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string(203) ‘ TC and requires her “what happened the babies” TC replies for the Adult “Megan hit her” Adult says back to TC “the poor baby” and turns towards the other baby TC has and says “That’s Not Nice”\. ‘

Declaration: Physical (fine Motor) Period: 12: 30-3: 00 Particular date: 5/12/12 |Time |Actions |Social group |Language |Task | |12: 40 |T. C is sitting at stand making a jigsaw picking up|T. C, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 |T.

C&gt, C1 –you help me |Making Jigsaw | | |pieces employing pincer understanding | |C1&gt, T.

C –Yeah | | | | | |C4&gt, To. C – Me also | | |1: 00 |T. C eats supper with spoon |T. C, G | none |Eating dinner | |1: 30 |T. C helps bring head having pencil applying pincer |T. C, C1 |T.

C &gt, C1, C1- Seem, Look |Drawing picture | | |grasp |T. C, C2 |C1&gt, T. C –That’s lovely | | |1: forty-five -2: 00 |T. C builds a tower with another kid |T. C –C1 |T. C&gt, C1 want to aid |Free-play | | | | |C1&gt, T.

C -yup | | |2: 15 |T. C helps change the web page of book using pincer |T. C&gt, G |Read That One |Story-time | | |grasp |T. C&gt, A | | | |2: 30 |T. C features Book of her own reading that and is changing|T.

C, C1, C2, C3, C4, HANDSET | non-e |Storey-time | | |pages using her pincer understanding | | | | |3: 00 |T. C picks her coats and zips up using pincer |T. C &gt, A |T. C&gt, A- Bye |Home-time | | |grasp | | | |

Personal learning: • Although doing this remark on T. C I actually learned how amazing it can be that in such a new age a young child can hold a pencil and attempt to pull with this. • Also in this remark I learned that the more free-play that children get the more they develop their abilities • We also found that at such a young regarding two that the child with some help via another child can assembled a jigsaw without adults help. Summary: TC reveals in this remark that your woman can use her pincer understanding very well while she is producing jigsaws and is also using a pad.

TC as well shows that the girl can use her gramer understand when the girl feeds herself with the tea spoon. Recommendations for Capital t. C: I would recommend that the creche could ask Big t. C to build something together with the blocks or perhaps they could ask T. C to make an effort drawing something on her personal to problem her and so she can develop more. Reference: Flood, Elizabeth. (2010). Child Development for individuals in Ireland. Dublin: Gill, Macmillian Physical development: Checklist – low Motor. Time: 23/11/12 Period: 11: 00- 11: 30 |Yes |No |Comment |Date | |Runs safely. Confidence, |( | |T. C plays outdoors catch, Capital t. C |23/11 | |avoiding obstacles | | |runs down toward caterpillar | | | | | |toy and avoids go. | |Rides a trike, pushing that along | | |Not in observation |23/11 | |with your toes | | | | | |Walks up and down stairs both |( | |Walked down step to go outdoors |23/11 | |feet with each step, possessing wall | | |one step each time. | | |Squats without difficulty. Rises with no |( | |Plays sleeping bunny.

Different types of squats on |23/11 | |using hands | | |ground when saying ” bunny | | | | | |sleeping but will not sit on | | | | | |ground | | |Can climb up on furniture and |( | |Climbed up slide a single foot at a |23/11 | |get down once again | | |time.

Keeping rails with | | | | | |both hands going up. | | |Steers tricycle pushing along | | |Not in observation |23/11 | |with feet. | | | | | |Able to manoeuvre significant toys |( | |Pushes child along in doll car |23/11 | |with wheels | | |using both hands. | |Loves to pull along toys and games on | | |Not in observation | | |string | | | | | |Throws small ball over arm |( | |Playing ball game exterior passes|23/11 | | | | |to another child. | | |Kicks a sizable ball |( | |Passes ball to other child |23/11 | Evaluation: The Aim of this remark was to see TC, a 2 year old girl while she is at a creche setting to get a better knowledge of her physical development. That stuff seriously I have attained this aim very well which generally TC is getting together with her best practice rules of expansion with her physical creation in terms of her gross electric motor. The low motor skills are the utilization of the large muscles in your body.

