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STRATEGIC SUPERVISION , ORGANIZATION POLICY 12TH EDITION JONES L. WHEELEN J. DAVID HUNGER Tactical Management: a set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of any corporation.

Involves: • • • • Internal and external environment scanning Approach formulation Technique implementation Analysis and control Pearson Education © 2010 1-2 Levels of Ideal Management: • • • • Period Phase Phase Phase you: 2: 3: 4: Simple financial preparing Forecast-based preparing Externally focused strategic preparing Strategic administration Pearson Education © 2010 1-3

Benefits associated with Strategic Management: • Clearer sense of strategic vision for the firm • Sharper give attention to what is strategically important • Improved knowledge of a swiftly changing environment Pearson Education © 2010 1-4 Further Benefits of Proper Management: • Improved organizational performance • Achieves a match between organization’s environment and its strategy, structure and processes • Important in unstable environments • Tactical thinking • Organizational learning Pearson Education © 2010 1-5 Effects of The positive effect: Globalization: the mixing and internationalization of market segments and businesses

Pearson Education © 2010 1-6 Influence of Environmental Sustainability: Environmental Sustainability: the use of business practices to reduce a company’s effect on the all-natural, physical environment Pearson Education © 2010 1-7 Effect of Environmental Sustainability Hazards of Environment Change incorporate: • Regulatory risk • Supply string risk • Product and technology risk • Lawsuits risk • Reputational risk • Physical risk Pearson Education © 2010 1-8 Population ecology: established businesses are unable to adapt to change Company theory: organizations adapt simply by imitating effective organizations

Pearson Education © 2010 1-9 Strategic choice perspective: agencies adapt to change and have the capacity to reshape their environment Organizational learning theory: organizations adjust defensively and use understanding to improve their particular relationship while using environment Pearson Education © 2010 1-10 Strategic versatility: the ability to switch from one major strategy to an additional and requires: • Long-term determination to the development and growing of essential resources • Learning corporation Pearson Education © 2010 1-11 Learning organization: a company skilled in reating, purchasing, and copying knowledge and at modifying it is behavior to reflect fresh knowledge and insights Pearson Education © 2010 1-12 Main activities of a learning organization incorporate: • Learning from past encounter, history and encounters of others • Transferring understanding quickly and easily through the organization • Solving concerns systematically • Experimenting with new approaches Pearson Education © 2010 1-13 Basic Elements of Strategic Supervision 1 . installment payments on your 3. 5. Environmental deciphering Strategy formula Strategy implementation Evaluation and control Pearson Education © 2010 -14 Pearson Education © 2010 1-15 Pearson Education © 2010 1-16 Basic Elements of Strategic Managing Environmental Scanning is the monitoring, evaluating and disseminating info from the external and inner environments to key people within the firm Pearson Education © 2010 1-17 Pearson Education © 2010 1-18 Basic Aspects of Strategic Management Strategy Formula: the development of long range plans intended for the effective management of environmental chances and dangers in light of organizational pros and cons (SWOT) Pearson Education © 2010 1-19

Basic Elements of Strategic Supervision Mission- the reason or reason for the company existence Vision- describes the particular organization would like to become Objectives- the end results of planned activity Pearson Education © 2010 1-20 Simple Elements of Strategic Management Strategies- form an extensive master plan that states how the company will obtain its quest and goals – Corporate – Business – Practical Policies- the broad rules for decision making that links the formulation of a strategy with its rendering Pearson Education © 2010 1-21 Pearson Education © 2010 1-22

Basic Aspects of Strategic Supervision Strategy implementation: the process in which strategies and policies will be put into action through the development of: • • • Programs Budgets Procedures Pearson Education © 2010 1-23 Basic Components of Strategic Managing Evaluation and control: the task in which corporate and business activities and satisfaction results are monitored so that real performance could be compared to preferred performance Pearson Education © 2010 1-24 Basic Components of Strategic Administration Performance: the result of organizational activities Feedback/Learning Process: modify or appropriate decisions based on performance

Pearson Education © 2010 1-25 Triggering event: something that provides for a stimulus starting now in approach and can include: • • • • • New CEO External intervention Threat of change of ownership Overall performance gap Strategic inflection point Pearson Education © 2010 1-26 The particular a Strategic Decision? Strategic decision making focuses on the long-run future of the organization Attributes of ideal decision making contain: • Uncommon • Consequential • Enqu�te Pearson Education © 2010 1-27 Mintzberg’s Modes of Strategic Making decisions • • • • Entrepreneurial Adaptable Planning Reasonable incrementalism (Quinn) Pearson Education © 2010 -28 Tactical Decision Making Procedure: 1 . Examine current efficiency results installment payments on your Review corporate governance several. Scan and assess the exterior environment four. Scan and assess the inside corporate environment Pearson Education © 2010 5. Analyze strategic (SWOT) factors 6. Generate, examine and select the very best alternative approach 7. Put into practice selected approaches 8. Evaluate implemented approaches 1-29 Pearson Education © 2010 1-30 Pearson Education © 2010 1-31 Tactical audit gives a checklist of questions, simply by area or perhaps issue, that enables a systematic analysis to be created from various corporate functions and activities

Pearson Education © 2010 1-32 Pearson Education © 2010 1-33 1 ) Why offers strategic supervision become so important to today’s corporations? 2 . How does strategic management typically evolve in a corporation? 3. What is a learning organization? Are these claims approach to ideal management better than the more traditional top-down strategy in which tactical planning is primarily created by top managing? 4. Why are strategic decisions different from other kinds of decisions? a few. When is the look mode of strategic decision making superior to the entrepreneurial and adaptive ways? Pearson Education © 2010 1-34 PowerPoint created by simply:

Ronald Heimler • Dowling College- MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTATION • Georgetown University- BS Business Supervision • Constituent Professor- LIM College, NEW YORK • Crescendo Professor- Long Island University, NEW YORK • Lecturer- California Point out Polytechnic University or college, Pomona, LOS ANGELES • President- Walter Heimler, Inc. Pearson Education © 2010 1-35 All privileges reserved. Simply no part of this kind of publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or perhaps transmitted, in different form or by any means, electronic digital, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the before written permission of the publisher. Printed in the usa of America. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.

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