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Atonement- Analysis of Scenes The scene starts with a long shot of the three characters walking on a way in the reeds towards the camera. The reason a long shot is employed is to set up the setting of the character types. It cuts in to a close up of Robbie to show his emotion as he realises they have made it to the sea.

This cuts to an medium excessive angle aerial long shot as the characters are running through the reeds to show the true desperation with the men. While they are operating the music playing is low like being played on an organ and picks up complete to build up the tension of the landscape.

It paths their movement as they operate and reductions into a close u s of Robbie’s shoe in that case zooms out and moves up concurrently up over Robbie’s visit an extreme extended shot of the beach of Dunkirk. The key reason why an extreme lengthy shot utilized was in buy for the viewers to essentially be able to start to see the whole in the beach, to capture the fact of the Battle by all of the devastation from the beach by simply seeing all this. A invert shot reverse is used between the men as well as the beach, firstly it is a close up of Robbie’s face to portray the emotion of disappointment in Robbie’s face.

The camera then reduces to it is continues tracking shot utilizing a handheld steadicam for the duration of 5 minutes. It depends on the camera tracking a medium taken at eye level of the boys talking as they walk on the camera. the captain is usually tall and walks with precision to exhibit his expert. The camera continues to track the men in a long taken as they walk along the seashore, certain objects obscure the lovely view of the guys walking as the camera tracks lurking behind things like burning cars which is included in the mise-en-scene as it shows the audiences the true damage of the field.

Robbie is usually walking with purpose and determination plus the camera uses Robbie to shows his purpose. You cannot find any music just the rattling from the on goings of the soldiers and the troops shouting, the sounds of horses happen to be heard and gun photographs. As the horses will be being shot in a long shot watch with Robbie walking away from their website music begins playing to intensify the feeling of the scene. The camera tracks Robbie as he moves through the picture, the camera follows a lot of flying documents in the air in a low angle shot with the broken sails of a dispatch with a guy on top yelling ‘Laddie, Now i’m coming home! which usually shows contrast of his hope inspite of his impossible situation, in addition, it gives a perception of madness. The camera tracks down into a close from Robbie to demonstrate his emotion through his facial manifestation. The beach is filled with broken debris and guys going about all sorts of things, one person is seen performing exercises on a column and contrasts with other guys getting in a fight or stumbling about drunk. A Ferris tyre is seen without your knowledge surrounded by smoke cigars and damage, it looks as if it’s almost a dead carnival and the Ferris wheel is a to show the real nature with the devastation from the war.

Children are seen sitting down next to some toys, they are really placed sitting down to convey the defeat and hopelessness in their situation. The music begins to get bigger and guys are heard singing as the camera tracks them and moves into a close-up as it goes round finding their confronts as they sing, gives a a sense of hope within them. The camera monitors back into a detailed up of Robbie showing defeated, uncomfortable appearance on his encounter which contrasts as the camera tracks around a band of men yelling and jeering as they are undertaking the interview process merry-go-round.

The camera tracks back while Robbie as well as the two men walk towards the camera in a medium taken as they walk through the seashore, showing all of the doings of different men around the beach. The camera monitors the men jogging up several stairs because the music enhances, the camera turns to show the beach since it tracks behind men. That shows the devastation outdoor has suffered thanks the horrible war, that tracks at the rear of the men to incorporate them in the shot because they are a part of the war.

The camera paths along revealing the beach and music is at a very low tempo to compliment the impression of the taken as well as the guys singing will be heard plus the “Laddie, I am just coming home!  BRIONY INSIDE THE HOSPITAL The scene depends on a long shot of a corridor lighted over the middle, what kind writing sound is read. The music picks up as a group of nurses within a long shot walk over the corridor towards the camera. The music and typewriter is the same as the scene Briony had like a little girl so the music along with the stroking typewriting is now her unsecured personal soundtrack.

