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Importance of international airport security


The crash of TWA Flight 800 put together with increased terrorism in air-ports

had generated more rigid security actions. Anyone who has flown recently offers

discovered that at most airports when you want to get your boarding pass

you should show a picture identification. This same procedure is usually followed when ever

checking your baggage outside the terminal building.

Considering the bombing of the World Towers, the Federal government Building in

Oklahoma City, as well as the bomb seen in Atlanta Americans need to take secureness

for all public places even more seriously. This is also true at airports

where the security measures consumed in other countries, such as Britain and

Israel, are far even more rigid and effective. Given the amazingly increased

numbers of terrorist episodes in the world, it is only prudent to institute

and comply with strict security criteria at all international airports no matter where

they are really located. However, this is not the case.

Most of the security devices being utilized in airfields today are the same as

individuals used in the 1970s when the major concern was hijackings, not terrorist

bombings. These kinds of machines can detect material but they are not able to detect the

sophisticated volatile materials employed in todays community. Even more

frightening is the fact that most of the baggage and email checked pertaining to

domestic routes is not even X-rayed (Fischetti 38).

Flagrant violations by many air-ports even in america have been

uncovered during spot-checks of secureness measures. This kind of paper can

discuss some of the problems identified, the major problem areas, why terrorists

choose their targets and the numerous technological gadgets that could

significantly improve security at all international airports.

The flight that has the very best reputation for security is El Al, the Judio

national air travel. Isaac Yeffet who was overseer of security for El Ing for

half a dozen years was a member of a team that conducted a review of major air-ports

in the world in the late 1980s. The team found vrai abuses and

violations of basic secureness measures in nearly every air-port they went to

including the loading of uninspected baggage that had not even been xrayed

(Barnes 135). The statement was as good known, it is amazing that some of the

same violations discovered more than a decade before still exist today.

Why Terrorists Select Specific Locations

Terrorist acts are typically a response to a specific political or armed service

act (Barnes 132). In recent years, terrorists have got attacked around the

anniversaries from the death of any leader who supported their particular cause (Searle

et. ing. 2). They are for the weakest spots that will likewise create one of the most

fear (Barnes 132). Airports and airplanes are a primary target due to the

large numbers of those people who are placed in jeopardy by their hazards or the

huge numbers who will dies as a result of a bombing. International airports, in many

instances, are convenient targets for a variety of reasons: they are often

understaffed, security personnel tend not to receive enough and recurring

training, devices used to identify possible supplies are outdated

security steps that are set up are not adopted (Searle, ou. al. 2). It

is usually surprisingly simple to gain access to constrained areas in many airports in

the world, including areas that lead straight to the the road where planes are


Security Problems

Airports wherever significant issues with security is found are not

limited to countries where internal turmoil has been present for years neither

are they limited to Asian or Arabian countries although the prevalence is significantly

greater in these countries. For instance, there are routine hijackings and

bomb dangers on the route among Beijing and Taiwan, Chinese suppliers, the security

steps and adherence to these people vacillates between good and poor. Nevertheless other

countries do not put into action appropriate protection measures whatsoever, Athens

Portugal is among those (Strecker 161).

Dulles International Airport is a significant hub in the world. Dignitaries via

all over the world fly in and out of this airport located only twenty-five miles by

downtown Buenos aires, D. C. In The fall of 1997, an area check of Dulles uncovered

several challenges were noticed:

In the luggage claim location a door marked ALERT, No Trespassing

Restricted Place was still left open for more than an hour with not protection

guard present. These kinds of constrained areas will be adjacent to the tarmac

where planes happen to be packed and baggage pots are filled into the aeroplanes.

Anyone could have walked through and grown an exploding device.

If the screening 1 persons carry-on bag suggested a hand search should certainly

be executed, the person in the security check point began to unzip the bag

when the person asked why the hand search was being carried out, the

screener quickly rezipped the tote and let the person move on with out

examining the contents in the bag.

_The reporter doing the study that passes the luggage baggage

checkpoints five times without holding a ticket or being requested his

ticketed. The FAA leaves this choice up to the specific airlines and

airports although Denver, San Francisco and Nyc do not allow unticketed

persons further than the security points.

AT one of the airline ticket surfaces that had been renovated, a location that

potential clients directly to the departure gateway was still left unguarded. A cordon of

construction recording was the just barrier for the area (Stoller 12).

