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15 October 2012 A Prospectus: Reading Hurtson’s Their Eyes Were Observing God coming from a Psychoanalytical Perspective Psychoanalytic theory has shown that infants start figuring out themselves and recognize that they can be individuals, individual from their mothers, at six months of age. In which age, the individuals’ personal identity starts to form as they relate their reflection in the mirror for their own self. This is when text messages such as All their Eyes Were Watching Our god become relevant.

The protagonist, Janie Crawford, challenges to construct her own identification and activities a extreme sense of loss in her childhood. Meanwhile, Janie recognizes her African American identity through her projection in the picture according to Lacan’s Mirror Stage. The projection of Janie’s identity inside the picture since a child not only makes her understand her dark-colored origin, but also determine her libido as your woman can only, in the beginning, identify her dress and her curly hair.

This delayed self-recognition disrupts Janie emotionally and clarifies her inability to maintain a prosperous marriage through the novel. Freud’s psychoanalysis shows that any interruption in one of the stages of expansion will adversely result in failing in one or maybe more of the individual’s aspect of your life (Bertens 158), which is apparent in your novel. Even though Janie undergoes the levels of development depicted in both Lacan and Freud’s theories, Janie starts experiencing these levels later in her years as a child, at 6 years old.

Relating to Lacan’s Mirror Level (2010), inside the first half a year, the infant will not distinguish his own home from that of his father and mother or even the community around him. However , they can only note that the images inside the mirror, or any other output, like the picture in Janie’s case, when they are about 18 months older. This wait in Janie’s development is related to the sociable and familial issues that Janie has knowledgeable in her childhood. The first face of the toddler with the do it yourself in the mirror forms an “Ideal-I in which the infant will certainly derive almost all subsequent upcoming identifications.

The newborn encounters both attraction towards the image and aggression towards it over the issue of managing it, which usually carries more than into long term identifications (Lacan 2010). Janie’s misrecognition, or perhaps lack of identification, of herself in the photo is due to her need to create a sense of actuality and seem sensible of the uncommon circumstances in her upbringing. Janie acknowledges that her specular personal contradicts her real self, or with this sense, the self that she has produced through her social environment and identification with the white-colored children.

Although Janie a new delayed acknowledgement of their self, she experienced her 1st sexual imagination under the pear tree when justin was sixteen, which in turn Freud recognizes as the genital stage of psychosexual development that happens in teenage years when all those urges and desires will be awakened (Garcia 1995). Janie does not encounter delays in her penile stage, nevertheless , she experiences Cathexis in her eager attempt to dissatisfied of her hair, a crucial symbol of her sexuality through the entire novel.

Many researchers have examined Janie’s sexual positioning and feminine personality through the symbols of the pear tree, the mule, and her curly hair (Dilbeck 2008). They have also identified her realization of her womanhood and her constant hunt for love through her three marriages (Bealer 2009, Clarke 2001, and Matos Ayala 2001). Experts have also remarked that Janie features successfully established her identification through using her words, which allowed her visitors to visualize the narrative (Burrows 2001, Haurykiewicz 1997, and Lancaster 2009).

However , critics have forgotten the development of Janie’s identity through the entire novel inside the context of Lacan’s Reflect Stage and Freud’s psychosexual stages of development. Understanding Janie’s delayed identity expansion, suppressed lovemaking desires, and her strange social environment help to better identify her inability to keep up a successful matrimony and make clear her fundamental sexual habit. The purpose of this paper can be two-fold.

Initial, this study suggests that Janie’s incapability of obtaining successful psychological bonds while using males in her lifestyle can be understood through the research of her delayed identity recognition according to Lacan’s Mirror Level. Second, Janie’s suppressed sexual desires that stems from the patriarchal culture can be the reason for her to release these desire into an object that symbolizes her sexuality, in this case her hair. Primary Bibliography Ashmawi, Yvonne Meters. “Janie’s Tea Cake: Sinner, Saint, or Merely Mortal? ” Explicator. 67. 3(2009): 203-206. Web. 0 Sep. 2012. Uncomfortable, Michael. New Essays on Their Eyes Were Watching The almighty. 1 . 1 . New York: CampridgeUP, 1990. Bealer, Tracy L. ‘The Kiss of Memory’: The Problem of affection in Hurston’s “Their Sight WereWatching Our god.  Dark-colored Review. 43. 2/3 (2009): 311-327. World wide web. 30 Sep. 2012. Bertens, Hans. Fictional Theory: The basic principles. London and New York: Taylor swift & Francis, 2008. Burrows, Stuart. “You Heard Her, You Ain’t Blind”: Finding What’s Said in Their Eyes WereWatching God.  Novel: A Forum about Fiction. thirty four. 3 (2001): 434-4. Net. 30 Sep. 2012. Castaneda, Alisha S. Hues, Mane, and Dresses: Examining the Relation of Body Image, Frizzy hair, and Garments to Woman Identity in “their Eyes were Seeing God” and “I Understand Why theCaged Bird Sings”. ” Liberty University, 2010. United States , Virginia: ProQuestDissertations & Theses (PQDT). Internet. 11 Oct. 2012. Clarke, Deborah. “The Porch Couldn’t Talk pertaining to Looking: Voice and Eyesight in Their Eyes WereWatching God.  African American Assessment. 35. 4 (2001): 599-614. Web. 02 Oct. 2012. Dilbeck, Keiko. “Symbolic Manifestation of Id in Hurston’s Their Eye Were WatchingGod. ” Explicator. 66. 2 (2008): 102-104. Web. 30 Sep. 2012. Garcia, David L. Freud’s Psychosexual Level Conception: A Developmental Metaphor ForCounselors. ” Journal Of Counseling, Development 73. your five (1995): 498-502. AcademicSearch Most recognized. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. Haurykiewicz, Julie A. “From Mules to Muliebrity: Presentation and Peace and quiet in Their Eyes WereWatching God. inch 29. two (1997): 45-61. Web. 30 Sep. 2012. Hinnov, Emily M. “Modernist visions of “self” inside community in Zora Neale Hurston’s Theireyes were seeing God. Selinsgrove, NY: Susquehanna UP, 2009. Print. Ikard, David. “Ruthless Individuality Plus the Other(ed) Dark-colored Women In Zora Neale Hurtson’sTheir Eye Were Seeing God. inch CLA Journal. 53. (2009): 1-22. Web. 30 Sep. 2012. Kaplan, Carla. “The Erotics of Talk: `That oldest individual longing’ to them Were WatchingGod. ” American Literature. 67. 1 (1995): 115-143. Net. 30 Sep. 2012. Lacan, Jacques. “The Mirror Stage as Conformative of the Function of the We as Exposed inPsychoanalytic Encounter. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Impotence. PeterSimon. NY: W. Watts. Norton, Business, 2010. 1163-1169. Print. Lancaster, Iris Meters. Bending the Tree, Building the Woman: A Stylistic Way of Voice andVision in Their Eyes were Watching The almighty. Texas A, M U, 2009. Business, TX: ProQuest Dissertations, Theses.

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