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The friar s responsibility of the tragedy

Romeo and Juliet

Novelist Napoleon Hill once wrote, “Think twice just before you speak, because your words and impact will herb the seedling of both success or failure in another. ” His opinion compels people to reconsider and reflect on the consequences and effects of their very own decisions. Nevertheless , in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Friar Lawrence fails to spot the harm he could be causing for the young addicts. He performs the most critical role in the midst of their ridiculous love, mainly because his superb influence over them vegetation the seed of failure. His guidance and personal determination to end the family argument cause him to make unwise choices that result in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

While the key character who attracts Romeo and Juliet with each other, the Friar has a pressingly influential power over these people and their love story through his help. Throughout the perform, the only two characters aware of the flourishing love between Romeo and Juliet would be the Friar and the Nurse. Nevertheless , Juliet quickly loses her trust in the Nurse, going out of the Friar as the sole source of help and advice. From the beginning, Romeo and Juliet have been continuously depending on the advice of the Friar to help gain back their secureness and confidence during tough times or right after tragedy. For instance , after Romeo is banned and Mercutio dies, Romeo hides in the Friars cellular, and déclaration that this individual bears the idea of suicide due to the separation from Juliet. The thoughtful Friar responds with, “There art thou happy” (III. 3. 147). This individual forces Romeo to reconsider his alternatives, convincing Romeo he is best alive in banishment than dead under his personal hand or under the rule of the Knight in shining armor. In doing therefore , the Friar gives Romeo a rebirth of hope when all seems lost. Not only does the Friar affect Romeos decisions, he likewise gives suggestions to Juliet. Later, following Romeo leaves, Juliet arrives at the Friars cell and demands, “If in thy wisdom thou canst give me no support. / Perform thou yet call my personal resolution sensible, / And because of this knife Unwell help it presently” (IV. 1 ) 53-55). It really is obvious with this act that Juliet can be heavily influenced by the Friar because she puts her life in the hands in the event that she are unable to reach the banished Romeo. Both of the lovers look for the Friar after tragedies to gain back confidence through his views and advice. Without the Friars input, key events and plot twists in the perform would not become set into motion.

In addition to influencing the main characters, the Friar harbors personal inspirations that are the real reasons behind his decisions. Once Romeo at first talks of his like for Juliet, the confused Friar Lawrence replies, “Is Rosaline, that thou didst love so dear, / So rapidly forsaken? inches ( II. 3. 70-71 ). The Friar refuses to believe just how Romeo can easily suddenly transform his attitude of love so quickly from Rosaline to Juliet within just one day. Although Friar is reluctant, he still wants to Romeos requests as they had long wanted to stop the very long feud between the two people. He hopes that, “This alliance may so content prove/ To choose [The Capulet] households rancor into real love” (II. 3. 98-99). The Friar secretly hopes that the marriage symbolizes an alliance that will end the family feud and take the Capulets and Montagues to peace. Simply by consenting to Romeo, the Friar is likewise fulfilling his own personal desires because the romance presented him with the perfect opportunity. Yet , once Romeo is banished, the Friar realizes the impossibility of uniting both the families. From that point on he is enthusiastic to help the actual love affair among Romeo and Juliet as they eventually sees that they perform hold a solid, at times idolatrous love for each and every other. He shows his commitment if he devises a smart plan for Juliet to foil her family, the Capulets, into thinking that she is useless, with a comprimé that will provide her “no warmth, not any breath, inches and “no pulse” ( IV. 1 . 99-100). Over the play, the Friars causes play a definite role in determining the sequence of events simply by controlling his advice over Romeo and Juliet.

Combined with his influence and motives, the Friars awful decisions in the end render him responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The first crucial dialogue in this respect occurs when the Friar says to Romeo, “But come, fresh waverer, come, go with me. / In a single respect Sick thy assistant be” (II. 3. 96-97). In agreeing to get married to Romeo and Juliet, the Friar will so away of his own is going to, rather than consenting to Romeos. Therefore he can responsible for the marriages results for basing the decision upon selfish causes, the requester himself could possibly be relatively innocent. The Friars decision to marry the lovers brings about the deaths of Tybalt, Juliets cousin, and also Mercutio, Romeos friend. Had Romeo not been married, the events would have occurred differently, as they would not have a similar “love” intended for Tybalt getting his aunty (III. 1 ) 63). From here forward, the options of the Friar lead to the downfall through the height in the story to the gloomy disaster. Events appear to still be occurring in the lovers favor if the Prince banishes Romeo instead of enforcing the death word, but the Friar makes a large pitfall when he devises a plan for Juliet to escape in Act IV. He says this individual does “spy a kind of expect, ” although he hardly ever truly sees the programs potential disaster under the pressure of Juliet threatening to commit suicide. (IV. 1 . 69). He could have spoken Juliet away of such a dangerous trick, although instead this individual chooses to help her without much consideration. As Juliet reliable him with her life, he clearly should have been more very careful in looking at consequences. Naturally, his want to deceive the Capulet Home fails utterly as misunderstanding runs riot. Though the fatalities of Romeo and Juliet seem fated to be, the reason behind their demise is actually the unwise decision made by Friar Lawrence.

Although the Friar is presented in a great manner through the entire play, he is the character accountable for the damage and tragedy that occurs. When he has its own different possibilities to handle the problem Romeo and Juliet present to him, he nonetheless chooses the road of giving them a false expect in their unsanctioned love. In giving guidance powered simply by his very own selfish motivations, he ultimately plants the insidious seed that develops without control and takes over the lives in the lovers. In his play, Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare offers the communication of how conveniently listening to guidance and taking help can change into tragedy when ones own emotional involvement and goals block sight from the consequences.

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Category: Books,

Words: 1182

Published: 03.26.20

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