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Male or female differences in command essay

1 ) What are the strongest parts of the conventional paper? What do you think about are the main contributions to the field of global people management?

The paper alone has a very interesting purpose while using research query of whether ladies leaders are “really totally different from men market leaders. The paper gives a very good advantages in particular giving the literary works review to obtain familiar with some basic knowledge for the topic of gender differences in leadership. The review target combination of stereotypes and ethnic differences challenges out well a new standpoint of the trouble, which has not really been reviewed that widely in preceding research.

Likewise the introduction of the newest notion “stereotype threat, which will actually might be viewed as a partly answer for women sometimes performing less well as they possibly could is a fascinating point to get management concerns in reality. Nevertheless the strongest parts of the paper are evident. The introduction of the newest concept of three paradigms: gender-blind view, gender-conscious view and this perception creates reality are not only the strongest points of the paper, but also in my opinion can also be considered as efforts to the discipline of global people management.

This new paradigms could possibly replace the perception of companies, could be companies will use the instrument of the 3 paradigms to analyse their own structures and be able to improve circumstances for women, giving them more possibilities.

2 . Exactly what the poorest points of the paper? (E. g. What arguments are generally not strong enough? Precisely what is not clear? What is missing? )

Potential disadvantages are that paradigms happen to be introduced, although not sufficiently mentioned within. As well the newspaper gives cases where they can be found, it could possibly show more resistant for their existence apart from summarising and pulling them collectively from older findings. Likewise the conventional paper does not find a better way how to manage selection and to capture it. That manage the combination of cost-effective coordination and senility to local nationalities. Likewise the paper concentrates on only two firms, “Fuel and “Excel, which are different in how they “fill out the paradigms. In my opinion two firms are not enough, more organizations should be reviewed for example within a questionnaire to be able to give even more support intended for the results. Correspondingly the paper is not sold with a focus about multinational organizations, which is extremely important not to rule out in times of the positive effect. The last critique is that the newspaper is unable to response it’s paper purpose issue “what is a real big difference between men and women in leadership.

3. How do the author associated with paper better?

When composing the materials review the could increase the research paperwork and the attained knowledge chronologically and not heading back and on in the study dates. As the newspaper is missing some figures, the technique of speculation could have been applied, a bigger number of companies wondered in survey style while then a quantitative analysis will exist since evidence intended for whether the trouble exists in real life and whether paradigms can be implied in the standard management universe. Also the purpose of perspective of women with this topic will be very interesting and even more expedient. Just how can women perceive the male or female different projects, what would they like as support? Also the paper since already mentioned ought to include a focus upon multinational firms and include those in a research.

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