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Erik erikson s 8 10 developmental periods essay

Development theories will be psychological phases of your life. Erik Erikson is best known intended for his stages of psychosocial development and coining the word ‘identity crisis’. Erikson’s theory of psychological development is one of the best known theories of character. Though similar to Freud, Erikson believed that personality builds up in a number of 8 levels. Unlike Freud’s theory of psychosocial stages, Erikson’s theory describes the impact of cultural experiences over the whole life expectancy. Erik Erikson’s Eight Developmental Stages

Erik Erikson is among the best known neo-Freudians in mental history.

He Grew up in Europe and spent the majority of his young adult your life under the way of Sigmund Freud. Erikson’s psychosocial expansion model was heavily affected by Freud, and stocks a number of central ideas by Freud’s psychosocial development theory. Instead of five stages, just like Freud, Erikson came up with 8-10 stages. The first level, known as trust vs . mistrust, focuses on birth to approximately 18 months. Erikson also referred to childhood as the Oral Physical Stage, which can be the term Freud used for his first stage.

The main emphasis on this stage is a parent-infant relationship. If the mother or father was growing and caring, the infant could gain trust in the parent or guardian and vice versa. Erikson declared: “Hope is both the initial and the many indispensable advantage inherent inside the state of being alive.

In the event that life is being sustained hope must remain¦ (Cherry, 2013). The second level is autonomy vs . pity and question which is seen as a self-control, valor and will. The general age is around 18 months to 2 or three years old. Children discover how to master standard skills such as using the ‘potty’, walking, talking and nourishing themselves. If children master these skills, they will build a sense of assurance and autonomy. One of the most severe skills a young child learns during his or her “Terrible Two’s is definitely the ability to use the powerful word, “NO! . If shamed in the process of mastering an art and craft or house training, children are likely to feel a sense of guilt and doubt; therefore, lowering self-esteem. From roughly three to five years old, children usually observe and mimic adults around them and take effort in creating play situations.

This is the third stage, often known as initiative vs . guilt. The kid strives to find the ability to do things on his or perhaps her personal, such as outfit him or perhaps herself. If perhaps “guilty regarding making individual choices, the child will experience guilt and won’t function better. The fourth level is market vs . inferiority. This is “school-age, usually half a dozen to twelve years old. ‘Child compares self-worth to others, such as within a classroom environment’ (Wikipedia, 2013). ‘At this kind of stage, we are capable of learning, creating and completing numerous additional skills and gaining knowledge, as a result developing a feeling of industry’ (Harder, 2002). If we experience inadequate and inferior amongst our colleagues, we can experience serious concerns in terms of proficiency and self-pride. In the sixth stage, advancement depends primarily upon what the child will and precisely what is done to the kid. Life is now definitely getting more complex as the child endeavors to find her or his own id, struggle with social situations, and grapple with moral problems. The age selection is from about twelve to 20 years old. This kind of stage is referred to as identity or role distress. This is also where the child tries to find him or herself and find out his or her very own identity.

The sixth level of Erikson’s psychosocial advancement theory is usually intimacy vs . isolation. The regular age is 18 to about twenty-five or 30. The young adult tries to get long lasting appreciate and have mutually satisfying relationships with family and friends. Adults with this stage usually generally begin to start a relatives. ‘If negotiating this level is successful, we are able to experience intimacy on a deep level’ (Harder, 2002). The seventh level is generativity vs . nullwachstum. This is during middle adulthood from regarding 35 to 65 years of age. This is where job is one of the most crucial things within an adult’s life. ‘Strength comes in care of others and production of a thing that contributes to the betterment of society¦’ (Harder, 2002). This is exactly what Erikson called generativity. This kind of stage is additionally notorious to get the “mid-life crisis.

This basically means that once the adult’s child or perhaps children went off and flew the coop, the parent now has to find fresh priorities to tend to and struggle with locating new symbolism and functions. ‘If a person is not comfortable together with the way their particular life is progressing, they’re usuallyregretful about the decisions and feel a sense of uselessness’ (Wikipedia, 2013). This is exactly what Erikson called stagnation. The final stage of Erikson’s expansion theory is ego sincerity vs . give up hope. The adult is usually about 65 and it will go all the way to loss of life. The individual has reached the final chapter in their life. Retirement can be steadily getting close to his or her method or has already taken place currently. Many have got achieved what was important to all of them like graduating high school and college, having a wedding, raising a family and heading off from a great job. If the person feels like individual done nothing with his or perhaps her existence, a sense of lose hope will ingest him or her. If she or he feels incredibly positive about looking again on existence, he or she will certainly feel a sense of honesty. Erik Erikson’s psychosocial development theory is one of the best known level theories in the psychology community. It does a great deal of explaining so why humans work the way they take action and so why they are who they actually are.


Cherry, T. (2013). Erik erikson estimates. Retrieved via http://psychology.about.com/od/psychologyquotes/a/erik-erikson-quotes.htm

Erik erikson. (2013, April 14). Retrieved coming from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ErikErikson

Harder, A. (2002). Erik erikson’s stages psychosocial development. Retrieved from http://www.support4change.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=47&Itemid=108


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