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Management, Culture

Chapter one particular Q. 1 . please, give TWO examples which demonstrate that people around the globe are still different from the other person, despite advances in technology and vehicles.

1 . In britain children need to wear outfits at school, but in Latvian schools nobody wears them. 2 . Black schools and white colleges still exist, and schools upon religion Queen. 2 . Make sure you give ONE model that demonstrates that management is usually not the same just about everywhere around the world. 1 .

In Cina for example , organization ppl can’t stand to sign papers, they are more wide open for mutual trust, if u need to signal paper with them, they are going to think that u don’t trust them, in Eu or perhaps Usa almost everything must be agreed upon and drafted down to ensure that there defintely won’t be any challenges. Q. 3. Please make clear why a few Chinese mediators among themselves refer to all their western equivalent as benign barbarians. Chinese language ppl evaluate only their own culture, also because of the culture differences towards theirs usually are the same, they will criticise traditional western culture. If perhaps u want to do business with Chinese then simply u should understand them, they won’t whatever it takes. ) Q. 4. You should explain the 4 quadrants of the Johari window is likely to words. Q. 5. 1 advantage and ONE pitfall with having stereotypes Advantage: Help process fresh information by comparing this with earlier experience and knowledge. Downside: It prevents our mental ”file” all of us make each of our mindless open up for additional knowledge or information. For that reason we think reasons for people that might not be true Phase 2 Q. 1 . More important than seeing behaviour is usually understanding the that means of that conduct.

Please describe this assertion and provide two examples. Watching behaviour is definitely not enough. Precisely what is important is the meaning of the behaviour. This distinction is important as precisely the same behaviour may have different symbolism and different behaviours can have similar meaning. Model: Eye contact in Western traditions means displaying trust and honesty while in Asia it is a indication of disrespect and hostility. Example: In Usa exhibiting OK signal with hands means , approving smth, but in Brazil it means ” literally “screw you Queen. 2 . Make sure you, explain the three layers with this model and present an example of each layer 1 .

Artefacts and behaviour ” by observing (greeting rituals, dress code, use of games of initially and previous name) 2 . Beliefs and values (the way things are) ” by selection interviews and studies (getting understand the meaning of behaviour) 3. Assumptions (space, language, time) , Interference and presentation (distance among people because expressed in greeting rituals and means of interacting) Queen. 3. You should, choose a social artefact and explain their underlying belief/values. Dress code ” For each and every culture there may be different which means in business costume codes: 1 .

USA ” rolled up sleeves are considered a signal to getting down to organization 2 . Philippines ” Usually wearing informal form whether or not it’s actually hot ” showing that they will be here to work several. French ” reluctant to remove ties and jackets ” because it’s official appointment Q. four. Saying that our colleagues are late into a meeting as they are Latin yearns for the point. You should explain how come. For example: is usually time known as past/present or perhaps future supposition or monochromic / polychromic in Latin. Thus we must better understand the behaviour discovered to appreciate one another. Chapter 3 Q. 1 )

Please describe the five dimensions of Hofstede Queen. 3. Space: Public (group oriented) or Private (more task-cantered), Time orientation: Earlier, Present, Upcoming, Action: performing vs . becoming, Time emphasis: monochromic vs . polychromic, Connection: high-context or low framework. Q. four. 3 features of high context communication and 3 features of low context conversation. High: other things have to be considered ( fan base has to go through between the series when listening to a person or examining sth. 1 ) Reading “between the lines 2 . Influenced by nearness of relationships 3.

Not all is explicitly stated Low: Explicit requests given by person, listener does not have to listen or read between the lines. 1 ) Meanings will be explicitly stated in text. installment payments on your Direct and linear conversation. 3. Based on feelings CH 5. Q. 1 . Make sure you, explain right after between the logical analytic way and the subjective approach. Which approach you prefer and so why? I prefer realistic analytic procedure, because it’s more depending on facts and figures, as it is more important when making decisions. Q. installment payments on your Please illustrate 3 qualities of each strategy. 1 . Managing model much more objective, more specific and low context.. Changing model ” more flexible, even more qualitative, details gathered from personal sources like friends and colleagues. Q. a few. Please, give 3 cement examples of social differences you may have to deal with in a merger procedure. 1 . People in america working with Western ppl, 2 . The meaning of behaviour, (Brazilians and Americans) 3. Q. 4. About what ways may well differences in nationwide culture hinder or facilitate internationalization efforts (page 139 ” 141)? Notion of culture distance explains that as the higher the difference in home vs host region culture, the more potential issues.

Chapter 7 Q. 1 . Which 4 cross social competences for managing variations abroad may be distinguished? Describe each proficiency in a few lines 1 . Awareness of one’s ethnical worldview installment payments on your Attitude towards cultural variations 3. Familiarity with different ethnical practices and worldviews 5. Cross-cultural skills Q. a few. Please, clarify the different levels of a lifestyle shock. 1 ) An initial stage of fulfillment and positive outlook (the honeymoon) 2 . A time of becoming easily irritated, frustration, and confusion (the morning after) 3. And then a gradual adjustment to the new environment (happily ever before after)

Ch. 8 Talk about ONE downside and TWO disadvantages of the multicultural group. Do they have a tendency to perform far better or even worse than monoculture teams? You should explain the answer. Down sides: greater likelihood of frustration and dissatisfaction, richness of the range make sociable conflict and communication challenges, different ethnical assumptions. Advantages: contribute to innovative ways of looking at old concerns, creating the opportunity for greater imagination and advancement The problem is ‘how to receive settled’ or how to get to a common ground.

Diverse groups have to deal with differences in attitudes, values, patterns, experience, qualifications, expectations, and language. The ocean metaphor is used in the book several times. How could you link every level of the ocean metaphor to the techniques for managing jobs? Artifacts (level 1) like the use of game titles of 1st and last-name, the presence and form of agenda, volume of cultural vs . job orientated. The beliefs and values (level 2) happen to be indicated in discussions about the roles with the leader (hierarchy) and the composition of conferences. The fundamental assumption (level 3) has to do with the use of electric power, individualism.

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