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Andrographis paniculata

Herbal Medicine


Andrographis paniculata (Burm. F) Nees, generally known as “king of acerbes, ” can be an herbaceous plant belonging to the family Acanthaceae.. It is probably the most popular therapeutic plants. This plant has become widely used for treating throat infection, flu, uppr respiratory tract infections, fever, common cold and so forth A. paniculata contains varied compounds which includes diterpenoid lactones, flavonoids and miscellaneous chemical substances. Andrographolide is a major bioactive chemical constituent of the flower, it is a kharif crop as well as its cultivated mainly for its therapeutic uses. It can be cultivated about any type of dirt. This job describes the medicinal use, phytochemistry and cultivation of your. paniculata


A. paniculata is a member of the rose family Acanthaceae. It is known as King of Bitters (English), Mahatikta (Sanskrit), Kiryato (Gujarati), Mahatita (Hindi), Kalmegh (Bengali), or Fah Talai Jone (Thai). It really is native to peninsular India and Srilanka and is likewise distributed in different regions of Southeast Asia, China, America, West Indies and Christmas Island.

It is just a Annual branched herb which has a quandrangular, sound, woody, glabrous and green stem. The leaves happen to be opposite, basic, 6. zero ” 12. 0 centimeter long and 3. 5 ” your five. 0 centimeter wide, serious to acuminate at top, entire by margin, unicostate reticulate with 5 to 6 pairs of generally alternate pinnate secondaries, glabrous on both equally surface. The flowers will be complete, bisexual, hypogynous, unusual (zygomorphic), pentamerous, pedicillate, pedicels tetrangular, installment payments on your 0 to three. 0 mm long with glandular hairs. the seeds are golden brown in colour and small in size

It is developed because of its popular medicinal benefit and it grows well in most garden soil types therefore it is widely distributed. The aerial parts and origins of the grow have been traditionally used as classic medicine in China, India, Thailand and other Southeast Parts of asia to treat various maladies. It is used for hundreds of years to effectively treat breathing diseases, skin ailment, herpes, fatigue, fever, throat infection, lower urinary tract infections, to reduce infection and to end diarrhea. It is additionally prescribed pertaining to snakebite.

The high part of the plant contains numerous chemical constituents, generally lactones

diterpenoids, diterpene sennosides, flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides. It has multiple pharmacological properties such as antibacterial, hepatoprotective activity, anti-cancer, antitumor, hypoglycemic, immunomodulatory and hypotensive activties.


  • The robust use of the different areas of A. paniculata plant in folk medication, especially, in Asia led scientists to study its pharmacological properties to validate the use as a therapeutic agent in the remedy of various ailments.
  • Several studies showed that this grow exhibited different biological actions such as anti-microbial, cytotoxicity, anti-protozoan, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulant, anti-diabetic, anti-infective, anti-angiogenic, hepato-renal safety, sex body hormone modulatory, liver enzymes modulatory and insecticidal and toxicity activities
  • The aerial parts, roots and whole herb of A. paniculata have been intended for centuries in Asia as traditional medication for the treating various illnesses.
  • It is used by classic medical practitioners pertaining to stomachaches, inflammation, pyrexia, and intermittent fevers.
  • The complete plant continues to be used for many applications including anti-dote pertaining to snake-bite and poisonous stings of a few insects, and to treat fatigue, influenza, dysentery, malaria and respiratory infections.
  • The leaf remove is a classic remedy for treating infectious disease, fever-causing diseases, colic pain, and lack of appetite, irregular stools and diarrhea.
  • In Malaysia, a decoction of the cloudwoven parts is utilized to treat common cold, hypertonie, diabetes, malaria and snakebite.
  • Costly important ingredient of by least twenty six Ayurvedic remedies in American indian pharmacopoeia.
  • In traditional Chinese medicine, it truly is seen as the cold-property plant used to rid the body of heat and fever and to dispel toxins from your body.
  • In Ayurvedic medicinal program, tribal’s of Tamilnadu, India use this supplement for a various ailments like dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, pre-natal and post-natal proper care, complicated disorders such wechselfieber, jaundice, gonorrhea and basic ailments just like wounds, reduces, boils and skin diseases.
  • Pharmacological and specialized medical studies recommend the potential for beneficial effects in conditions like cancers and HIV infections.
  • Due to its “blood purifying” activity it is recommended for use in cases of leprosy, gonorrhea, scabies, comes, skin eruptions, and serious and seasonal fevers.


  • The main constituents of the. paniculata happen to be diterpenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols.
  • Difficulties diterpenoid within a. paniculata is usually andrographolide.
  • Andrographolide contains a very bitter taste, and it is colorless and crystalline in appearance.
  • The leaves contain the maximum quantity of andrographolide (1. 0% to installment payments on your 39%), as the seeds develop the lowest.
  • This Andrographolide was first separated in pure form by Gorter in 1911.
  • The different main diterpenoids are deoxyandrographolide, neoandrographolide, 14-deoxy-

10, 12-didehydroandrographide and isoandrographolide.

