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Job on e commerce article

It is an enormous pleasure to submit my assignment titled “E-commerce Program “in Bangladesh. A closer research assigned being a required of our course related. In preparing this job I have obtained much information about “E-commerce system. I have tried out my best to furnish the assignment with relevant info. Which I were required to collect via online and related journal. I am hoping this assignment will help the banking sector to gather a few insights on the widows to accomplish further research in this factor.

I would like to convey my contribution to you and thank you for providing me the opportunity to work on this kind of topic. The queries in this aspect will highly be expected. Thank you

Seriously your

Amit kumar régent


Section: Deb

7th Semester (27th Batch)

BBA System

Section of Business Administration

Leading University Sylhet, Bangladesh.


In dedication to all or any my friends

and relatives who help me find

happy ancient monuments every day to celebrate

Declaration This

assignment paper can be prepared by me personally.

The title of this task is “E-commerce system. A closer study “under the supervision of Mister. Md. Rahimullah Miah Lecturer of LOS, Leading College or university Sylhet, Bangladesh. Any duplication is restricted without the agreement of creator

Amit kumar dey

ID: 1101010174

Section: D

7th Semester (27th Batch)

BBA Program

Department of Business Operations

Leading University Sylhet, Bangladesh.


First of all spend a special thanks to my almighty God. Whom made me capable of complete this report? I then would like to give thanks to well known philanthropist Mr. Ragib Ali as he founded Leading University and we got this opportunity to read in this article, after wards. I would like exhibit my heartfelt gratitude to Prof Doctor Mr. Bashir Ahmed Bhuiyan, Head from the Department of business Operations, Leading School Sylhet.

I would really prefer to thanks our course instructor Mr. Md. Rahimulah Miah, well known Lecturer of Leading University for offering me this chance to make an project. My thanks a lot also would go to my family users and friends who happen to be cooperated with me at any from the steps in the assignment and continuously support me without any hesitation and make them safes an important a part of this job.


Letter of Acknowledgement

This is to certify that Amit kumar dey, ID: 1101010174 Section: D Semester: 7thand 27- Batch, Section of Organization Administration, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh offers completed his assignment job entitled upon ” Web commerce system. A closer examine under my supervision. He has accomplished his work together with sincerity, dedication and commitment. He mentioned different concerns and issues with me to meet the requirement of this study and preparing the assignment.

I wish all the best in the effort.

Mr. Md. Rahimullah Miah

Lecturer of MIS.

Department of business operations

Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh.


Ecommerce (Sometimes called web- based) business is the expression used to describe the experience of doing organization on the internet. It which include business to business, organization to customer and even client to buyer transactions that involve the buying and selling of goods and services, the orders of funds, and even the exchange of ideas. Ecommerce including features such as promoting manufacturing, financing, selling and negotiations. Online business is not as new principle in Bangladesh any more, ecommerce that started out its journey in Bangladesh in the last 90s and since then it continued to grow. This kind of study focuses on assessing the elements of the surroundings relation to online business to get the best picture of the current condition and after that recommending several areas of improvement on the basis of the assessment pertaining to deploying ecommerce in Bangladesh.

Chapter- one particular

1 . Introduction.

1 . one particular E-commerce:

Electronic commerce or perhaps ecommerce can be described as term for almost any type of organization, or industrial transaction that requires the transfer of information through the

internet. It addresses range of different types of businesses, from consumer based retail sites, through public auction or music sites, to business exchanges trading services and goods between businesses. It is currently one of the most essential aspects of the net to arise.

Ecommerce permits consumers to electronically exchange goods and services without having barriers of your time or distance. Electronic trade has broadened rapidly over the past five years and is believed to continue with this rate, or maybe accelerate. In the near future the limitations between “conventional and “electronic “commerce can become increasingly confused as more and more businesses move parts of their procedures onto the internet.

1 ) 1 . you Background of e commerce

Since the 1990s, while using breakthrough of network, marketing and sales communications and IT, the Internet a new global progress and speedily became popular. And e-commerce was created. E-commerce is a new business version based on the world wide web with two transacting functions, bank digital payment and settlement while means and customer data as support, which can make potential buyers and suppliers more carefully linked, and meet customers’ demand quicker, and also allows buyer to find the best suppliers in the global market promote their products around the world. Since “electronic commerce in1998, e-commerce all around the world was producing rapidly the transactions increases in regarding every 9 months. A global e-commerce ventures (including on-line trade, product sales, etc . ) reach numerous billions dollars, and e-commerce revenue provides soared by simply 262 percent.