An additional reporter just lately successfully wandered past security guards at

Newarks airport. Newark Airport can be described as hub achievable York City and it is the

13th most popular airport in america. The media reporter was able to get into

various luggage areas through unlocked gates and the just guard this individual saw was

asleep. He was able to walk onto the tarmac and right to a parked airplane. He

was never stopped or asked what he was doing presently there (Fay 1).

Another flagrant violation noticed concerned one other passenger. The

security machine went away when he applied to the system, he became popular his clothing

handed that to the security officer and then went through without the bells

heading off. The safety officer after that handed the passenger his jacket devoid of

having the pouches emptied to get investigation (Fay 2).

The reporter likewise observed luggage that was scheduled for different

international flights neither X-rayed nor hand-searched by any kind of airport

staff. In fact , he found the machines are there in the baggage rooms

nevertheless they were simply not being used (Fay 1).

Checking checked suitcase in the United States is usually not considered very critically.

IN an research, Lane found that the federal government features spent

much more than $200 , 000, 000 in producing technology to detect bombs since the

overdue 1970s but it has not executed baggage testing machines which have been

capable of detecting plastic-explosive bombs like the one that got down Griddle

Am Trip 103 above Lockerbie, Ireland eight years ago (6). Even more alarming is usually

the fact that baggage examined in the U. S. upon domestic plane tickets is hardly ever

screened at all (Fishetti 32, Lane 6) and on international flights, many

airlines only use conventional Xray machines that are incapable of

discovering small amounts of plastic explosives (6).

The most serious problem airports face can be connecting luggage to people.

The most glaring lack in airport secureness in the United States is usually screening

suitcases. There are devices, however , that may do the two but they are expensive.

Security Gadgets Available

There are several hi-tech secureness devices available. For instance, STI has

produced an integrated security and safety system they will call FotoTag. The

program allows businesses and people who are employed in the security sector to track the movements of

visitors, travellers, employees, sellers and suitcases from abfertigung to

boarding and more. The machine requires a LOCAL AREA NETWORK in order to function. FotoTag uses

the latest technology to combine digital images and bar codes. Individuals

are digitally photographed after they check in and is given a security status

while their very own bags and boarding moves are becoming assigned with corresponding

bar codes. The passenger wonderful or her bags then can be verified any kind of time

security train station at the airport terminal. The same method is used to check any other

luggage, cargo and employees (STI 3).

The best X-ray machine available for screening process bags is definitely the CTX-5000 which is

a computer-tomography machine. It will take cross-sectional pieces and combines

them into three-dimensional photos. The process is pretty slow mainly because two

equipment have to operate in parallel fashion in scanning the bags hence the

screeners are able to method only about 400 bags one hour. The cost is usually $1

mil per equipment. OHare international airport in Chicago has two of the 55 machines

which can be currently utilized (Fischetti 43).

Although some businesses are in the process of developing comparable machines

that may cost about 50 % that cost, they are continue to very expensive and this

is the dilemma. Who is gonna pay the retail price?


International airport security is a major matter across the world. A few airports happen to be

safer than others, of course , but it would appear that throughout the Usa

States a number of areas are generally not attended to as carefully as it should be.

Suitcase screening is definitely one of those areas. The technology exists but it really is

high priced and one question that may be often asked is: would it be worth it to pay that

amount of money. Perhaps, the officials requesting this problem should present it

towards the survivors of victims. There can be no doubt of their answer

yes, it truly is worth it.

Works Cited

Barnes, Edward. The Next Bomb: Not any Airport Inside the U. S i9000. Is Safe’ LIFE

(1989): March one particular, pp. 132 138.

Fay, Jim. Terrorism. Computer Sentry, URL:


Fischetti, Draw. Defusing Aircarrier Terrorism. Technology Review, Volume. 100

pp. 38 47.

Lane, Earl Drive Intended for Perfect Security Device Prevents Other Paths.

Newsday, (1996): December nineteen, pp. 6 8.

Searle, Clay, Kempshall, Dick and Hughes, John. Profile Program. PLES

Professional Law Enforcement, (1997): URL: http://www.ples.com/index.html

STI Breezecom Chosen Pertaining to Revolutionary Airport Security System. Software

Technology Account, (1996): The fall of, pp. one particular 3.

Stoller, Gary. Secureness Gets Better, Still Has Faults. USA Today (1997):

The fall of 18, l. 12.

Strecker, Erica, Cross-Strait Air Piracy: Its Influence on ROC-PRC Associations.

(1994): A north american Review, (1994): Vol. twenty-one, pp. 148 171.

reening luggage. You will find machines, however , that can do both but are


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