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Beef customer satisfaction essay



2 zero 0 some

by Ron McCarty

Executive Director, Problems Management NCBA


The checkoff-funded beef safety monitoring survey done

in November 2004 identified that clean beef steaks/roasts remained

the protein with the highest consumer confidence in safety. The

survey asks customers to give marks to foods for being secure to

consume and seventy six percent of survey participants gave steak/roast an A

or B for safety.


The gound beef safety traffic monitoring surveys are quarterly phone

surveys of a national, unique sample of U. T. adults.

Vegans do not answer the study. The perimeter of problem for

study data is usually plus/minus several. 2 percent.

General foodstuff safety

The percentage of Americans giving U. S i9000. food on the whole an

A or W for protection has remained comparatively stable with some small

changes in the past yr. However , this survey discovered the

percentage of A/B grades (70%) significantly lower than in

The fall of 2003 (74%) and at the lowest score since November

2002 (69%). The November 2004 score is much lower than the

77 percent measured during the last study in May 2005.

Safety of specific new foods

The safety ratings for specific refreshing foods remained stable

in the past year with no significant differences in the

evaluations in Nov 2004. Fruits and vegetables are

regularly at the top of the list in terms of safety levels

given to specific fresh food one may well buy within a grocery store.

Clean beef meats and roasts receive the top meat item

safety quality (76%).

Linked for second place with 70 percent of consumers grading

A or W were clean pork chops and microwaveable foods. Foods

with decrease consumer protection grades had been fresh surface beef

(64%), fresh poultry (63%), fresh fish (60%), fresh ground pork

(56%) and pre-prepared foods in the deli (52%).

Specific concerns regarding foodstuff safety

The protection tracking study asks buyers to level their level

of concern regarding specific safety issues on a 5-point scale, with

one staying not worried and five being extremely concerned.

The proportion of best two results (4-5 scores on the scale)

indicate the difficulties of greatest concern.

Questions of safety tend not to become top of mind with consumers

evidenced by the fact that safety issues barely register when ever

consumers condition reasons for eating fewer calories beef. Nevertheless , when

asked to think about particular safety problems, bacteria (62%)

and insect poison (62%) leading the list. Customer concerns regarding

chemical ingredients (58%) and mad cow disease (57%) make up

the second tier of safety worries. Concerns regarding mad cow

disease would not increase drastically as a result of the first U. S.

case of Boeotian Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in December

2003, and in fact, currently will be significantly below the sixty one

percent concern level measured in The fall of 2003.

Additional issues rated as reduce concerns include hormones

(50%), genetically altered foods (46%), antibiotics (45%) and

irradiated foods (40%). The only concern that has shown a

significant increase in standard of concern during the past year is definitely

chemical artificial additives which increased from fifty percent in

Nov 2003 to the current 58 percent.

Specific food product safety worries

The survey asks participants to choose, coming from a list of 6

foods, the one food they may be most worried about in terms of

getting safe to have. Typically, no more than 15 percent of consumers

select beef as their food of highest concern. However , powered

by the intense media insurance coverage surrounding the first U. S. BSE

case, the percentage choosing meat as their top safety

concern jumped inside the first half of 2004.

That concern moderated in the second half of the calendar

year. As the checkoff-funded BSE tracking exploration showed

that consumer confidence did not drop as a result of the BSE

case, the safety track surveys reveal that customers were

more worried about about meat than usual.

Table 1 displays research comes from the past five quarters

relating to foods of highest protection concern to consumers.

Customers rate beef steaks and roasts tops

among protein for security




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Key Points

Since indicated simply by grades provided for security, consumer self confidence in meat steaks and roasts (76%) is more than the

self confidence in U. S. foodstuff in general (70%). In addition , meat steaks and roasts will be in third place, at the rear of only fruits and

vegetables, in customer confidence ranks of fresh foods safety.

Confidence in ground beef is definitely significantly reduced (64%) nevertheless relatively regular and struck highs intended for the year of 69 percent in

Might and 67 percent in September, 8 weeks that bookend the seasonal grilling period. It may be significant that

Electronic. coli O157: H7 recalls of earth beef are not a big media item in the summer of 2005.

Consumer concerns about gound beef safety have got declined to year-ago levels since staying heightened by extensive press

coverage adjacent BSE inside the first half of the year.


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Words: 1015

Published: 01.27.20

Views: 505