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Character safeguard life dissertation

LIFE OF INDIAN VILLAGE LIFE IN AN INDIAN COMMUNITY 1 . Lifestyle in an Of india village can be natural. It is free from artificiality and outward show.

2 . A great Indian villager leads a relaxed and quiet life, free from the sound and noise, hustle and bustle. three or more. Life in an Indian village is conducive to overall health.

4. It has their dark side as well, illiteracy dominates and lack of knowledge is the source of many evils. 5. The Indian villagers are extremely poor, and do not acquire even two times meals six.

The villagers might not have even the common amenities just like medical services, proper sterilization, etc .. They may have few récréation and recreations and their life is monotonous. 8.

Following Independence, the Government is definitely busy in different programmes for rural uplift. Essay The Indian villagers lead a natural life. They cannot know of virtually any artificiality and outward display which characterize the town your life. Cowper, in one of his poems says rightly stated, “God made the country and man made the town.

The villagers in India live a simple and real life. They start their very own work early in the morning, and remain in the fields till sunset. Every thing is done easygoing. Life is lived at a slow speed, they do not seem to be in a hurry.

They do not have any fad for materials pursuits. There is not any cutthroat competition and the degrading struggle pertaining to existence among them. They take anything in an convenient way. Keep reading “LIFE OF INDIAN VILLAGE 0diggsdigg Incoming search words for the content: * personality protects existence * content on personality protects existence * personality protects lifestyle essay * essay about character shields life content articles on persona protects your life * persona protects the life 2. paragraph about character shields life 5. How figure protects lifestyle * essay on figure protects our life 2. good figure protects lifestyle Tags: personality protect existence, a paragraph about character protects existence, a passage on persona protects your life, a passage on fair, a scence in a town pnd eassy for school 10th.

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