Countries all over the world have a very great attitude to e-commerce- the modern continent. They often consider the development of electronic trade an important rider of universe economic creation in the next more than 20 years. The promo effect for the economy will be far more than the Industrial Innovation 200 in years past. Well-known network economic researcher and essenti Robert Metcalfe claimed that: “The benefit of the Internet is comparable to the sq of the quantity of outlets (linking with it). Currently, the internet shops happen to be booming and constantly improved. Types of products sold on-line are variety. Drugs once thought not possible for buying and selling have grown to be a reality. Agent one is Canada Pharmacy. Also some people sell their online. They do things for people who are too busy

and acquire money from their website.

1 . 2 Objectives from the studs

To identify possibility of electronic commerce program in Bangladesh

To create suggestion on such basis as findings.

To provide precise knowledge of at the commerce and its infrastructure. To narrate this current scenario of e trade in Bangladesh To identify the usage rate and pleasure level of at the commerce consumers. To highlight a lot of recommendations for rendering e commerce services efficiently.

1 . a few Scope in the study

The scope of the research is limited to the issues linked to the internet commerce in Bangladesh. The job will concentrate only within the business area provider of the country through internet network system.

1 ) 4 Restrictions of the analyze

Due to time constraints the study has been done only one trade service upon secondary info. A microscopic analysis (aggregate analysis) has become made here for the unavailability of suitable data in some cases. To prepare this assignment I have faced a lot of challenges such as unavailability of lab, electricity problem, unavailability of related publication and journals lock of the time, unavailability info in net etc .

1 ) 5 Strategy of the study

The assignment have been done mainly based on secondary sources of info or information secondary info has been gathered from diverse publication materials and Internet site as well as the publication and material from distinct libraries the hand not really of the various seminars 1 ) 6 Books Review

Tornatsky and Fleischer’s Theory

The best books for this is from Tormatsky and Fleischer’s theory. The Tornatsky and Fleischer’s theory comprises two important fundamentals stages in e business factors from the adoption and implementation of e trade in SMEs. According to Jennnex and lertwongsation who also used Tornatzky and

Fleischer’s style, the trustworthiness of this groundwork will immediately impact the capacity of SMEs to apply e business.

Chapter Two

2 . Standard context from the study

With the raising diffusion of ICTS, more specifically the internet, the global business community is rapidly moving to words organization to business (B2B) e commerce. The bussers retailer gain a clear advantage if the internet gives them usage of the global industry, by which they can compare price across areas, find out if price extremely by buy fragmentation, receive awareness regarding substitute alternate products as a result the retailers exporters be sure that they are very well portrayed inside the cyber world through websites and portals. Just like buyers, vendors also benefit from elevated and more effective access to a global market through the imternet.

Bangladesh is seeking an economic plan export led growth with the rising makes of globalization, it is becoming more and more important that the private sector particularly the export sectors are well prepared to satisfy the requirements and in the competition against exporters far away. In such a situation two concerns are becoming particularly important for Bangladeshi export industries one if business happen to be automating all their internal procedures with the use of ICTS to become significantly efficient and competitive in a global content material and two whether organization have efficient and competitive in a global context and two if businesses have got effective presence and participation in the world wide web.

2 . 2 . 1 Electronic commerce in several sector in Bangladesh

Despite as being a under designed country picked segment in the Bangladeshi organization community provides embraced technology with fair success, laptop or computer and the internet are also emerging as everyday business tolls These positive indicators happen to be levering the prospect of e commerce in Bangladesh. RMG Sector.

Banking on the web (online bank).

Online shopping.

Web hosting, domain.

Online credit cards, gifts.

Pay Expenses.


Etc .

2 . 2 Some e commerce store in Bangladesh

www.web Bangladesh. com.

www.hoat bazar. com.

www.number shop. com.