Inside the yard TC shows that the lady can work in the yard towards caterpillar toy avoiding the glide. TC also shows that she can climb up on household furniture and get back down holding onto rails with both hands. TC also shows she’s meeting the norms according to flood when she promotes a child inside the toy car around the yard. TC likewise shows that the girl can kick a large ball when the lady picks up the soft ball from the ground and throws this to her close friends whilst playing hot ball. When going back inside TC went the step one ft . at a time holding the wall for support according to flood 2010 a child at the age of two are able to carry these tasks successfully to be appointment the rules of development.

According to flood at the age of two a young child should be able to drive tricycles driving them with their feet and pull toys and games along with wheels, require activities were not in my remark so I didn’t want to observe that TC could perform these duties. In summary I find myself like TC is appointment her rules of advancement in her gross motor unit skills as she accomplished the tasks My spouse and i set out on her to her full potential. Personal learning: • I learned whilst this process observation that after you set out tasks intended for the children that they enjoy all of them more as they can study through practice doing these people. • I also learned that at this kind of a young era that kids have good physical strength eg. TC could press the younger kid around in the toy car I as well learned that kids at this age know about the dangers that could hurt these people like when ever TC avoided the go when going to the caterpillar Tips for T. C: • I would recommend that the creche get more Gadgets in the creche so TC can develop her skills upon other things. • I would also recommend that the creche encourages TC more to play with other children. Sources: Flood. At the (2010). Child development for young students in Ireland in europe. Dublin: Gill, Macmillian. Piaget, J. (1975). The kid’s conception of the world. Totowa, NJ: Littlefield, Adams. (Originally released 1932). Intellectual development. Statement: narrative. Time: 16/11/12 Period: 11, 14: 10 T.

C is sitting within the couch with the corner with two baby born plaything on her knees, TC is usually pretending which the baby delivered dolls are talking to one another saying “do you want to play” TC is laughing aside to their self and is failing that the babies are having a laugh with her. TC keeps playing with the dolls, having a laugh pretending which the dolls will be her personal children. TC has just named the babies “Megan and Rachel” (which are the children on entrance of her) TC has become sitting on the floor with the one of many babies up at her shoulder saying” Its Ok”. Adults goes over to TC and requires her “what happened the babies” TC replies towards the Adult “Megan hit her” Adult says back to TC “the poor baby” and turns for the other baby TC features and says “That’s Not really Nice”.

You read ‘Child Deve’ in category ‘Essay examples’ TC laughs at adult declaring this and says “Rachel is okay now” and laughs.

TC then sets down the Babies and taking walks over to the style board and says “that’s me” and points to the picture of her on the wall. TC then points to one more picture and says to adult “there is Luke and Lauren”. Adult responses “Yes it is”. TC then explains to Luke and Lauren and says and details at wall membrane and says “that’s you Luke and that is you Lauren. ” The doorway bell then simply rings and TC looks at door and shouts “Mammy” TC looks at adults and Says “That mammy” Adults Replies “no that’s Lukes mammy”. TC then says “silly Me” and TC then shouts over to Lomaz “Luke Mammy here”. TC Then Dates back over to around the corner and sees baby delivered again. End Of remark. Evaluation:

The goal of this remark was to see TC a two year old lady while she was in the creche environment to get a better understanding of her intellectual expansion. I feel that I possess achieved this aim well and that generally TC is definitely meeting hers norms of development in terms of her perceptive development. From this observation TC shows sympathy for the newborn born when “Rachel” is usually crying. TC shows love here the moment she lifts her up and sets her go on her holder. According to Flood(2010) at this young age this is what TC should be doing. TC also shows that she’s meeting her norms of intellectual development when the girl goes over to the pictures on the wall and recognizes himself, Lauren and Luke in the photos. Relating to Ton (2010) these are generally the rules she ought to be reaching.

