children 8-13 years could not operate more than six and a half several hours a day.

Women and young people now worked precisely the same number of hours. They could hardly worm a lot more than 12 hours every day during the week, including one particular a fifty percent hours to get meals and 9 hours on Weekends.

Factory owners must rinse factories with lime just about every fourteen several weeks

Ages has to be verified by surgeons and accidental fatality must be reported to a doctor and looked at.

Machinery was to be guarded.

After the Whigs gained parliamentary power, our factory Act of 1847 limited the workday for women and children underneath 18 years old to 12 hours.


Factory Works. ” Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_Act#Factory_Act_of_1833

Gaskell, P. The Manufacturing Population of Great britain. London, 1833, pp. 161-162, 202-203. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/workers2.html

Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. third Series, vol. XIX. July 18, 1833, p. 912. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/workers1.html

Parliamentary Papers. 1831-1832, vol. XV. pp. 44, 95-97, 115, 195, 197, 339, 341-342. ]. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/workers1.html#sadler

Tuttle, Carolyn. “Child Labor during the British Industrial Trend. ” EH. Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. August 15, 2001. http:/ / the. net/encyclopedia/article/tuttle. labor. child. the united kingdom

Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. third Series, volume. XIX. This summer 18, 1833, p. 912. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/workers1.html

Tuttle, Carolyn. “Child Labor during the British Industrial Revolution. ” EH. Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. Aug 15, 2001. http:/ as well as the. net/encyclopedia/article/tuttle. labor. child. britain

Gaskell, P. The Manufacturing Populace of England. London, 1833, pp. 161-162, 202-203. http://www.victorianweb.org/history/workers2.html

Tuttle, Carolyn. “Child Labor during the English Industrial Trend. ” EH. Net Encyclopedia, edited by simply Robert Whaples. August 12-15, 2001. http:/ / the. net/encyclopedia/article/tuttle. labor. child. the united kingdom

Factory Acts. ” Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_Act#Factory_Act_of_1833

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