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Tapia you essay

Nick Tabique

Mr. Sitler

New Legs

May twenty-one, 2004

John 19: 31-37 Exegesis

The Gospel relating to Ruben is shrouded in unknown. Out of the several

Gospels, Ruben clearly stands apart. The text is extremely symbolic, having

several tiers of meanings. John is additionally unique, 90% of David appears

nowhere else inside the Bible. For instance , the pointed of Christ side may

only be seen in John nineteen: 31-37. Since the story from the piercing is merely

told when, it is well worth looking at two times.

To understand the Gospel of John, one must understand the time via

which the text message comes from. Ruben is considered to have been crafted between

90 and 90 CE by Johannine community. The Johannine community was a

group of people who also followed the teachings of John. The Gospel of John was

written to show how they believed towards the Messiah. The Johannine

community occupied a time of unrest and uncertainty. The Romans experienced

occupied Israel for many years and many Jews were expecting the coming of

the great assess who would put things right. After Christ death, a few

Jewish-Christians thought Jesus was your Messiah and would go back

and help to make dark in light. However , by the time Ruben was written, the

Johannines believed that Jesus never left, that he is just about everywhere. Since

the Johannine community was not looking forward to the second arriving, they would

live their lives how Christ taught.

Not simply is the articles of Steve dissimilar from other Biblical text

the form can be likewise. Inside the synoptic Gospels, the story of Christ can be told

through theological reasoning. John clarifies the theology of Christ

through historic events. Theology is

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clearly Johns emphasis throughout the Gospel. The Gospel according to John

can be read and appreciated for its literal text, this is true. However

the author(s) of Ruben intended the reader to not simply enjoy the history, but

to consider the multiple symbolism. Planted everywhere on John, these types of

double connotations allow the target audience to think pertaining to him or herself as to what

Jesus really was teaching. The symbolism captivates the reader and assists

in conveying the actual of the Gospel. When studying the passion

(passion because there was not a suffering) in John, it is blatantly

obvious that Johns Jesus is the Passover lamb for mankind. John nineteen: 31-37

uses the death of Christ on the cross and prior to burial. In

every Gospel, there is a gift to witness the loss of life of Christ but Johns

account is very different.

The afternoon Jesus perished was the day of Preparing. The Jews had to

prepare for the next day, that was Passover. Seeing that a very exceptional Sabbath

was near, the Jewish government bodies wanted to follow the law for the letter.

It is written in Deuteronomy 21: 22-23 22If a man guilty of a capital

offense is usually put to loss of life and his body is hung over a tree, 23you must not

leave his human body on the tree overnight. The Jews attended Pilate and

asked if the bodies could possibly be taken down. David never publishes articles how Pilate

responds although instead continues by writing that the military take action.

It can be questionable if all this actions took place upon Golgotha or perhaps not.

Not necessarily written which the Jews head to Pilate or that Pilate sends military

to the slope. The Jews just request Pilate to be able to the hip and legs of the 3 and

the soldiers only break both on Jesus left and right. It is

interesting which the soldiers go to the two on the side first and leave

Jesus for previous (Brown 1176). This functions for the suspense and drama of the

story, accumulating to the pointed. When the soldiers finally achieve

Jesus they will find him dead. As he definitely seems to be dead, they just do not break

his legs. It seems sensible that the troops would not desire to apply energy

into beating a dead

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horse, although fact that Jesus legs aren’t broken satisfy prophecy. In

Numbers 9: 12 it truly is written about the Passover lamb They must not really leave virtually any

of it till morning or perhaps break any one of its bone tissues. Since Johns main image is

Christ as the sacrificial Passover lamb, it truly is made sure that non-e of Jesus

bone fragments are cracked. It is also crafted in Psalms 34: 19-20 19A righteous man

may possibly have many difficulties, but the Head of the family delivers him from them almost all, 20he

protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.

Nevertheless the soldiers were required to make sure having been dead. A soldier chosen to

drive a spear in to his side to see if a living body would respond. The

piercing of Jesus likewise fulfills scripture. In Zechariah 12: 12 it is

drafted And I is going to pour out around the house of David and the inhabitants of

Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They may look on me, the

one they have pierced, and they’ll mourn pertaining to him as one mourns pertaining to an

simply child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn

son. Christ becomes the pierced one which will spill salvation great

people is going to mourn for what they have carried out.

Seemingly before the soldier can easily pull the spear away of Jesus side, a

sudden accurate and normal water springs through the wound. This really is an image

loaded with meaning. One connection can be made to Hellenistic symbolism.

Steve may have experienced Jesus relieve blood and water coming from his body because

there is an old Homeric legend which the gods acquired in their problematic veins a type of

blood mixed with normal water (Brown 1179). This probably did not perform a large

role in the reasoning of including this passage, but it url to a belief of

the era from the Gospels creation. The most powerful message is definitely the symbolism

of water and blood. Drinking water is used pertaining to cleansing from the spirit including in

baptism. The water uncovers that Christ death is going to wash away mans sins and

detox its collective spirit. The blood can be associated with wine. Before in

Ruben, Jesus reports that this individual it the actual vine. Via his wines will come

salvation. One simply cannot forget that like the Passover lamb, Jesus must also


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his bloodstream. Also, drinking water represents life and blood vessels represents death. With

the combination of the two, one can notice that although Jesus died, a fresh age

has been born.

The next verse is definitely interesting. It really is written in John 19: 35 The man

who observed it has given testimony, and his testimony holds true. He knows that

he tells the truth, and he testifies so that you can also believe. This

somewhat unnecessary verse is placed in the text message to stress quite

event that precedes that. It is possible which the unnamed man was the

precious disciple that was with Jesus by his fatality. At the time John was

written, there was very much skepticism about the death of Jesus. Several did

not really believe that Jesus died for the cross. This verse generally seems to thwart

the spread of any doubt about the death of Christ.

The next two passages serve to advise the reader, who may not find out

Hebrew scripture, that the unbroken bones plus the piercing of his side

fulfill bible verses. It strengthens the idea of Jesus being the Passover

lamb, which is very important to the concept of Steve.

John 19: 31-37 is a very important part of Jesus death in John. And

of course , the death of Jesus may be the climax of John, as it is with the

additional Gospels. This passage is definitely the first verse after Christ death. It

is integral to the understanding of his fatality and his theories. It is the

previous comparison of Jesus to the Passover lamb and reveals the through loss of life

comes life. People more recently must keep at heart that Christ did not come to

the planet to just die but to provide new existence through his death and also to save most

people who have confidence in him.

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Works Reported

Brown, Raymond Edward. The Death of the Messiah. Ny: Bantam

Doubleday, 1994.

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Category: Essay,

Words: 1649

Published: 03.27.20

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