In respect to Piaget A child at the age of 2 “is at the per-operational stage and assumes that everyone and everything is similar to them. Therefore they think everything feels soreness and offers emotions just like them. Tc shows this when the lady thinks that “rachel” is crying which is hurt. Overview: This remark shows that Tc is conference all her norms on her behalf age. Tips for TC: • I would recommend which the creche motivates TC to try out with other children and to acquire her getting together with other kids so that she is not playing on her individual. • We would also suggest that the Adults interacts more with TC if they will so that other children may come over and play with her. Personal learning: • I learned that a child at this age can perception emotions and can comfort those who are upset. I actually also learned that children with this age can easily are in a little associated with their own and just keep themselves amused to speak to themselves • I also learned that children recall and identify different people that they can might discover in a picture. References: Flood, E. (2010). Child Development for students in Ireland. Dublin: Gill, macmillianPiaget, J. (1975). The child’s conception worldwide. Totowa, NJ-NEW JERSEY: Littlefield, Adams. (Originally posted 1932). Dialect development – precoded (playing play dough) date: 23/11 Time: 20: 00-2: twelve |Keys |TC(target child C(Child C1(Child you A(Adult you | |TC(C |This yours? TC will not get a solution of C) | |TC(A |Harry below | |TC(A |Can We play with harry? | |A(TC |Yes | |A(TC |Do you need me in order to that up? | |TC(A |yea | |A(TC |What you producing | |TC(A |It to get mammy | |A(TC |Good girl | |TC(A |Harry going to take a seat here |TC(A |There Harry (do-do) | |C1(TC |What you producing | |C(C1 |Think your woman making hotcakes | |C(TC |Is that pancakes | |TC(C |I need that | |C(TC |Ok | |C(TC |Shhh” A” phoning around | |TC(C |OK | |TC(C |I need that | |C(TC |Here | |TC(C |Thank you | |C(TC |You’re welcome. | End of observations. Child Initials: TC Age: a couple of Sex: woman Date: 3/12 time: 15: 55-11: 03 Setting: creche Observation: social development Min |Activity |Language record |Task |Social | |1 |Sitting in a group sing vocal |TC(adult – do ring-a-ring-a-Rosie |Group time |Group | | |nursery rhymes | | | | |2 |Sitting in a circle sing singing |A(TC ready |Group time |Group | | |nursery rhymes | | | | |3 |Sitting in a group sing singing |A-TC-1, two, 3, four, 5 When I got a fish alive, Group time |Group | | |nursery rhymes | | | | |4 |Sitting within a circle sing singing |Singing songs with group |Group time |Group | | |nursery rhymes | | | | |5 |Sitting in a group sing performing |A(TC –ready |Group period |Group | | |nursery rhymes |TC nods head | | | |6 |Sitting in a circle sing singing |TC singing row-row |Group time |Group | | |nursery rhymes | | | | |7 |Sitting in circle vocal singing santy |A(TC –what you need to sing? |Group time |Group | | |coming to town |TC- santy | | | |8 |Break |TC(G – Its break time |Group time |Group | Evaluation: The Aim of this observation was to observe TC, a 2 year old girl every sixty seconds for 8-10 minutes although she was doing group time in a creche establishing.

I completed this statement to get a better understanding of her social creation. I feel that I’ve achieved this aim perfectly and that TC is conference her rules of development with her social expansion. In this Observation we see that TC is meeting her norms the moment she responds to the adult when the girl with asked what she would like to sing, in addition, she shows that she actually is meeting her norms when she brings together in when an adult performs, so relating to avalanche (2010) since she is this process she is meeting her rules of creation. She is likewise meeting her norms when ever she says “its break time” as according to ton (2010) children at the age of two will look for food.

From this observation they are the only elements of the norms of expansion in social skills that individuals could watch, so all of us don’t know in the event she has developed any of the additional norms as we can not suppose she may do these matters we have to visit a if she actually is interacting with the group better. Summary: This observation shows that Tc is usually meeting the majority of her rules for her grow older. But I actually couldnt demonstrate she is appointment them all. Declaration: Emotional Creation Event sample. Date: 10/12/12 Observation begins: 9: 31 observation done: 2: 31 |No |Time/date/place |Description of incident |Adult involvement |Provoked/un-provoked | |1 |9: 00, 10/12 upon couches in corner |TC takes doll of child 1 .

