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Items Introduction2 Problem2 Objectives3 Solution4 Doing Nothing4 Installing extra traffic lights4 Hiring an additional parking personnel to put together traffic congestion5 Improving North and Western world Parking5 Methods6 Cost8 Benefits9 Conclusion10 References10 Introduction We propose to expand the West and North car port of the UAA main grounds to greatly reduce traffic congestion, in order to save time for learners and staff, and to support decrease automobile accidents. Problem The UAA primary campus is known as a commuter to more than 12-15, 000 college students (Common info from UAA).

The countless number of vehicles driving to and from grounds creates targeted traffic congestions and is also desperately in need of more car parking spaces.

Lack of adequate car parking space for individuals and staff have negative impacts: * Road trend. The review given in 2008 to UAA students reported that disappointment due to overloaded traffic resulted in unsafe driving practices. Much could have been prevented if there have been enough car parking spaces for the automobiles that get into campus car parking. * Tardiness.

Delays as a result of finding auto parking space are direct effect of students and staff being overdue for classes. Estimated a chance to find parking space may take up to 20 minutes (2008-UAA student’s survey). People generally experience high stress level due to frustration of finding parking space. Tardiness may possess a direct effect upon students’ performance in classes (University of Washington MDJ). * Illegal use of auto parking. UAA pupils admitted to acquire used Providence Hospital, and Goose Lake parking as a result of lack of adequate parking places on grounds.

This unauthorized use of auto parking is removing the places reserved for the hospital’s affected person, and those reserved for recreational use in the playground. * Excessive Parking Costs. The unanimous survey in 2008 for young students showed matter over increased parking charges every semester, yet still too few parking obtainable. This is a “hot matter next to book rates and spiking tuition. Scholar’s complaints are justified that if UAA is going to demand more to get parking, in that case more auto parking spaces may also be required from the university. 2. ER access.

Traffic created by pupils and staff vehicles at the main campus has unfavorable impact pertaining to hospital emergencies vehicles. UAA main grounds is located throughout the Providence Medical center, and interfering with littering the Obole Drive with students and staff vehicles may be important of saving someone’s existence where minutes or even secs are crucial to a person’s well being. * Road security. Students have reported and are also concern about the people safety as soon as they park the vehicles (2008 survey). There is no pedestrian path from the North and West Parking to campus structures, walking is on the road.

Concerns are mostly in wintertime, (fall and early spring semesters) where icy and snowy roads, and poor visibility is actually a road hazard to going vehicles and pedestrians. * Vehicle injuries. Department of Transportations (DOT) ranks the Providence Drive in five of dangerous locations. The proximity of UAA and Hospital at Providence Drive and overloaded traffic with this area is responsible for high volume of car accidents (according to US. APPEAR IN “Federal Highway Administration). Aims To create a answer for improved parking in UAA and traffic congestion complications issues need to: 1 .

Include a solid expansion plan that will benefit students, staff, and the UAA. The students and personnel would significantly appreciate satisfactory parking places for their motor vehicle. UAA will positively gain revenue from parking fees. 2 . Ensure that parking construction is produced on time and that students participating the following semester are not interrupted with buildings issues. a few. Ensure that pedestrians’ pathways can be accessible from parking, thus greatly lowering chance of someone being hit by a vehicle. 4. Steer clear of new targeted traffic congestions about Providence Travel due to car parking construction.

Answer There are several potential solutions to the problems outlined previous in the pitch. These solutions are: * Doing nothing at all * Putting in extra traffic lights 2. Hiring extra parking personnel to synchronize traffic congestion * Improving North and Western world Parking Undertaking Nothing This can be the least successful solution to the current problem. By doing nothing, all of us cannot boost parking issues desperately searched for by many learners and écuries. The use of illegal parking inside the property of Providence Clinic and Goose Lake will more than likely continue.