The camera cookware in a close up shot with the nurses sneakers as they walk passed, the shot of their shoes reveals the determination of them because they walk. The camera tracks the nurses as they enter a room with the patients bedrooms, it switches into a close up of the head doctor as she addresses the other ladies, the close up shows the seriousness in her phrase as your woman talks. A try reverse shot is used while the head health professional addresses these people. The various other nurses are dismissed walking away in two lines demonstrating precision eaving Briony position alone in the middle of the shot and the music heightens as the camera zooms right into a medium shot of her showing a worried, unhappy expression onto her face. the hospital seems to fit her character as every thing is in purchase and is just so , everything is white, perfect and orderly which in turn goes very well with her character. The camera reductions to a taken reverse shot of Briony and the mind nurse because she address Briony, Briony is positioned really upright placement to show her character.

The camera cuts to a close up shot of Briony in the window to portray her unhappy sentiment, the camera zooms away into a long shot of Briony strolling down a corridor, the shot has low essential lighting as it provides an almost eerie feeling. A radio is usually heard without your knowledge recounting the developments of the war and her personal unsecured sound of any typewriter is usually heard while she walks, she strolls very rigid but not together with the same determination as in the previous scene with her as being a girl as if ‘there is not a Briony anymore. ‘ The camera pots and pans a shot in the nurses room, all carrying out girly issues as they plan bed.

Signals are turned off and the sound of the typewriting is read once again plus the camera reductions to a moderate shot of Briony being seated writing at night, one of her fellow nurses walks in and Briony jumps up guiltily as if she’s performing something wrong once she gets a alarm from the noise. A channel shot reverse shot is used as a chat between the two are going upon. Briony’s hand slaps down on the page to show she has anxious about anybody viewing her operate. A high angle close up taken of her hand around the page can be shown as soon as her side is taken out the visitors see the name of what she’s producing “Two Statistics by a Water feature. A slow swelling of music is heard because they speak about the book and a close from the two looks is shown to portray the chums eagerness to know about the story and Briony’s worried appearance on her confront. Briony déclaration what is actually about in a close up taken to show her pain since she thinks about what she has done, that shows her growth being a character since she is finally acknowledging and understanding what she gets done. There is a half darkness on her confront which is a strategy the director has used to portray secrets as the girl with only telling a 50 percent truth.

We have a long shot used to show the two women laughing which is the first-time Briony is seen laughing because she is sense exhilarated. Music picks up because the camera cuts to a shot of Briony seated at a desk publishing a notification to Cecelia, as she is writing there exists a voice over telling us what she has a part of her page. The camera cuts into a series of shots of her cleaning because the voiceover of the notice is being read, the washing is symbolic for cleansing oneself while she is trying to cleanse their self for to terrible issue she do.

She is looking to atone so that she has performed and that is seen through the photos. For example there exists a close up shot of her vigorously scrubbing up her hands which is symbolic for her frustration to detox herself inside. The camera cuts into a medium shot of the two girls speaking as they pack stuff aside in the store area, the camera cuts into a close up shot of Briony to show her expression as she is reminiscing about her crush. A bell jewelry and the camera tracks the nurses as they run through the corridor, music starts to swell to add tension to the landscape.

The camera tracks the girls as they tell you a group of military outside, guys are read shouting and it increases the sense of chaos. There is also a medium shot of Briony carry a badly hurt man inside, a method shot is used to show the determination on her behalf face. The camera cuts to different pictures of rns tending to injured men and what Briony is doing, the continues alter of taken and the use of the handheld camera really provides and highlights the mayhem of it all as well as the use of the hand-held camera rendering it feel even more real. That cuts to a shot of Briony having blood onto her hands which is very representational.

Men and the ones being carried are hastening passed her as the lady stands shopping around, Robbie is seen in the middle and it quickly cuts into a close up of Briony to demonstrate her reaction to seeing him, music grows to add to the climax of her heading towards Robbie but the music drops if it’s not him. Briony is viewed inside once again tending to harmed men, you will discover close ups and moderate shots of the terribly injured men to boost the devastation of the battle. In the photographs Briony can be considered very constructed and established in contrast to others who will be crying.

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Category: Essay examples,

Words: 1916

Published: 03.24.20

Views: 849