Child |Adult takes toy of TC and says |Un-provoked | | |of room |1 gets upset and yowls |” C1 had that first” and hands | | | | | |toy to C1 | | |2 |11: 00 10/12 preschool room |TC is playing about mat, TC takes |Adult asks TC to give C1 back |Un-provoked | | | |toy of child 1 and will not give it|the toy by saying ” can C1 have| | | | |back |her toy back please” | |3 |11: 30 10/12 tables in preschool |TC is at dining tables doing puzzles, |Adults says to C1 ” provide that |Provoked | | |room |child 1 uses a piece of TC’s |piece to TC that is for her| | | | |puzzle and TC gets upset |jigsaw” | | |4 |1: 00 10/12 table in kindergarten |TC is having dinner and child 1|Adult asks C1 to stop “tipping”|Provoked | | |room |is annoying her by showing her |TC | | | | |on her arm. TC says “stop” | | | |5 |1: 30 10/12 Collection space |Child 1 usually takes book of TC and TC|Adult Requests C1 “to give her back|Provoked | | |preschool room. |turns to wall and starts |the book” and gives book back | | | | |crying. to TC | | |6 |2: 00 10/12 library space |TC in that case grabs publication of child you |Adults Requires Book back side of TC |Un-provoked | | |preschool room |and wont give publication back |and hands to C1 | | |7 |2: 31 story-time pad preschool |Child 1 shoves TC out of approach so|Adults tells C1 to express “sorry |provoked | | |room |that she may sit at front side |to Tc” | | | | |of cushion. | | | Analysis: The aim of this observation was going to observe TC, a 2 year old girl while your woman was in the creche setting to get a better understanding of her emotional creation. I feel that I have achieved this aim perfectly and that generally TC is definitely meeting her norms of development with regards to her psychological development.

This observation demonstrates TC can be meeting her norms of development because she shows extreme behavioral changes as she requires toys of other children but gets upset when ever children take things off her. According to avalanche (2010) this is the way a child at the age of two will carry on. This kind of observation likewise shows that according to flood (2010) children at the age of two have little concept of showing this is why TC took the toy off of the other child. Flood(2010) also says that children when justin was two does not understand bullying this is why TC gets upset and upset when child 1 can be tipping her whilst TC is having her dinner. In respect to bruner at kid at a couple of Should be able to “able to eat having a spoon and fork” TC shows the lady can do this. Personal Learning: My spouse and i learned when you are performing this statement that you have to allow children misbehavior for them to study • I actually also learned that children really should not put close to another child that may annoyed or trigger conflict with them. • I likewise learned that you can sort out conflict that happens between children very easily and as quickly as it occurs. Recommendations for TC: I would recommend the fact that adults retain TC from C1 if they keep stepping into situations had been they are frustrating eachother. Recommendations: Flood, Elizabeth. (2010). Child Development for students in Ireland in europe. Dublin: Gill, macmillian |Keys |TC – target kid, A- mature G-group C- other kid | |A(TC |Are uses ready? |G(A |Yes | |TC(A |What that (TC points to glue) | |A(TC |That’s glue | |TC(A |can we use that | |A(TC |yes one minute | |TC(G |Were using glue | |C(TC |Cool what you making | |TC(C |Lambs | |TC(C |What you producing | |C(TC |Butterflies | |TC(C |Cool | |TC(G |Look at mine (TC holds up lamb) | |A(TC |That’s attractive | |TC(A |Thanks | |TC(C |I like your own | |C(T.

C |I like that shade | |TC(C |Thanks | |TC(C |Luke what you making | |C(TC |Lamb as if you | |TC(C |NAP (snap) | |A(G |Use having a good time? | |G(A |Yeah | |TC(A |Can I help to make a butterfly now? |A(TC |Yes training course you can | |TC(C |I making butterfly like you | |C(TC |We can be the same | |TC(C |Sure mines pink | |A(TC |When you complete your butterfly we are cleaning ok | |TC(A |Oktaa | |TC(G |We Have to finish up soon | |G(A |nooooo | |A(G |Its break-time | |TC(A |Can we try it again | |A(TC |Yea afterwards | |A(G |We have to clean up at this point. end of observation) | Language Development: date: 25/2/13 time: eleven: 00-11: 12 Evaluation: The goal of this statement was to watch TC, A 2 Yr old child to get 10 minutes within a creche while she was taking part in a bunch activity to get a better comprehension of the development of her language in the last time I observed her. That stuff seriously TC has progressed in term of her language skills as the girl now talking clearer and it is using more vocabulary As According to Flood (2010 a child when justin was 2 “uses 200 or even more words. ” Flood(2010) also claims that a child when justin was 2 “constantly pointing out an asking what they are called of people and objects.

