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My Theory of Personality Character refers to a variety of long-lasting and distinctive behaviors, thoughts, causes, and emotion that typify how we behave and adapt to other people and situations. (Plotnik, 2012) Various psychologists, just like Freud, hypothesize that it is a combination of many factors that affect the personality. Several factors which range from early childhood development and unconsciousness to rewards and punishments.

I use chosen 4 concepts which i believe add the most to the development of the personality and definitely will explain for what reason.

The concepts I have chosen to be part of my very own personality theory are: childhood experiences, model of activities, and visible behavior. Alfred Adler, an Austrian medical professional and psychiatrist, once declared we develop our wants and pushes during our childhood then our whole adult life becomes troubled by these years as a child experiences. Persons keep aiming during their adult life to fulfill the desires they have developed during childhood. (Radwan, 2008) Years as a child experiences are definitely the first lessons you learn, the first observations you see, and are what I believe to be the foundation personality in adulthood.

For example , if a kid grows up with an overprotective family, she/he will learn to fear strangers and possess a lot of insecurities. But also in adulthood they are going to have to deal with that fear, so that it might copy to another dread like a anxiety about taking risks or striving new things. Growing up, there always are situations if you need to meet new people or perhaps interact with unknown people, and ultimately you conquer the various insecurities you have regarding meeting new people and become more friendly, or you keep your anthropophobia and turn into very remote.

Personality traits you learn at a young age twigs with you of our own life in case you forget about them, you’re subconscious mind even now puts all of them in to impact on a daily basis. Interpretation of experiences very individually for each person. “Kids have to feel desperately sometimes, ” says kid psychologist David Elkind, mentor at Stanford University. “We learn through experience and that we learn through bad experiences. Through failing we discover how to cope. ” Some people usually takes overbearing parents as a indication of love and affection.

During the other hand a different person may well see it while suffocating and annoying. Based on how they understand these conditions of over-protection by their father and mother will build on their personality. (Marano, 2004) The child who have sees the overbearingness while love will certainly embrace and project that as the. But the child who views the protectiveness as suffocating will want to consider more dangers and be even more outgoing while an adult. A genuine question I possess is why do we interpret these situations just how we perform.

Most of the time I know the way I actually react to specific situations is the same as the way my personal mother would have reacted. Might be it is because we spent time and effort together inside my teen years. Observable actions are basically the things you see persons do and just how they action. There is a phase people say to one another that, in its easiest form, means take note and execute. “Pay it forward. Paying it forward can be when you notice someone moving away from their service something great for you. And return you need to do the same for someone else.

In a way it can be supposed to take up a chain reaction and eventually more and more people will be kinder to strangers. Yet after a while the chain end due to somebody not having to pay it ahead. Maybe they will didn’t see or these people were not paying attention. And when it comes time for them to spend it forwards they think no person has done that for them, why should they do it for someone else? Therefore , they do not support this person out. That is visible behavior, people learn simply by watching, and it can change these to be more friendly or ruder.

In my theory of character, childhood activities, interpretation of experiences, and observable patterns all bring about it. Each has its very own contribution towards an individual’s personality. Weather it is coming from early the child years and how your child is cared for or young adulthood noticing your environment and listening to advice from your environment. Even how you will see specific situations, you can see the positive area or the gloomy. Just one tendencies cannot be the only reason for an individual’s personality. It will take many different events to establish this.

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Words: 800

Published: 12.06.19

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