2 . 3 The impact of e commerce

Elizabeth commerce can transform how products and assistance one developed sold and delivered to absolutely free themes, It can also change the way in which the company works with it is partners. Listed here are well established great things about e trade. Improved efficiency: Using electronic commerce time required to generate, transfer and process a small business transaction between trading companions is signifieantly reduced of data entry and recenty in the process. This improvement in acceleration and accuracy and reliability plus the usage of document and information will result in increase in output. Cost savigs: The cost savings stem via efficient connection, Quicker turnaround and closer access to industry. Better customer service: customer can enjoy the convenience of buying at any hour and around the globe. Opportunities achievable business: Business over the inter net have global consumer reach. You will find endless possibilities for business to use and grow their customer base.

2 . four challenges of e trade for Bangladesh

Network Infrastructure.

Intra bank and interbank connectivity.

Local and global.

Bank client connectivity.

Security of transaction.

Banking mechanism


Convertibility of the Bangladesh currency.

Retention subspecies.

Worldwide credit cards.

Capacity building: Human. Technological and Regulatory.

Speedy settlement, online credit details. Skilled e manpower.


Legal infrastructure.

Currency convertibility: Access to global finance.

installment payments on your 5 Akhoni. com

Akhoni presents discounts approximately 90in Dhaka city in popular business like eating, Travel, Entertainment, Movies, Soap, Healthcare services, Fitness centers, Splendor parlors and lot more Akhoni. com is actually a website that brought a fresh horizon in the e trade industry of Bangladesh. Contrary to the different business websites, it does not sell/ buy or perhaps act as a 3rd party between a couple. The customer may use the coupon codes published about this website and based on how much discount conserve lots of money although purchasing the specific product from the particular shop. How functions:

To use the site, one customer has to select the following methods: Step one: Register with Akhoni. com. to get crazy discount notices right in your email mailbox. Step two: Purchase and receive coupon to get a deal, click on view information and buy/ buy today button. Quick pay choice: safely spend with you visa/ Master card/DBBL, Nexus credit card and by mobile phone through bash. Shell out on promotion delivery choice: Click pay as on coupon delivery if you want to pay afterwards. Collect from Akhoni. com office: almost eight, Gulshan, Southern region, Avenue, unite-53 Gulshan-1 Dhaka-1212. Step three: captivate coupon for the

product owner at his/her other and enjoy the lower price. SWOT Examination


1 . From the beginning concept inside commerce market of Bangladesh.

2 . Very few on no competitor at all.


1 . Based upon Dhaka city mostly.

2 . The coupons offered are of limited service provider that means this excellent website does not cover the entire areas of client choice. Chance

1 ) Since the idea is fresh and Profitable, the website provides bright future through jot the country. installment payments on your In future, this site may include the merchants of various other domains like FMCG, cloths, Foods etc . Risk:

1 . Because the market is without competition any day new traders may come up with new offers. 2 . Price cut packages of mobile phone businesses (GP Say thanks to you) can be a threat.

installment payments on your 6 Advantages of Ecommerce

Faster buying/selling treatment, as well as simple to find products. Buying/selling 24/7.

More reach to clients, there is no theoretical geographic restrictions. Low operational costs and better quality of services.

No need of physical organization set-ups.

Easy to commence and manage a business.

Customers may easily select products from several providers without moving around bodily.

2 . 7 Disadvantages of Ecommerce

Anybody, good or bad, can simply start a organization. And there are various bad sites which consume customers’ funds. There is no ensure of merchandise quality.

Mechanical failures can cause unpredictable effects within the total operations. As there is minimum potential for direct customer to company interactions

customer dedication is always over a check. There are many hackers who also look for chances, and thus an ecommerce internet site, service, payment gateways, each one is always prone to attack. Chapter three 3. Methodology in the study

3. 1 Site Selection: The topic chosen pertaining to the job is “e commerce program.  three or more. 4 Site Design: I actually work with non-government sector and in addition include govt sector. several. 5 Country Map:

three or more. 6 Info Collection: All of the data and inflation which s excited to my task was collected via secondary sure.

3. six Data Analysis: I use Microsoft company word and Microsoft electric power point to put together this assignment.