TC shows that she is meeting this norm the moment she demands the adult what the stuff is. This also demonstrates TC provides progressed since she was last noticed as in the very last observation she wasn’t asking much concerns at all. In accordance to Piaget ” the vocabulary of the child is definitely expanded and developed during this as they vary from babies to toddlers” Tc shows that she has developed since the last remark as the girl with having a better conversation through this observation in that case she was in the last a single. According to bowler a child at two should “let people know what they want applying words”. TC shows this when the girl asks adult can she make a butterfly. Personal learning: Via doing this remark I found that children can easily progress and are always moving on as TC progressed because the last time I noticed her. Suggestion for TC: I would recommend the creche obtain TC to accomplish more pursuits like this just as this activity TC was doing a lot of interaction with all the other kids. References: Flood, E. (2010). Child Advancement for students in Ireland. Dublin: Gill, macmillian Bowler G and Linke P, “Your Child from One to Ten”. Australian Authorities for Educational Research, Melbourne, Vic. 1996. Piaget, L., , Inhelder, B. (1973). Memory and intelligence. London, uk: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Physical creation: Checklist – gross Engine.

Date: twenty-five /2/13 Time: 11: 00- 11: 35 | |Yes |No |Comment |Date | |Runs safely and securely. Confidence, |( | |T. C plays outside get, T. C |23/11 | |avoiding obstacles | | |runs straight down towards caterpillar | | | | | |toy and eliminates slide. | |Rides a trike, forcing it along |( | |TC is playing in the cars with |23/11 | |with the feet | | |the other kids in lawn. | | |Walks up and down stairs the two |( | |Walked straight down step to travel outside |23/11 | |feet to each step, holding wall | | |one step at a time. | | |Squats with ease. Increases without |( | |Plays sleeping rabbit.

Squats upon |23/11 | |using hands | | |ground the moment saying inch bunny | | | | | |sleeping but doesn’t lay on | | | | | |ground | | |Can ascend up on household furniture and |( | |Climbed up slip one ft . at a |23/11 | |get straight down again | | |time.

Holding onto track with | | | | | |both hands going up. | | |Steers tricycle forcing along |( | |TC is playing inside the cars in |23/11 | |with ft. | | |yard. | | |Able to manoeuvre large toys and games |( | |Pushes kid along in toy car |23/11 | |with tires | | |using both hands. | |Loves to pull along toys upon | | |Not in observation | | |string | | | | | |Throws small ball over equip |( | |Playing pastime outside passes|23/11 | | | | |to one other child. | | |Kicks a large ball |( | |Passes ball to other child |23/11 | Analysis:

The Aim of this observation was going to observe TC, a a couple of year old young lady while the girl was in a creche establishing doing a backyard activity to acquire a better comprehension of her physical development to verify if she has produced since I last observed her. I feel that I have achieved this aim very well since TC is now meeting most her rules of expansion with her physical development in terms of her gross motor. The major motor skills are the make use of the large muscle tissue in your body. Inside the yard TC shows that she can manage in the yard towards caterpillar toy steering clear of the slip. TC likewise shows that she can climb up on home furniture and settle down holding onto rails with hands. TC also displays she’s appointment the best practice rules according to flood when ever she promotes a child in the toy car around the garden.

TC also shows that she can kick a large ball when the lady picks up the soft ball from the ground and throws that to her close friends whilst playing hot ball. When returning inside TC went the step one foot at a time keeping the wall membrane for support according to flood 2010 a child when justin was two must be able to carry these types of tasks successfully to be conference the rules of expansion. According to flood at the age of two children should be able to ride tricycles driving them with their feet and also to pull toys and games along with wheels, but these activities were not in my observation so I could not observe that TC could execute these duties. In summary I find myself like TC is conference her norms of creation in her gross engine skills while she carried out the tasks I actually set out on her to her full potential.

