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Interpersonal dance composition

Dance’s definition is to move their feet or perhaps body, rhythmically in a routine of steps, especially towards the accompaniment of music. It is likely that any individual society features denied alone the pleasure and satisfaction of dancing. Like cave painting, the first reason for dance is probably ritual ” appeasing a nature nature or associating a transitional phase. But shedding oneself in rhythmic movement with other persons is a fairly easy form of intoxication. Pleasure can never have been far.

Rhythm, indispensable in dancing, is also a basic element of music. it is natural to beat out the rhythm of the dance with sticks.

It is natural to accompany the movement of the dance with rhythmic chanting. Dance and music begin as partners in the service of ritual. Dance as ecstasy is any sufficiently uninhibited society knows that frantic dancing, in a mood heightened by pounding rhythm and flowing alcohol, will set the pulse racing and induce a mood of frenzied exhilaration.

Egyptian paintings, from as early as about 1400 BC, depict another eternal appeal of dancing. Scantily clad girls, accompanied by seated musicians, cavort enticingly on the walls of tombs. They will delight the male occupant during his residence in the next world.

But dancing girls are for this world too. Entertainment, and the closely related theme of display, underlies the story of public dance. Dancing is a great full out mind and body workout. It can make your body and soul feel good in a way that no other exercise can. The benefits of dancing are like no other. It can help you lose weight, strengthen and tone your body, increase stamina and flexibility, improve balance and posture, and produce confidence among other things. Although dancing may appeal mostly to women, in the last number of years the most popular forms of dance have included males just as much as females.

Whether it be dancing the waltz, cha cha, or rumba ” dancing can be a great form of exercise for anyone. Researchers believe that dancing can keep your mind and body healthy as you age. Any kind of dancing increases the number of chemicals being produced in the brain to help with the growth of nerve cells. More importantly, dances that require you to learn certain steps can actually increase your brain power and help to improve your memory skills. Dancing has even been known to help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Specific dances also have certain benefits for your body.

For example, belly dancing helps prevent lower back problems; ballroom dancing helps keep the heart in shape; and salsa dancing helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. All forms of dance however are known to lower your risk of heart disease, help with weight loss, and strengthen the bones and muscles in your legs and hips. Dancing works the muscles and fibers that control posture, according to professional dancer and performance coach Christina Chitwood. These muscles, located around the spine, contract to help you maintain posture.

When you don’t have good muscle tone, the muscles have to work harder to contract, so they get tired more quickly. As a result, you might end up slouching because you can’t maintain your posture. Dancing works the core muscles “stomach and back”as well as the muscles surrounding the spine. As you train, you’ll gain better posture and better muscle tone. Dancing in the Streets produces adventurous free public performances in unexpected places”grain silos, airplane hangers, forts, beaches, parks, rooftops, fire-escapes, grand staircases and in the middle of the street.

If i had to choose my favorite type of dance, i would choose hip-hop. Hip-hop is a dance style, usually danced to hip-hop music, that evolved from the hip-hop culture. Hip-hop includes various moves such as breaking, popping, locking and krumping, and even house dance. Improvisation and personal interpretation are essential to hip-hop dancing. No matter what the media ‘industry’ says or does, music shall always remain a form of art. Even when made solely for the purpose of getting rich, it still needs a source of expression. Every genre has a build-up and then a follow-up.

Every style has its high point. Today we have such a large list of musical genres and styles, that it would be impossible for anyone to listen to every piece of music created even in a hundred lifetimes, let alone one! And that is why we make categories: to find a style that suits us and explore it as much as we can. I think dance is important in physical education because it is fun exercise. Doing the dance unit can help you explore some of your limits and find new friends. Dancing can be hard but fun at the same time. The harder you work the more calories you burn. Dancing works all of you muscles.

It also improves your posture, strengthens your mind, limits your chances for arthritis and heart problems. References http://dictionary.

Reference. com/browse/dance http://www. historyworld. net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories. asp? groupid=1992&HistoryID=ab82>rack=pthc http://www. fitness. com/articles/113/dance_your_way_to_good_health. php http://www. livestrong. com/article/458353-how-does-dance-affect-the-body/ http://www. buzzle. com/articles/different-types-of-music. html http://www. dancinginthestreets. org/ http://rlv. zcache. com/keep_calm_and_dance_on_postcards-rba6b34873158488bb1424cca70897108_vgbaq_8byvr_512. jpg.


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Published: 02.11.20

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