Street rage will probably occur as it has. Concerns of tardiness will continue if we usually do not take ideal steps to solve it. Getting into nothing we can not help to solve automobile accidents, effects road security, or assistance with ER gain access to (2008 survey, DOT). Putting in extra visitors lights This next possible answer is to install extra targeted traffic lights. This kind of measure of safety and coordination of visitors would add benefit big t a more governed traffic flow, and improve the protection of the pedestrian’s crosswalks. In accordance to Municipality of Chuck (M. To.

A), Traffic Department, Suerte Wilber, declared the cost of putting in traffic lighting may be well over $700, 500 per cross-section, depending on the location and construction plans included. This remedy seems useless because it does not solve the pedestrians’ safety concerns in the crossing from your parking place to the campus buildings, neither solve deficiency of available auto parking space. This kind of solution plays a part in solving several traffic congestion for campus, yet better answer is needed. In addition , M. O. A suggested against installation of new traffic lights since there are currently five set up at the Charité Drive.

Employing an extra car parking staff to coordinate traffic jam Hiring another parking staff could be a sensible solution pertaining to traffic congestion in campus. This kind of solution needs hiring of twelve people for North and Western Parking, intended for coordinating traffic at the most popular time: days and later afternoon. The vehicles going into campus can be guided to available car parking and pedestrians’ safety could possibly be looked after. In accordance to Car parking Services, predicted cost pertaining to an extra staff and tools on annual basis might amount to over half a million dollars.

Yet , this would not really help get rid of vehicle visitors at Obole Drive, actually traffic congestion may likely be even worse than it is currently. Parking Solutions, advised against hiring an extra staff to help coordinate traffic due to not enough budget.

You read ‘Proposal: West Parking’ in category ‘Essay examples’ Improving North and Western Parking The best solution to the issues outlined earlier in the pitch is to enhance the largest car parking on main campus, which can be the North, and Western Parking. These kinds of hold the most significant accommodation of parking lots, and are also easily accessible by: Providence Drive, Lake Otis Parkway, and UAA Drive-Mallard Lane.

Because of its convenience of staying accessible towards the main grounds and having close closeness to 13-UAA buildings, and short jogging distance to other facilities, the North and Western Parking is the best candidate and that needs improvement. The advantage to the solution is that it would double the obtainable parking places. By creating more space, vehicles would push faster to and from campus creating less traffic jam on busy Providence Travel. Improvement to existing car parking would add walkways to assist cross over visiting the campus, as a result greatly increasing road basic safety for equally: the automobiles and pedestrians.

Vehicle mishaps, road trend, and ER access would be improved since the congestion about Providence Travel would be minimized. This solution would favorably affect the issues with tardiness and positively fix the not authorized use of parking at Charité Hospital and Goose Lake. The cost of this project is around set at 2 million dollars per parking, relating to Bob Nowak at Affordable Construction, and Lewis Vanover-UAA Project Manager. When this may seem expensive at first, it is the best solution for improvement.

A solution with traffic lights and employing extra personnel to control traffic jam does not properly address solving the problems. The sole cheaper strategy to improving car parking is to do nothing. However , this solution nevertheless saves cash does not solve the students and staff problems, or traffic jam, and will actually create more problems and complications in the foreseeable future. The benefit pertaining to UAA for this project is that it would restore accumulated expenses from parking fees above 5-7 years (Parking Services), at the same time will solve the outlined problems.

This remedy is the answer to the explained problems, and it is reasonably affordable. Methods Explanation of Project This job requires adding one more level to existing floor plan, example: airport-parking style, devoid of roof, with ramp entry to another level. Second level would have linking stairs as well as elevator to first floors. The pedestrians’ pathways can be implemented among diagonal parked vehicles intended for safe bridging. Easily accessible security would be utilized by snow removing vehicles during wintertime, the first floors would be snow free.

This kind of project will ensure improvement in parking”double the available space, pedestrians and vehicles security, and could reduce traffic jam at Charité Drive due to faster rotation of moving vehicles. Photographs of North and Western Parking. Notice the dangerous road condition and deficiency of pedestrians’ walkways | | | PART UAA CAMPUS MAP(arrows point to proposed project area)| Test pictures of 2-story car parking garage with access security. | Price The cost in this project have been estimated by 2 , 000, 000 for the North Parking, and two, 2 million for the West Parking according to Affordable Development.