TC Also demonstrates that she is meeting her rules as your woman shows that she can Tours a trike, pushing that along with the feet as relating to flood(2010) she needs to be doing this at the age of 2 Years likewise TC shows that she is getting together with her rules as she shows that your woman can Drive a tricycle pushing along with toes. Personal learning: • I learned even though doing this remark that when you place out tasks for the youngsters that they get pleasure from them even more as they may learn through practice undertaking them. • I also learned that for such a age individuals children include good physical strength eg. TC could push the younger child about in the doll car • I likewise learned that children at this age know about the dangers that may hurt all of them like when ever TC prevented the slide when going to the caterpillar Recommendations for T. C

I Recommend the fact that creche do more outdoor activities with these people so that TC can keep growing her best practice rules. References: Avalanche, E. (2010). Child Advancement for students in Ireland. Dublin: Gill, macmillian Social expansion: flow chart- narrative Day: 25/2/13 Period: 9: 00-12: 00 TC entered the creche and went straight over to the table to get bread toasted and drink. TC seated down beside another kid and said “hi” the girl then overturn to the mature and stated “can I use some toast” The mature replyed “yes” and presented with Tc several Toast. After her toasted bread TC proceeded to go over to the library counter and sat alongside one other child and read an e book. TC as well as the other child were examining the book aloud and swapping book after they experienced each publication read.

After the library countertop TC proceeded to go over to the home corner with two other children and pretending to cook these people lunch in the kitchen asking “what would you like for lunch” TC then simply told your children that this is what her mammy uses to create her meal. After this TC went above onto the mat and sang gardening shop rhymes considering the other kids and kept hands when going around inside the circle. TC then returned over to the table exactly where she was going to have her break and asked the adult can she sit beside Lauren and luke. The mature said your woman could and so she stated beside all of them. TC in that case asked could she always be the tool to give the kids out there lunches and the mature let her. TC then simply went about giving all the children their particular lunches and talking to all of them.

After Break TC went and got her coat in as the lady was heading outside to accomplish and exercise TC was in the collection beside Lauren holding her hand vocal “if the happy and also you know it” song. TC then went outside with the other children and stood against the wall structure watching the adult demonstrating the activity. TC then acquired in a collection behind the other kids and continued to wait her consider do activity. After Activity was completed TC returned inside because all the children were and went as well as took a sit alongside another child as they had been making mom days credit cards TC asked all the children ” what colours they were using” after the activity while done it was TC house time so she received up of her chair and said “bye” to everyone and traveled to the door to visit home. (see flow chart) Evaluation:

From this observation we see that TC has developed since the previous time that she discovered as the girl in right now interacting with the youngsters more. We see this the moment TC is definitely sitting following to “Lauren and luke” and she’s taking to them within the last social declaration TC was mainly just joining in on what the group was doing your woman wasnt making her very own conversation while using children. In line with the Piaget a young child at the age of a couple of should “Initiate play activities” TC displays she can accomplish this when the girl join in interior and homes for sale in albuquerque new mexico. Also according to Piaget a child when justin was two “Demonstrate personal preferences about toys, meals, and activities” TC show she performs this when your woman pretends to create food to get the various other children.

In accordance to bowler a child by 2 should certainly “2- 3 year olds love basic picture catalogs with familiar things and simple stories. Browse aloud to them and talk about the pictures” TC shows that the lady can do this once she states the book at catalogue corner. Brief summary: In this statement it demonstrates Tc has evolved since the previous time i actually observed her. Recommends: I would suggest that the creche workers retain getting TC involved in activity to make her interact much more with the other children. Sources: Bowler G and Linke P, “Your Child from a single to Ten”. Australian Council for Educational Research, Melbourne, Vic. mil novecentos e noventa e seis. Piaget, T., , Inhelder, B. (1973). Memory and intelligence. London, uk: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

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Category: Essay cases,

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