Chapter several

5. Result and Discussion

Bangladesh has recently entered into the world of web commerce. Bangladesh Traditional bank (BB) made available the e-commerce transactions in the net last year. Subsequently Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DDBL) offers launched Internet Payment Gateway (IPG) with the intention of Nexus-Gateway in June, 2010 and BRAC Bank in December, 2010. Meantime, a couple of e-merchants have developed their web-sites and linked with the IPG of the banking companies. The complete trip of e-commerce has 4 steps. For instance , the approval signal with the central lender, launching net payment gateway (IPG) simply by commercial banks after obtaining go ahead transmission of the central bank, development of appropriate web page by e-merchants to display and sale goods and solutions, and buying of goods and solutions by the customers from the e-merchants.

The service provider commission ” a fee charged against the service provider to the traditional bank in percentage of the sale value ” is larger for e-commerce transaction than that of the POS transaction. The e-merchant also needs to pay a fee to the owner with the web portal if the site is not really owned simply by him. Alternatively, an e-merchant does not require establishing shops at the dominant and high priced locations of a city; that they only have to keep warehouses in several low cost places from in which they can deliver goods for the different parts of the city / region easily with minimum transportation cost.

The ultimate result can be: the e-commerce players have reached a competitive advantage to retailers. They have lower operating expenses and better products on hand management as a result of operating in a virtual trade environment. For instance , amazon. com has income per staff of nearly $850k while its retail comparable version, Best Buy, produces revenue every employee of only $270k.

Chapter five

5. Recommendations

The assessment of the e-commerce environmental forces of Bangladesh leave us a few room to recommend a few steps and measures, that ought to be undertaken by policy makers and business stake slots for the full-fledged implementation and progress e-commerce in Bangladesh. Generally there commendations are:

There should be an EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) Gateway, that may connect all finance and banking institutions, ATMs, POS and related websites. Such Gateway will speed up the transactions among financial institutions, commercial institutions. This sort of facilities needs to be executed on top priority basis.

A CCG (Credit Card Gateway) should be set up. A credit card gateway is a server that makes on-line credit card transactions safe(Skinner, 2005). The software protocols in the CCG use the data provided to evaluate for availability of funds and to help make it sure the credit card is not ended, lost or stolen. This kind of takes just seconds. If the transaction qualifies a invoice is generated for the consumer, and the money are utilized in the vendor’s bank account through EFT.

Unlicensed radio frequencies ought to be made available on demand andesite operating licenses should not limit the bandwidth.

To improve banking mechanism, Bangladesh government ought to compel the banking

sectors to automate their very own operation and going online by a specific period. The charge of foreign exchange should be liberalized slowly but surely, and much easier issuance of International Charge cards should be allowed, banks should take effective methods here.

Business associations and organizations needs to be made conscious of the benefits of ecommerce. Business organizations just like FBCCI, DCCI, MCCI, and BGMEA can play an important role to promote e-commerce in Bangladesh.

Personal commitment to improve governance and institutional strong points essential for good application of ecommerce.

Last but not least, Nationwide ICT insurance plan, 2002 and enactment from the ICTAct, june 2006 is required to boost the implementation of e-commerce.


A key reasons why e-commerce, especially the business-to-business portion, is growing and so quickly is usually its significant impact on expenses associated with inventories, sales execution, purchase, intangibles like banking, and distribution costs. If these types of reductions become pervasive, web commerce has the probability of be the application that brings in the huge productivity gains. Achieving these gains is usually therefore dependant on a quantity of factors, which includes access to web commerce systems plus the needed skills. However , what is unique regarding ecommerce online and the efficiency gains is the fact it guarantees the high quality placed on openness. To reap the potential financial savings fully, firms must be willing to open up their very own internal systems to suppliers and clients. This elevates policy concerns concerning reliability and potential anti-competitive results as companies integrate their very own operations even more closely.

Part six





www.e commercefair. com

www.google.com//assingnmentone commerce in Bangladesh


www.scibd.com>reserch>organization &in Bangladesh

www.slideshare.net/mobile-bankingsystem in Bangladesh

Appendices Customer survey:

1 . For how years you are employing e-commerce?

(i)Less than one year

(ii)One 12 months but


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Category: Finance,

Words: 3492

Published: 02.19.20

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