  • The twenty bio-flavonoids found in A. paniculata will be: 5, 5-dihydroxy-7, 8, 2-trimetroxyflavone, 5-hydroxy-7, eight, 2, 6tetramethoxyflavone, 5, 3-dihydroxy-7, 8, 4-trimethoxyflavone, 2-hydroxy-5, 7, 8 trimethoxyflavone, 5-hydroxy-7, almost eight, 2, 3, 4-pentamethoxyflavone, wightin, 5, 2, 6-trihydroxy-7- methoxyflavone 2-O-D-glucopyranoside, five, 7, eight, 2-tetramethoxyflavone, 5-hydroxy-7, 8-dimethoxyflavanone, 5-hydroxy-7, 8-dimethoxyflavone, 5, 2-dihydroxy-7, 8-dimethoxyflavone, 5-hydroxy-7, 8, 2, 5-tetramethoxyflavone, 5-hydroxy-7, almost eight, 2, 3-tetramethoxyflavone, 5-hydroxy-7, eight, 2-trimethoxyflavone, five, 4-dihydroxy-7, 8, 2, 3-tetramethoxyflavone, dihydroneobaicalein, andrographidine A, andrographidine B, andrographidine C and 5, 2-dihydroxy-7, 8-dimethoxyflavone 2-O-Dglucopyranoside.
  • The 2 phenylpropanoids found in A. paniculata are trans-cinnamic acid and 4-hydroxy-2-methoxycinnamaldehyde
  • Oleanolic acid, Cinnamic acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid and chlorogenic chemical p are also within the whole plant
  • β-sitosterol and β-daucosterol are normally found in A. paniculata.
  • A lot of miscellaneous chemical substances like one particular, 8-dihydroxy-3, 7-dimethoxy-xanthone, 4, 8-dihydroxy-2, 7-dimethoxy-xanthone, 1, 2-dihydroxy-6, 8-dimethoxy-xanthone and 3, 7, 8-trimethoxy-1-hydroxy-xanthone have been separated from this grow.

CULTIVATION and harvest procedures


The rose grows well at all types of ground which points out its extensive distribution. That grows in soil types where minimal other grow can be developed, particularly ‘serpentine soil’, which can be relatively loaded with metals such as aluminum, birdwatcher and zinc. Soil that is flooded or perhaps wet throughout every season may be avoided for its cultivation. The types was as well observed to grow extravagantly in slight humid places with exotic temperature and high rain fall


The climatic dependence on this herb is sizzling and moist conditions with ample the sun. With the start monsoon, herb grows luxuriantly and begins flowering together with the moderation in temperature during September. Flowering and fruiting continues about December right up until temperature drops drastically.


Its propagation is carried out using seed products. Vegetative propagation is also conceivable in certain special cases through layering because each node is capable of manufacturing enough root base. Seeds happen to be small and remain dormant for five to six a few months.

Pertaining to raising the crop in a single hectare 3 beds of 102 meters size should be tilled, pulverized and leveled during the month of May. Liberal utilization of organic manure is advised intended for raising healthful seedling. Seed should be included in very thin layer of soil and compost blend. Beds ought to be covered effectively by appropriate mulch and irrigated on a regular basis with water fountain till seedlings merge (6-7 days). Immediately after germination, mulch is removed in order to avoid elongation of the seedlings. Following 10-15 times regular flood irrigation can be given until it becomes looking forward to planting. Re-planting of plant is done in second week of June at a row and plant space of forty-five to 60 cm and 30 to 45 cm respectively. Bed frames should be irrigated immediately after seeding.


In the beginning a few weeding/hoeing are essential till the crop gets established. After establishment, crop grows very well during monsoon and does not encounter any competition from weed.


The plant is grown without make use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Organic manures like, Farm building Yard Manure (FYM), Vermi-Compost, Green Manure etc . can be used as per the requirement of the plant. To prevent diseases, bio-pesticides could possibly be prepared (either single or mixture) coming from Neem (kernel, seeds leaves), Chitrakmool, Dhatura, Cows urine etc .


Quite distributed rain fall during monsoon is sufficient to the raise total annual crop. Yet prior to rainfall 2-3 irrigations are required. Irrigation during autumn does not show much influence on biomass produce as by simply that time herb is in reproductive : phase.


Optimum herb biomass can be obtained in 90-100 days and nights after seeding beyond which in turn leaves commence shedding. The plants happen to be cut by flowering stage from the bottom leaving 10″15 cm control for grow regeneration. If the crop is usually raised while annual plant and rooted during the month of May well June, it ought to be harvested by the end of the Sept when blooming is initiated. At the time of bloom initiation, active principle andrographolide is high in leaves. Since the entire plant includes active guidelines, entire gathered material is dried in shade and powdered.


A well-maintained plants grown during monsoon period yields several. 5 to 4. 0 tons of dried up herb per hectare.


Andrographis paniculata belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. This herb is of wonderful medicinal importance. It has been accustomed to treat prevalent cold, fever, malaria, jaundice, gonorrhea etc . It has anti-protozoan, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulant, anti-diabetic, anti-infective and so forth properties. The plant contains many chemical constituents, largely lactones, diterpenoids, diterpene glycosides, flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides. This grow can increases well about all types of soils. it requires damp and humid conditions to grow. It truly is grown without the use of any chemical manures and pesticides or herbicides. The plants are gathered 90-100 days after seeding. After collection they are dried up and powder.

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Category: Environment,

Words: 1689

Published: 12.10.19

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