These costs include preparing, materials, and labor. The planning include the expense of design, surveying, and appropriate permits intended for the city of Anchorage building code. The materials and labor range from the cost of almost all construction materials and labor needed to complete the task (including four elevators in the event that needed). This kind of estimate may well change as a result of prices fluctuation for materials or labor cost. Approximate is fairly collection as of November 27, 2009. The estimator predicted the reduced of some million dollars to of up to 5, a couple of million dollars for this job.

Significant amount of cash could be salvaged for material if purchased early in the year from lower 48, and shipped immediately. Table 1 . Cost Evaluation Project| Cost| Total amount| North Parking| Planning $48000Materials $1280000Labor $672000| $ 2, 000. 000| West Parking| Planning money 51000Materials $1410000Labor $739000| bucks 2, 200. 000| A contingency Fund| | $ 1, 000. 000| | Grand total| $ 5, 2 hundred. 000| A contingency Fund is defined to a mil dollars pertaining to the high end of the project. Ensuring early on material placing your order will significantly reduce this expense.

Period required and Schedule pertaining to Project Achievement Planning of project can start early First month of the year 2010. The actual structure should start early on May” at the end of planting season semester”to ensure completion at the conclusion of Aug, right on time when the show up semester starts. Construction task should take 110-120 days, ensuring as little as possible interruption with students motor vehicle traffic. The effect on the construction and learners should be nominal as fewer students going to UAA during summer. To better illustrate time allotted for the construction, please refer to Desk 2 .

Details for time and building was offered by Stan Vanover, Sr. Project Manager, pertaining to Construction by UAA. Stand 2 . Structure & Planning Project| Task| Time designated in days| Schedule| North & Western Parking Improvement| Planning beginsContractors BidsConstruction begins| 4045110| 01/4/201002/20/201005/10/2010| | Job Completion| | 08/30/2010| Benefits Reasonable price, attracting earnings * Cost for this task is fairly charged according to UAA Task Manager. UAA will accumulate for auto parking fees and multiply profits. Traffic congestion reduced * Better parking will certainly double available space.

This may mean fewer traffic on the Providence Travel, and better vehicle changeover to and from campus. Pedestrians and vehicle security improved * Walkways to get pedestrians inside campus will increase safety. Highway hazards, like the snow and ice would be eliminated on the first floors of parking, thus enhancing people and motorists safety. Bottom line Despite our economic downturn, colleges in the United States revealing increase in presence and ever-rising tuition fees. UAA is actually a home to more than 15 000 college students annually, last season UAA reported over a thousand students a lot more than previous 12 months in attendance.

We believe that proposed solution to parking improvement is an excellent approach to reduce traffic jam, pedestrians, and motorists’ security, and provide sufficient parking spots. We look toward making UAA a less dangerous, well-developed grounds. If you will find any concerns you may have, make sure you contact us at your convenience. References 08 survey, Campus Commuters Statistics can be found at: http://www. uaa. alaska. edu/opra/upload/Common-Data-Set-2008 Section of Transport, vehicle injuries statistics can be found: http://safety. fhwa. dot. gov/hsip/fivepercent/2008/08ak. htm

UAA Parking Services comments can be found at: http://www. uaa. alaska. edu/parking/, 907. 786. 1119 Pilum Wilber, Municipality of Anchorage, information on visitors lights can be found: http://www. muni. org/Departments/traffic/engineering/Pages/Signals. aspx Information on cost analysis, structure, and planning the project can be found coming from: Stan Vanover, Senior Project Manager UAA, Department of Facilities, Planning, and Development Information on project cost approximate can be found from: Affordable Building, Chris Nowak, 907. 245. 5722, 20907 Turnagain St, Anchorage

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Published: 02.05.20

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