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St francis of assisi essay example

St Francis is recognized as a renowned hero and a popular st .. He was delivered in

1181, the midst of a time of big increases and expansions inside the medieval Western, in

Assisi, where this was most effective. His father and mother were Pietro and Aguijada Bernardone.

His father was obviously a wealthy cotton merchant. St . Francis spent his years as a child in expensive

living and pleasure-seeking. He was always in trouble and ran about Assisi with his

friends, eating, ingesting, and having a great time. He traveled to war to fight for Assisi

against Perugia and was used prisoner in 1202. Sooner or later he was introduced and once

again, came back to his old carefree ways. He became significantly ill for a while but then

This individual experienced a vision of Christ for Spoleto that has been then and then another

vision while he returned to Assisi. One particular vision was of Christ telling him, Go and rebuild

my house of worship. It is dropping down. These kinds of visions are what transformed his way of living forever.

Irrespective of his rich, comfortable your life, St . Francis chose a life of lower income. He put on rags

and wooden shoes on his simple feet. His father became furious only at that and threatened to

disown him. Francis returned his fathers money and clothes that he had taken to help

repair the chapel and severed relations with his father.

St . Francis rebuilt San Damiano with money begged from his townsmen. He

went on a pilgrimage to Rome in 1206, figuring out himself with all the poor and helping to

take care of those who suffered with leprosy. For 2 or three years he existed alone

wandering. Eventually, eight disciples joined up with him. Some of them were old, some

middle-aged, but they lived together as a community at the Portiuncula in Assisi, near a

leper colony. Here, this individual devoted him self completely to his lifes work of poverty and

talking. St . Francis and the other preachers stood out from the additional Italian poor

preachers of the time mainly because they had esteem for, and showed obedience to the Church

regulators and their imaginaire orthodoxy. That they lived in basic huts and their churches

had been small. They will slept on the land and had simply no tables or perhaps chairs, and very few

In 1209, St . Francis founded the order of Friars Minor, which took those of

that time by surprise because using this method, Francis provided poverty, chastity, and

obedience in terms of troubadours and courts of affection. After this, St Francis attained many

Francis wished to preach to even more people by farther about. In 1212 he travelled

eastward, but was influenced on to the Dalmatian coast. In 1214 this individual left once more, this time

pertaining to Morocco through Spain, however he became very sick and was forced to come back home.

In 1219, this individual sailed by Ancona with twelve different friars, heading for Acre and Damietta.

Francis managed to move across enemy lines and discuss with the Sultan who was extremely

impressed yet did not desire to convert. St . Francis would not consider all the rich presents this individual

was given and he returned to the Christian armies.

In 1221, Francis made a rule, which has been approved in 1223 as the Regula Bullata.

It canalized the Franciscan Order in the Church. Francis had previously made a rule

previous to the Regula Bullata, called the Regula Sauber, in 1210. The Regula Prima

started with a promise of behavior and respect to Père Innocent III and his successors.

Most of it deals with the Gospels, which consider renunciation and to the conditions of life

from the followers of Christ. As well, it says that all siblings shall be catholic and live and

speak as catholics. If virtually any shall go overboard from the catholic faith and life either by term or deed

and will not mend his way, allow him to be expelled from the brotherhood.

In 1212, Francis was joined simply by St . Clare who helped to establish the Franciscan

St . Francis was known to have a detailed bond or relationship with animals. Testimonies

are told about him preaching to the birds, telling all of them that Our god loves them and that they

ought to praise Him for every thing they have been given, such as wings to take flight freely

through the atmosphere. There is also one other favorite history about the wolf who also terrorized a

area by eradicating the townsmen and their pets. Francis contacted the wolf and made

a deal with him that in the event he would prevent killing, then this people of the town would leave him

meals for the rest of his life. The wolf arranged and gone door to door throughout its your life

for food. In the end, when the wolf finally dies, the folks of the area realize that they will

miss the wolf. Another account told of Francis keeping a lamb on its way to slaughter by simply

persuasive a vendor to give it to him. He then helped bring the lamb with him on his method

to see the Bishop. These testimonies are thought to emphasise St . Francis consideration to get

all portions of the physical universe, fantastic identity with them. This is why

he is occasionally called the patron of natural conservation.

In St Francis later years, some of the most popular incidents of his lifestyle happened.

One of these incidents was the inauguration from the Christmas cribs at Grecchio, prepared

by friar John, wherever Francis read the Gospel with such devotion that it produced men weep.

Another occurrence was the canticle of the Sunlight, in 1224. He wrote it when he visited Clare

at Assisi while he was extremely unwell and uneasy. And most significant of all the

incidents, in 1224, while praying in his cell on Attach Alverna, when he received the

stigmata. This was considered the climax of supernatural incidents that experienced occurred to him

St . Francis of Assisi perished on October 3, 1226, at age 45. He was canonized

in 1228 simply by his old friend, Gregory IX. St . Francis was buried inside the church of St . Giorgio

and Assisi is actually a pilgrimage centre intended for Franciscan supporters from all around the world.

I never think that you will find very many persons around today that would ever

purposely force themselves into poverty and a life put in wandering and living with

sick and tired and poor strangers, whilst being window blind and extremely sick and tired himself at times, all

because of a solid devotion to God. It appears incredible, particularly in the world of

which usually we live today, which a person living comfortably with wealth and everything that your life has to

offer, could give it all up. St . Francis was a patient and hypersensitive man who also loved the

universe around him and thought that it was all a result of a present from Our god. His belief was

so solid that he felt he previously to, in this way, give up his life, just as Christ acquired done, to

provide his God. St . Francis left all of us with so much before this individual died. He rebuilt a lot of

Romes churches current help of St Clare, shaped the Franciscans and the

Throughout earlier this century, we have seen considerably more interest in St Francis nevertheless

we have a new tendency to see the traits and characteristics about him which can be shown

in movies or individual writings. Because of this, we frequently see cartoons and caricatures

of St Francis like a sentimental nature-lover or even being a hippy drop-out from contemporary society.

These humorous portrayals keep us from discovering how demanding and focused he actually was.

They never show his unbelievable and undeniable take pleasure in for The almighty. Still, St Francis is


History Paper

Spring Term 2000

Prof. Fabrizio

Bibliography Site

1 . Delaney, John T. Dictionary of Saints. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1980.

installment payments on your New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6. Unwell: Jack Heraty & Affiliates, Inc., 81.

3. Jrgensen, Johannes. St Francis of Assisi: A Biography. Nyc: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1947.

4. Cunningham, Lawrence S. Saint Francis of Assisi. Boston: G. T. Hall & Co., 1976.

5. Duquoc, Christian and Casiano Floristn. Francis of Assisi Today. New York: The Seabury Press, 1981.

6. DePaola, Tomie. Francis: The Poor Man of Assisi. New york city: Holiday Residence, 1982.

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Category: Essay,

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Published: 03.25.20

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