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The dairy products of anne frank composition

1885 thru 1898 Governess to get a Polish family members

1891 Became a student on the Sorbonne in Paris

1894 Studied the magnetic homes of stainlesss steel

1896 Studies the beautiful rays with Be cer al

1898 Pierre connects to her in the study of Polonium and Radium

1900-1906 Teaches Physics at a all young ladies school in Paris.

1903 Awarded important of Physical Science degree from College or university of Paris, france

1903 Shared the Nobel prize in Psychics with Pierre and Bec emergeny room al

1904 Marie selected Pierre when he was employed by the Sorbonne as a professor

1906 Calcul killed within a accident and Marie takes over as a mentor at the Sorbonne

1908 Marie became a complete professor on the Sorbonne

1914 thru 1918 Help handle the injured soldiers of WORLD WARFARE 1

1921 Came to the usa for a visit

1922 Selected to the The french language academy of drugs

1929 Returned to the Us for another visit

Marie Slowdoski Curie in her words.

I was created in 1868 in Warsaw Poland. By 1878 my personal mother died of TB. I then attended private institution in Especially but we were not allowed to speak Polish.

One day the Russian inspector came to be sure that we were learning our lessons in Russian and not the forbidden shine language. When I was asked a question in Russian I answered back in perfect Russian much to the inspectors delight. The inspector didnt realize that I talked German, The english language and France also.

By 1885 through 1898 I was a governess for a Polish family, in 1891 I actually became a student at the Sorbonne in Rome.

I attained Pierre In 1894 at the Sorbonne. They wanted me personally to do a analyzed on the magnet properties of steel.

I did not have got a place to do my examine so a pal introduced me personally to Calcul Curie who have managed a spot where I could do my study. 1895 Pierre and I where married.

1896 My spouse and i Studied the glowing rays in the message blend with my friend Bec er al and in 1897 I Gave the term The airwaves activity. As well our First child was born in 1897, we known as her Elizabeth Ren. Simply by 1898 Pierre joins me personally in the study of Polonium and Radium. In the 1900s

I educated Physics for a most girls university in Rome.

In 1902 to our great joy My spouse and i Isolates Radium, but that same yr my Father drops dead. In 1903 Internet marketing Awarded Important of Physical Science level from University or college of Paris, france and in 1903 I Shared the Nobel prize in Psychics with Pierre and Bec emergeny room al.

1904 Pierre was hired by Sorbonne being a professor and i also decided to go again with him to the Sorbonne. Our second child Event is born

nevertheless our family life last just two even more years, in 1906 Caillou fell in front of a equine drawn lorry and was killed. We am asked to gets control as a teacher at the Sorbonne but it is not until 1908 which i become a complete professor with the Sorbonne. In 1911 We receive the Nobel prize in Chemistry.

1914 thru 1918 I Support treat the wounded military of WORLD WAR 1 ) 1922 I actually am elected to the France academy of drugs and in 1934 I Passes away of Radiation poisoning in France.

Prior to I read this book I actually though Jessica Curie might be a boring person to be. Once i read the publication I found away Marie was not so boring and is pretty exciting

Three thing My spouse and i learned exactly where that Jessica was the smartest girl in her exclusive school, the girl was good friends with Albert Einstein, and she was your only person to receive two Nobel prizes. I recommend this book to anyone just how wants to find out about a grate person. I thought it was an OK book if you like biography.

I dont just like biography therefore i didnt such as this book to much.

1934 Dies of Radiation poisoning in Portugal


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Published: 04.03.20

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